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Social Reformers

Syed Ahmed Braelvi
Haji Shariatullah
Titu Mir
Dadhu Mian
Shah Waliullah 1703-1762:
•Real name was Qutubuddin.
•Father's name was Shah Abdur Rahim, founder of
Madrassa-e-Rahimiya and participated in writing Fatwa-e-
•He went for Hajj in 1724 and returned on 1732.
•In Arabia, he was greatly impressed by the teachings of a
competent and careful scholar Sheikh Abu Tahir Ibrahim.
•He had four sons: Shah Abdul Aziz, Shah Rafi uddin, Shah
Abdul Qadir and Shah Abdul Ghani.
General Statement:
•He worked for the social, economic and political unity of
Muslims and for the revival of Islam.
•He believed that to regain their respect , they should learn
the Quran and Sunnah in depth.
•To achieve this purpose, he translated the Quran into
Persian language. Which was further translated into urdu by
his sons Shah Rafi uddin and Shah Abdul Qadir.
•He wrote 51 books, 23 Arabic and 28 Persians, most
famous work was “Hujjatullah-ul-Baligah (the principles and
fundamentals of Islam)and Izlat-ul-Akhfa (the explanation of
Quran). He also produced work on Fiqah and Hadith.
•He also solved the differences, arose between Shia and
Sunni, by writing the biography of caliphs.
•Secondly, Shah Waliullah emphasis on the principle of Adal
and Tawazzun (justice and equilibrium).
•He also reinforced the economic well being of the peasants
and craftsmen for the sound economy.
•He told them to be fair in their dealings and to develop
habits of hard work, efficiency and honesty in earning their
•He urged traders and businessmen to adopt fair principles
of trade, to stop them from accumulating wealth, interest
and emphasized on the proper distribution of wealth by
increasing zakat and charity.
•Thirdly, he also created political awakening to struggle for
their rights.
•After Aurangzeb, Sikhs, jats and Marathas become powerful
and the invasion of Nadir Shah Persian ruler had brought the
country at the edge of disaster.
•He wrote letters to Ahmed Shah Abdali, the Afghan ruler
and Najib ud dullah, of Najibabad in Bijnor district, to put an
end to the Marathas and it was on his request that Ahmed
Shah Abdali proceeded to India in 1761 and defeated
Marathas in the 3rd battle of Panipat.
Syed Ahmed Shaheed Brailvi and Jihad Movement
•Born in 1786 — Rai Brailvi and died in 1831 – Battle of
•Studied at Madrassa-e-Rahimiya
•Follower of Shah Abdul Aziz (son of Shah Waliullah)
•He joined Pathan military forces led by Amir Khan in 1817
as a fighter and leader in Prayers (Imam)
•In 1821 he went to Makkah with 400 persons to perform
Hajj and returned to India after two years.
•His teachers Shah Abdul Aziz declared the sub-continent as
Objectives of Mujahideen Movement
•He wanted to make the Muslims as the true lover of Islam,
for this purpose he started the Mujahideen Movement.
Objectives of the Mujahideen Movement:
To preach unity of Almighty Allah.
To revive the teachings of Islam and prepare the Muslims
to live according to Islam.
To protect Muslims from unislamic practices.
To protect the Muslims from the worship of other things
except Allah.
To preach Jihad to get freedom from evil force.
 He wanted to eliminate the domination of Sikhs in Punjab
and N.W.F.P.
He started Jihad in the Punjab and N.W.F.P. Shah Ismail
Shaheed along with six thousand followers also joined.
Jihad Movement:
•He started Jihad Movement against the ruler of Punjab,
Ranjit Singh, who had forbidden the call of Azan in some
Mosques and extinguished the religious freedom of Muslims
of the Punjab and NWFP.
Gathering an army of Mujahideen:
On 17/1/1826 he started his journey along with thousands
of Mujahideens.
He reached Sindh via Gwalior, Tonar, Ajmer, and Marwar.
After passing through Afghanistan, he reached Nowshera,
the Khyber Pass and Peshawar in December 1826 and made
Nowshera his headquarter.
