Lesson 1 The Study of Globalization

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The Contemporary World

The Study of Globalization

Why study the world?
1. First, studying the outside world is a cure to parochialism or an
outlook limited to one’s immediate community. A person who
is concerned only with his family, community, village or nation
is parochial. The parochial person is, thus close- minded.
2. Second, it is important to study the world because it can teach
you more about yourself. Knowing about other countries allows
you to compare your society with others.
3. Lastly, you need to study the world because you will be
studying and interacting with it.

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Agree on the working definition of globalization;
2. Differentiate the competing conceptions of
globalization; and
3. Identify the underlying philosophies of the
varying definitions of globalization.

 Globalization is the increasing interaction of people, states, or countries
through the growth of the international flow of money, ideas, and culture.
Thus, globalization is primarily focused on economic process of integration
that has social and cultural aspects.

 It is the interconnectedness of people and business across the world that

eventually lead to global, cultural, political, and economic integration.

 It is the ability to move and communicate easily with others all over the
world in order to conduct business internationally.

 It is the free movement of goods, services, and people
across the world in a seamless and integrated manner.

 It is the liberalization of countries of their impact

1 protocols and welcome foreign investment into sectors
that are the mainstays of its economy.

 It refers to countries acting like magnets attracting

global capital by opening up their economies to
multinational corporations.
Definitions by Several Authors:
 "Globalization as process by which the people of the world are
incorporated into a single world society." Martin Albrow and
Elizabeth King
 "Globalization as the intensification of worldwide social relations
which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are
shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa."-
Anthony Giddens (The Consequence of Modernity)
 "Globalization as the compression of the world and the
intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole." - Prof.
Roland Robertson (Sociology), 1992, University of Aberdeen

Definitions by Several Authors:
. The best scholarly definition of globalization is provided by Manfred
“the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness
across world- time and world space”
Expansion refers to both creation of new social networks and the
multiplication of existing connections that cut across traditional,
political, economic, cultural and geographical boundaries.
Intensification is the expansion, stretching
and acceleration of these networks.
Global connections are multiplying and becoming
more closely- knit and expanding their reach.

Definitions by Several Authors:
The anthropologist, Arjun Appadurai, different kinds of
globalization occur on multiple and intersecting
dimensions of integration that he calls “scapes”.
1. Ethnoscape- global movement of people
2. Mediascape – a flow of culture
3. Technoscape- circulation of mechanical goods and
4. Financescape- global circulation of money
5. Ideoscape – realm where political ideas move around
Characteristics of Globalization:

Bring the attention of your audience
over a key concept using icons or

You can also split your

Indicators of Globalization:

Nature of Globalization:

Reasons for Globalization:
 Rapid shrinking of time and distance across the globe. One can
easily cross the bridge going to the other side of the market
place due to advance tools of technology than before.
 Domestic markets are no longer rich as a consequence of many
interlocking factors.
 Companies and institutions go global to find political and
economic stability which is relatively good in other countries
than the country of origin

Reasons for Globalization:
 To get technological and managerial know-how of other countries due to
their advancement in science, technology, education, health, and other fields
of discipline.
 To reduce high transportation costs if one goes globally using the advance
tools of communication and information.
 To be close to raw materials and to markets for their finished products
which are not available in the country of origin.
 The creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) had made it possible
in stimulating increased cross border trade. There are other world bodies
like the UN and several arbitration bodies where countries agree.

Thank you.


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