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1. Introduction

2. About CIL (Coal India Limited)& MCL (Mahanadi Coal-Fields Limited)

3. Role in the Company

4. What is Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)?

5. What is SAP(Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing)?

6. Use of ERP & SAP at MCL

7. Project Based on ERP & SAP at MCL

8. Conclusion
o The following presentation is on the internship done on ERP 7 SAP in the 8 th semester.
o Currently working as an intern in Mahanadi Coal-Fields Limited (MCL) under Coal India Limited.
o Coal India Limited (CIL) is an Indian central public sector undertaking under the ownership of the 
Ministry of Coal, Government of India.
o Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) is one of the major coal producing company of India. It is one of
the eight subsidiaries of Coal India Limited.
• Coal India Limited (CIL) is an Indian central public sector undertaking under the ownership of the 
Ministry of Coal, Government of India.
• CIL is the largest coal producing company in the world. It produced 536.51 MT (million tonne) coal
during FY 2015–16. Coal India operates through 83 mining areas in 8 states of India.
• CIL produces coal through eight of its wholly owned subsidiaries. These are 
Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL), Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL), 
Central Coalfields Limited (CCL), Western Coalfields Limited (WCL), 
South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL), Northern Coalfield Limited (NCL), and 
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL). Its 8th wholly owned subsidiary 
Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL) provides exploration, planning and
technical support to all the 7 production subsidiaries.
MCL( Mahanadi Coal-Fields Limited):
• Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) is one of the major coal producing company of India. It is one
of the eight subsidiaries of Coal India Limited.
• It has its coal mines spread across Odisha.
• Mahanadi Coalfields Limited was carved out of South Eastern Coalfields Limited in 1992 with its
headquarters at Sambalpur.

Role in the Company:

• Currently working as ERP Assistant in MCL at Lingaraj Project where I get access of the SAP to enter
the details of the production made per shift in the opencast fields.
Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP): 5
• The simplest way to define ERP is to think about all the core business processes needed to run
a company: finance, HR, manufacturing, supply chain, services, procurement.
• At its most basic level, ERP helps to efficiently manage all these processes in an integrated
• It is often referred to as the system of record of the organization.
• Sometimes described as “the central nervous system of an enterprise,” an 
ERP software system provides the automation, integration, and intelligence that is essential to
efficiently run all day-to-day business operations. Most or all of an organization’s data should
reside in the ERP system to provide a single source of truth across the business.
• Benefits of ERP are: Higher productivity. Deeper insights, Accelerated reporting, Improved
• Keep record of the overall business under one database.
• Use data security and access control.
• Generate reports with very few mouse clicks and in less time.
• High security and restricted access control o real time from anywhere according to the needs.
Cloud ERP:
With cloud ERP, the software is hosted in the cloud and delivered over the Internet as a service that
you subscribe to. The software provider generally takes care of regular maintenance, updates, and
security on your behalf. Today, cloud ERP is the most popular deployment method for many reasons
– including lower upfront costs, greater scalability and agility, easier integration, and much more.
On-Premise ERP:
This is the traditional model for deploying software where you control everything. The ERP
software is typically installed in your data center at the locations of your choice. The installation and
maintenance of the hardware and software is your staff’s responsibility.Many companies are
modernizing and upgrading their on-premise ERP systems to cloud deployments.

Hybrid ERP:
For companies that want a mixture of both to meet their business requirements, there is the 
hybrid cloud ERP model. This is where some of your ERP applications and data will be in the cloud
and some on premise. Sometimes this is referred to as two-tier ERP.
SAP(Systems, Applications & Products in Data
• SAP ERP is enterprise resource planning software developed by the Germancompany SAP
• SAP was one of the first companies to develop standard software for business solutions and
continues to offer industry-leading ERP solutions.
• SAP helps companies and organizations of all sizes and industries run their businesses
profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably.
• The company develops software solutions that are used by small businesses, midsize
companies, and large corporations.
• With standard applications, industry solutions, platforms, and technologies, every business
process can be mapped and designed.
• The software collects and processes data on one platform, from raw material purchasing to
production and customer satisfaction.
• MCL uses ERP and SAP for multiple purposes. Some of which are being discussed below:

 Entry of Production Report:

After the end of every shift, production report is provided to the ERP Assistant for the entry of the data to
keep the record of the production made at the end of every shift.
 Entry of Attendance:
Manual attendance list is provided to the ERP Assistant at the commencement of the shift which is to be
uploaded in the server for better knowledge of the manpower in the shift.
 Creation of Process Order:
ERP & SAP provides us with Process Orders which can be describes as an unique number provided to the
different production parameters, which means every production parameter has its own process order and it is
updated every month.
Project Based on ERP & SAP at MCL:
• In ERP, SAP is used to enter the details of the production of the shift so as to make better
understandings of where dumpers and tippers are made to operate.
• Here, I’ve recorded the data given at the end of a shift to enter in the SAP so as to keep the record of
the above.
• There are in total 12 process orders which is to be filled up at the conclusion of the shift.
• The 12 process orders for the parameters include:
1. Department OB(Over Burden)
3. Rehandling (R/H) OB
5. Department S/M Coal Grade13
6. Department S/M Coal Grade12
7. Conventional S/M Coal Grade13
8. Conventional S/M Coal Grade12
9. Conventional Coal Hired
10. Conventional Coal Department
11. Department Reject
12. Conventional Reject
• For the process order mentioned in the number 5,6,7,8 we have to get the averages of the dumpers and
then are multiplying with the amount of coal which has been extracted, the total quantity is generated.
After it has been entered the data is stored in the SAP which is then used to do the Stock Transfer.
• These along with the other 8 process orders are then entered in the SAP carefully.
Some sample of ERP used in MCL: 12
• ERP systems centralize business data, which eliminates the need to synchronize changes between
multiple systems consolidation of finance, marketing, sales, human resource, and manufacturing
• Provides a comprehensive enterprise view islands of making real-time information available to
management anywhere, anytime to make proper decisions.
• Protects sensitive data by consolidating multiple security systems into a single structure.

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