Journey from Rai Brailvi to the Nowshera was meant to
enlist the support of the people of these places for his
War against skill forces:
The first battle was fought on 21/12/1826 near Akora,
against Budh Singh, cousin of Ranjit Singh, was defeated and
a large number of Sikhs were killed.
The Mujahideen won the second battle at Hazaro in 1830
and captured Peshawar and Hazaro.
These victories inspired a number of Pathan tribes to join
Jihad Movement and finally the number of Mujahideen rose
to 80,000.
Syed Ahmed Brailvi was given the status of Amir-ul-
Establishment of Islamic rule/state:
Peshawar was declared as an Islamic state with Islamic laws
under Syed Ahmed Shaheed Brailvi.
They started collecting Zakat and Ushr (one tenth) from the
citizens and invested for the organization of Mujahideens.
Opposition to his Movement:
Conspiracies began against Syed Ahmed, Ranjit Singh bribed
Sardar Yar Mohammad and his brother Sultan Mohammad
These Pathan tribal leaders tried to poison Syed Ahmed but
he survived.
This resulted in fighting among the Mujahideens and Pathan
Shifting his headquarter:
Due to this disloyalty he moved further northward and
concentrated his efforts against the Sikhs.
In 1831 Balakot was made headquarters
Arriving at Balakot in April, 1831 he setup his headquarters.
The Sikh leader Sher Singh followed him and the local spied
to Mujahideen’s camps.
End of Jihad Movement:
This led to the Battle of Balakot.
The Muslims fought with heroism but leadership were
martyred on 6th May 1831.
In short the Mujahideen movement failed but this
movement kindled a flame of freedom.
Reasons to the failure of Jihad Movement:
The movement failed due to:
The absence of cooperation between the Hindustani and
Lack of proper funds.
Poor war equipment and training.
The sectarian propaganda
The difference created by Ranjit Singh among the Pathans.
The followers of Syed Ahmed Shaheed completely
disregarded the economic side of life, Zakat was invested on
the army of Mujahideens.
Another factor, the harsh attitude of Syed’s government in
small and ordinary matters.
A woman was awarded punishment of lashes for
The same punishment was given to those who did not say
their prayers regularly.
The pathetic aspect, opposition by the Pathans
The Syed Ahmed had to spend more energy, time and skill
in opposition, rivals and conspirators (the ruler of Balakot)
than the Sikhs.
Haji Shariat Ullah and Fraizi Movement (1781 – 1840)
Born in 1781 and died in 1840 at Shamail village, Faridpur
district in Bengal.
He was the son of an ordinary farmer.
After getting his early education from his village, he went to
Arabia in 1799 to perform Hajj and returned in 1818.
In Arabia he was greatly impressed by the teachings of
Sheikh Abdul Wahab.
He got education from the Madrassa-e-Rahimiya.
He was Eminent Islamic reformer of the Indian sub-
continent during the Mughal dynasty and founder of Faraizi
To relieve Muslims from British and Hindu domination:
•He wanted to purify islam from other customs.
•The condition of the Muslims at his return was pathetic.
•He saw Islam being crushed gradually from Bengal by Hindu
Zamindars and British.
To purify Islamic society from Un-Islamic practices and
•Muslims in Bengal had become superstitious and gone
•Islam was being invaded by Non-Islamic religions,
traditions, customs and cultures.
•Government imposed unnecessary taxes.
•Farmers were not appreciated.
For economic and political revival of Muslims in Bengal:
•British had crushed the Muslims economically.
•They also made them remain illiterate and uneducated.
•Thus, they became politically backward and were unware of
laws and regulations.
•Due to this, Haji Shariat Ullah started this movement in
Reforms of Haji Shariat Ullah:
•He started his movement in 1818 known as the Faraizi
•His movement basically targeted the most depressed class.
•He asked them to give up Un-Islamic customs and practices
and to act upon the commandments of the religion called
Faraiz or duties and its followers were called fariazis or
Twabar Muslims(Tawba or forgiveness from Allah Almighty).
•He forbade singing and dancing at the wedding ceremonies.
•His movement was also directed against the oppression of
the Hindu zamindars.
•He declared the country Dar-ul-Harab.
