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The two step flow of

“Ideas often flow from radio and
print to opinion leaders and from
these to the less active sections of


Peoples choice
Lazarsfeld, Berelson and Gaudet
Ground breaking study
2. Dispelled the myth of direct influence
3. Changed the view on the audience

3 major findings
 Personal contacts are more influential than the media
 Opinion leaders found at every level of society
 Opinion leaders are more exposed to the formal media

decision was a clear unit that could be measured
could locate change as soon as it occured
random sample extracted individuals form social
Improvements to the Design
AIM: to develop a method that can take into account
interpersonal relations, this means both parts of the
advisor/advisee relationship must be include .

Advice givers selected by criteria whether they were mentioned
4 times.

Looked at validity of self designation approach to opinion leaders
This highlighted the oversimplification of the advisor/advicee
dyad this lead to the change in method for the drug study
The drug study

Wanted to take into account the whole structure of the social

Not using a representative cross section. Instead interviewed
everyone in the field which ensured the pairs would be
included in the sample.

Had a more objective framework:

Specific item: drug acceptance
Measure: audit of prescription from pharmacies
sociometric question used to establish social framework and the
integration of individual doctors
The impact of personal influences
• Decatur confirmed the finding that personal influence is
greater than any influence of the mass media.
• Strongest when the primary group all share the same opinion
• Various roles of the media- can inform and reinforce decisions

The flow of personal influence

The selection of leaders is linked to the topic eg politics or
fashion and there is very little overlap

Opinion leaders and the mass media

• Opinion leader on the whole are more exposed and in some
areas more affected by the media
Additions and modifications to the theory:
• Influencer and influenced may switch roles
• Most opinion leaders are influenced by other people
• Interpersonal relations are
5. Channels of information
6. Sources of social pressure
7. Sources of social support

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