Editted Conscience

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What is coscience?
What kind of conscience
do you have?
The word “ conscience” derives from the Latin CUM (together)
and Scientia, scire (to know).

Conscience is our lived knowledge of good and evil,

our judgement about how we should act,
and our commitment to do so.
*Right and Erroneous Conscience

Right Conscience Erroneous Conscience

-Judge what is good as good -Judge what is bad as good
and evil what is really evil. and vice versa.
Pharisaical Conscience-
This means that a person is “hypocrite”
saying good things, but doing the opposite.

Certain Conscience-
Subjective assuance of the lawfullness of
certain actions to be done or to be admitted.
Doubtful Conscience-
suspends judgement on the lawfullness of an action and
therefore(it is possible) the action should be omitted.
Scrupoulous Conscience-
Constantly affraid of commiting evil.
this conscience is a result of a stubborn character.
Lax Conscience-
Conscience that tends to follow the easy way
and to find excuses for mistakes.
Guilty Conscience-
Disturbed conscience. trying to restore good relations
to God by means of sorrow and repentance.

Inentive, Heartless.
Ways by which our conscience is formed

Through the natural educatio

agents of family upbringing.

Our School Training.

Influence of friends
and social contacts.
Conscience is the gatekeeper of our actions as well as the
sounding board of the results of our actions, even the unintended
consiquences of our actions.
It is maintained & driven by our personal morals & ethics, while it
can also be what informs our morals & ethics.
It can responds to a thought & prevent or even encourage an
action, or it might responds positively or negatively to the result or
aftermath of an action .
Everything we do, wish we did , or wishhadn’t done, is affected by,
or has an affect on, our concience.
Thankyou for Listening!

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