•He replaced the term Pir and Murid with Ustaad and
Mohsin-ud-Din Ahmed 1819 and 1860:
•Haji Shariat Ullah’s son Muhammad Mohsin-ud-Din Ahmed,
known as Dadhu Mian, succeeded him after his death.
•He popularized and strengthened the movement by
organizing it in a systematic way.
•He had influenced amongst the Muslims of Bakerganj,
Dhaka and Faridpur districts.
•He divided the area into smaller administrative units called
circle and appointed Khalifas who kept him informed.
•Dadhu Mian vehemently opposed the taxes imposed by the
landlords on Muslim peasants for the decoration of the
image of Durgah.
Titu Mir:
•Mir Mithar Ali Nasir Ali (1782-1831), known as Titu Mir of
•After returning from pilgrimage, Titu Mir devoted himself to
the cause of his country.
•Muslim peasants gathered round Titu Mir in their
•The British aiding Hindu landlords sent an army of 100
English soldiers and 300 sepoys to fight against Titu Mir.
•Armed with the bamboo, quarterstaff and Lathi and a few
swords and spears, Titu Mir and his forces could not
withstand the might of modern weapons.
•Titu Mir died fighting the British forces.
Social Reformers
Q1.Why did Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barailvi wish to revive Islam in the sub-
continent? [7] (N2002/P1/1b)
Q2.Why did Shah Wali Ullah wish to revive Islam in the sub-continent? [7]
Q3.Why did Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barailvi have such a major influence on the
revival of Islam inthe sub-continent? [7] (N2003/P1/1b)
Q4.How important was Shah Wali Ullah in the spread of Islam in the Sub-
Continent before 1850? Explain your answer. [14] (N2004/P1/1c)
Or. Was the work of Shah Wali Ullah the most important factor in the revival of
Islam in the subcontinent during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? Give
reasons for your answer. [14] (N2006/P1/1c)
Or. Was the work of Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barailvi the most important factor in
the revival of Islam in the sub-continent during the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries? Give reasons for your answer. [14] (J2008/P1/1c)
Or. Did Shah Wali Ullah contribute more to the spread of Islam than anyone else
in the subcontinent before 1850? Explain your answer. [14] (N2009/P1/2c)
Or. Did Haji Shariat Ullah contribute more to the spread of Islam than anyone
else in the subcontinent before 1850? Explain your answer. [14] (N2011/P1/2c)
Marking Scheme: Explains importance of work of a number of people (to include
Shah WaliUllah for maximum marks). Also produces a judgement or evaluation.
Shah Wali Ullah felt that the Muslims faced many problems because of their
ignorance about Islam and the Holy Quran. He encouraged them to concentrate
on Quranic teachings and helped them by translating the Holy Quran into Persian
which was the main language of the Muslims at that time. His books were
designed to spread the principles of Islam amongst the Muslims.
However he was not the only one who was important in the spread of Islam at
this time. Syed Ahmed Shaheed Brailvi spread Islam through the Jihad
Movement, which was to become an armed struggle to liberate the Punjab and
the NWFP from Sikh rule largely because Muslims were banned from prayer and
had to undergo many humiliations, which made it difficult to practise their
Haji Shariat Ullah spread Islam through the Faraizi Movement which insisted that
Muslims should perform their faraiz (religious obligations). This alarmed the
Hindu landlords who were unhappy with the Muslim practices. A huge group of
followers grew which were called ‘Faraizis’.
Q5.Why did Shah Wali Ullah have such an important influence on the revival of
Islam in the subcontinent? [7] (N2005/P1/1b)
Marking Scheme: Explains reasons
Muslims had deteriorated into being a helpless and disorganised group of people
and if they were to regain their power then strong leadership was required. He
believed they were ignorant about Islam and the teachings of the Holy Quran.
Therefore an emphasis on Quranic teachings would not only improve their
knowledge but produce a feeling of solidarity. He also believed that Muslims’
knowledge of Islam was difficult to gain and so he felt that by translating the
Holy Quran into Persian would enable more people to read it.
Q6.Why was there attempts to revive Islam in the sub-continent during the
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries? [7] (N2007/P1/1b)
Marking Scheme: Explains reasons.
