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British food

British Food

• British food has traditionally

been based on beef, lamb, pork,
chicken and fish and generally
served with potatoes and one
other vegetable.

• The most common and typical

foods eaten in Britain include
the sandwich, fish and chips,
pies and roasts dinners.
• Breakfast is normally eaten
between 7 and 9am.

• Most people think that the

typical English breakfast is Eggs,
Bacon, sausages, mushroom,
fried bread and baked beans but
it is not common to have this
every day!

• It is now much more common to

have a bowl of cereal and/or
some toast and a drink of orange
juice or coffee.
• Lunch is normally eaten
between 12 and 2pm.

• Most people eat a

sandwich for lunch
sometimes with crisps,
fruit and a drink.

• In schools children take

packed lunches or eat in
the school canteen.

• Dinner is normally eaten

between 7 and 8 pm.

• A typical British meal for dinner

is Meat and vegetables.

• However it is now more

common to have curry or rice or
pasta dishes.
• Apple Pie

• Custard Tart

• Knickerbocker Glory

• Lemon Meringue Pie

• Mince Pie

• Scone

• Trifle
Sunday Dinner
• Sunday lunch time is a typical time to eat the traditional Sunday
• Traditionally it consists of roast meat, two different kinds of
vegetables and potatoes with a Yorkshire pudding. The most
common meats are beef, lamb or pork; chicken is also popular.
Foods with strange names!
• Bubble & Squeak

Bubble and squeak is made with the

leftover vegetables from a roast
dinner. The main ingredients are
potato and cabbage but other
vegetables can be added.

• Toad-in-the-hole

Consists of sausages in Yorkshire
pudding batter, usually served with
vegetables and onion gravy.
Create a menu
• In pairs you must create a
• It must have 3 courses, each
with 2 choices:
- Starter
- Main course
- Dessert
• You can also include 2 side

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