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Introduction to Public Health

Module # 18
Lecture # 21
Health Care system of Bangladesh and UHC.
Dept. of Public Health
North south University

By the end of this lecture you will be able to:

o Conceptualize
• Structure/organogram of Bangladesh Health System
• Universal Health Care.

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam 1

What is the basic structure of our health care system?

• Health care is split into different sectors – the private, the public,
and the voluntary sectors. Private and public sectors supply
insurance and care to most Americans. In the private sector, 56%
of patients pay for their health care with insurance that they get
primarily through their employer.

Dr.Shaikh Abdus Salam

What is the healthcare system like in Bangladesh?

• Bangladesh has a pluralistic healthcare system.

This healthcare system is highly decentralized. As a result, it is

regulated and controlled by for-profit companies, NGOs, the
national government and international welfare organizations.

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam

Structure of Health system of

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam

Health care System of Bangladesh

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam

Levels of health Care
I. Primary level of health care: Village, Union Parishad,
Upozilla ( Sub-district)
II. Secondary level of health care: District Hospital
III. Tertiary level of health care: Division, Capital city;
Medical College Hospitals etc.
IV. Special health care : Emergency health care, Epidemic,
pandemic, refugee camp etc.

Dr.Shaikh Abdus Salam

Primary Health care in Community

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam

Community Clinic

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam

• Universal health coverage means that all people
have access to the health services they need,
when and where they need them, without
financial hardship

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam

•  UHC means that all individuals and
communities receive the health services they
need without suffering financial hardship.

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam

What are the 3 pillars of universal coverage ?

• The guide aims to share specific tools to help you call on policy and decision
makers to focus on improving any and all of the three pillars of Healthy
systems for universal health coverage - a joint vision for healthy lives (joint
1. service delivery,
2. health financing
3. governance

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam

Dr. Shaikh Abdus Salam

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