Minor-Talk (1) (1817)

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Minor Course

Audit Course

Extra Credit Course

What is a Minor Course?

 A Minor is a non credit course which you’ll be having in

Sems 3-7
 You’ll have 5 different courses in 5 semesters based on
the discipline you choose
 On your transcript, a Minor will appear as “Major in X
Engineering (Your branch) with a Minor in Y (Your Minor)”
 Minors are allotted on the basis of CPI
Minors Available and commonly taken

 Computer Science
 Maths
 Biotechnology
 Physics
 Electronics
 Design
Factors to consider while choosing a
 Are you capable of handling one extra course every semester apart from the
regular departmental courses?
 If yes then you may consider other factors . Otherwise it is advisable that you
don’t opt for Minor.
 Visit the link given http://intranet.iitg.ernet.in/acad/ for Minor Syllabi and
see which Minor Discipline interests you the most.
 Please be careful not to opt for popular choices if you are not interested.
Again here it is advisable to take an interest oriented approach while deciding
to opt for a Minor.
 If interested talk to seniors who have opted for the same Minor and get all
your doubts cleared, instead of making a blurred decision just based upon
your interests.
Computer Science Minor
Computer Science Minor

 A great boon for placements

 Helps to keep in touch with coding
 Minor in CS is taken as a big plus in your resume
 Some companies are open only for CS Major and Minor Courses
 Fourth Sem course will be key in helping you with Coding for Intern
Season, the rest of the courses aren’t that relevant
 CPI cutoff fluctuates between 8.1 – 8.25
Mathematics Minor
Mathematics Minor

 Maths is fun. Hehe LOL

 Good for those who want to go for MS.
 Contrary to popular belief its not as difficult as MA101, 102 and 201
 Courses on Probability, Scientific Computing are really nice. Help those who
are thinking to go for Quant and Finance profile.
 So, truth is, it’s not a cake walk. Require efforts. But worth it.
 Some companies allow Maths Minor to sit for placements along with Circuital
BioTechnology Minor
BioTechnology Minor

 The syllabus is just a reference …. so do not worry about it.

 The course content is highly flexible and is taught according to the students’
interest, since a small group of students take this minor.
 Grading is chill … but the department is serious about teaching. Professors are
excellent. So just learn with interest and all works well.
 More importantly, the minor offers a gateway to explore various
interdisciplinary domains in biosciences involving electronics, physics,
chemistry, nanotech, computer science, ML/data science.
 You can just start exploring (or even working on) any of the fields. Just talk
to the professors. They are more than welcoming.
BioTechnology Minor

 A minor in biosciences will give credibility if you want to switch streams to

some interdisciplinary field …. Biosensors, Cancer Tech, Biomedical imaging,
Bio-Hacking and Genetic Engineering … look it up!!! …. provided that you
have some research to show.
 If you are going to take up projects, you should familiarise yourselves with
coding and ML/data science. It’s inevitable and beautiful. Embrace it!
BioTechnology Minor

 It’s an excellent minor because of the exposure one gets …. exposure to the
various subjects and the professors.
 Go for it if you are passionate about biosciences and its multi-faceted
applications, and would like to go for innovative research.
 And finally, …. think a step ahead. All fields converge to biosciences. Not only
can you have a great career, but build an excellent tech start-up .
Design Minor
Design Minor

 Can be a help in interviews

 Generally will not make much of a difference
 Can be a help in interviews, will enhance creative insights
 Sem 3 : Course : Product Design
 Instructor : Manoj Majhi, Assignment worksheet everyday (30%), MS (30%) +
ES (40%), No preparation required before the exam, getting AA is easy
 Sem 4: Course :Ergonomics
 Instructor : Urmi Savle *MS (30%) + ES (40%) + PROJECT (30%) *Write notes in
class * Ma'am is not very considerate in giving marks.
Electronics Minor
Electronics Minor

 Unless you wish to switch to Electronics field, it will not help much. A
mechanical guy with interest in robotics can opt for this course
 Equivalent to CS Minor in level of difficulty. Will have to work sincerely
 Just like CS, a EEE/ECE minor is seen as a plus but will not help much in
placements. It just shows the breadth of your knowledge to the recruiter
 Sem3 - EE211M analog circuits. Prof- Nemade, Notes/slides- not provided
Structure- 2quiz+mid+endsem, Attendance – chill, Grading - good...attend
regular classes to score as no slides provided.
 Sem 4 - 213M digital circuits Prof- Arun tej/roy paily Slides- provided,
Structure - daily class quizzes +mid+endsem, Attendance - for quiz you have to
attend otherwise chill, Grading- good with Arun Tej ... Don't know about Paily
Physics Minor
Physics Minor

 Can help if you are interested in intra- department research

 A bit of portion overlap with nanotechnology and semiconductors
 Only take it if you have a deep interest in Physics
Mechanical Minor
Civil Minor
Chemical Engineering Minor
Chemistry Minor
Language and Literature
South and Southeast Asian Studies
Audits and Extra Credit

NSO - No tasks involved, You just have to practice the particular sport you enroll in,
Minimum 23 hours per semester, You will be having NSO sessions 3 days a week. A total of
30 classes with 75% attendance mandatory to pass the course. Each session is of duration
60 minutes.
NCC - Tasks involved : Learning how to parade,Performing March past during
Independence Day and Republic Day. Same Time Commitments as NSO
COS - Tasks involved - ,Cleanliness drives, Cloth collection drive for disaster affected areas,
Paper collection drive, Occasional visit to places like Cancer Hospital and Oldage Homes,
Teaching (If opted for)
Time to be given- Minimum 20 hours per semester
Some of the time can be made up by doing Design and Content Writing work for Social
Service Club events

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