SWU believed that Muslims were ignorant about Islam and the teachings of the
Holy Quran. Therefore an emphasis on Quranic teachings would not only improve
their knowledge but produce a feeling of solidarity. He also believed that
Muslims’ knowledge of Islam was difficult to gain and so he felt that by
translating the Holy Quran into Persian would enable more people read it. SASB
wanted a jihad (Holy War) to restore the Muslim faith. The Punjab was under
Sikh rule and the Punjabi Muslims found it difficult to practise their religion and
were humiliated by the Sikhs. HSU wanted to spread Islam through the Faraizi
Movement which insisted that Muslims should perform their faraiz (religious
obligations). This alarmed the Hindu landlords who were unhappy with the
Muslim practices.
Q7. Was the work of Shah Wali Ullah the most important factor in the revival of
Islam in the subcontinent during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? Give
reasons for your answer. [14] (Specimen 2010/P1/1c)
Marking Scheme: Explains 2 or more factors (SWU to be included for max
marks). Also produces a judgement or evaluation.
SWU felt that Muslims faced many problems because of their ignorance about
Islam and the Holy Quran. He encouraged them to concentrate on Quranic
teachings and helped them by translating the Holy Quran into Persian which was
the main language of the Muslims at that time. His books were designed to
spread the principles of Islam amongst the Muslims. SASB spread Islam through
the Jihad Movement, which was to become an armed struggle to liberate the
Punjab and the NWF from Sikh rule largely because Muslims were banned from
prayer while
other regulations made it difficult to practise their faith. HSU spread Islam
through the Faraizi Movement which insisted that Muslims should perform their
faraiz (religious obligations). This alarmed some Hindu landlords who were
unhappy with Muslim practices. A huge group of followers grew which were
called ‘Faraizis’.
Q8. Why did Shah Wali Ullah have such a major influence on the revival of Islam
in the subcontinent? [7] (J2010/P1/1b)
Marking Scheme: Explains reasons.
Muslims had deteriorated into being a helpless and disorganised group of people
and if they were to regain their power then strong leadership was required. He
believed they were ignorant about Islam and the teachings of the Holy Quran.
Therefore an emphasis on Quranic teachings would not only improve their
knowledge but produce a feeling of solidarity. He also believed that Muslims’
knowledge of Islam was difficult to gain and so he felt that by translating the
Quran into Persian would enable more people read it. Books written influenced
the revival of Islam (examples).
Q9. Source: Generally, Muslims were pleased that Aurangzeb ruled according to
Islam, but it had provoked anger and revolt from other religious groups,
especially the Hindus. After his death Muslim power and influence over India
began to disintegrate. A number of Muslim groups were set up. One of these was
the Faraizi Movement.
What was the Faraizi Movement? [4] (N2010/P1/1a)
Marking Scheme: Candidates might refer to:
Founded by Haji Shariat Ullah, to restore pride of Muslims, revive Islam, remove
Hindu practices in worship, emphasis on praying for past sins, promising to lead a
righteous life in future, alarmed Hindus, work carried on by son.
Q10. Source: By the end of Aurangzeb’s reign the authority of the Mughal
emperors was declining. Hindus were not happy with his reign and after his
death, Muslim power and influence over India, which had been so strong, began
to disintegrate. At this time Shah Wali Ullah was growing up.
Describe the achievements of Shah Wali Ullah in reviving Islam. [4](J2011/P1/1a)
Marking Scheme: Candidates might refer to:
Promoted his message through writings, translated the Holy Quran into Persian
which would enable more people read it, emphasised traditional values of their
faith, stressed the importance of following teachings of Quran, future
developments built upon his teachings.
Q11. Source: As the morale and commitment of Muslims increased it was
inevitable that with the right leadership some Muslims would take part in more
agitation against the British. It was clear that the Muslim identity in India would
continue to gain strength. One such man was Titu Mir.
Who was Titu Mir? [4] (N2011/P1/1a)
Marking Scheme: Candidates might refer to:
A disciple of Syed Ahmed, horrified by sufferings of Muslim farmers in West
Bengal during1830s, organised a stand against zamindars, set up his own rule
near Calcutta with small army, provoked British and killed in battle 1831.

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