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what do you see?
Organizational 4
Behavior /
Organizational 5
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Organizational 6
Behavior /
Organizational 7
Behavior /
Organizational 8
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Organizational 9
Behavior /
Organizational 10
Behavior /
Organizational 11
Behavior /
what is perception?
A process by
which individual
organise and
interpret their
impressions in
order to give
meaning to the
perception is an important factor in human behaviour

• Perceptions vary from person to person.

• Different people perceive different things about the

same situation.

• But more than that, we assign different meanings to what

we perceive. And the meanings might change for a
certain person.

• One might change one's perspective or simply make
things mean something else.
• Perceptual Process Selecting Stimuli
External factors : Nature,
Receiving Stimuli Location,Size,contrast,
(External & Internal) Movement,repetition,similarity
Internal factors : Learning,

Figure Background ,
Attribution ,Stereotyping,
Perceptual Grouping
Halo Effect, Projection
( similarity, proximity,
closure, continuity)

Covert: Attitudes ,
Overt: Behavior
14 Organizational
Behavior /
perception process

• selection of stimuli
• organisation of
• interpretation of
selection of stimuli
• selection is the first process in perception

• the process of filtering information

received by our sense is called selecting

• we are selecting the stimuli through

our senses, like...
• Sight

• Sound
• taste

• smell

• touch
several factors are there which influence
selective attention

• External • Internal

• Nature
• Learning
• Location
• Color • Inner needs
• Size • Age difference
• Contrast • Interest
• Movement • Ambivalance
• Repetition

• organisation is the second stage in the perception

• which helps gain the perceiver’s attention.
• The stimuli received must be organized so as to
assign some meaning to them.
• This aspect of forming bits of information into
meaningful wholes is called the perpetual
• there are three dimentions to the
perceptual organisation
Field-ground differentiation

The tendency to distinguish

and focus on a stimulus
that is classified as figure
as opposed to background.
perceptual grouping

Similarity Proximity
• Perceptual constancy

• Perceptual constancy is one of the advanced forms of
perceptual organization.
• According to this principle, individuals’ perception
of certain elements in objects like
size, shape, color, brightness, and location is constant and
does not change from person to person.
• For instance, even though the picture of an apple is
printed in black and white, we still perceive the color of
the fruit as red.
• Perceptual constancy is enhanced by learning. Learning
helps individuals perceive certain patterns of cues in a
similar way and this leads to perceptual constancy.
• Perceptual Context
• The context of the situation also plays a major
role in shaping the perception of individuals.
• Different contexts convey different meanings
to people.
• For example, if a manager pats his twoyear-old
son, it is considered a sign of love and affection.
However, if he gives an employee a pat on the
back, it is considered a sign of appreciation for
the work done by the employee.
• after the selection and organising the stimuli has to
interpret them in order to make a sensible meaning.

• perceiver cant draw any meaning without

• it is a subjective and judgemental

• perceiver uses his assumption of

people,things,object, and situation.

• he makes attributions,uses his judgemental skills

distorts information,adds/delete information brings
his own subjective feelings,opinion,and emotions,in
interpreting and drawing the measures
• Factors influencing Perception Factors in the perceiver
• Attitudes
• Motives
• Interests
• Experience
• Expectations

Factors in the situation

• Time Perception
• Work Setting
• Social Setting

Factors in the Target

• Novelty
• Motion
• Sounds
• Size
• Background
• Proximity
• Similarity
Attribution Theory

When individuals observe behavior, they attempt to

determine whether it is internally or externally caused.
There are 2 types of attributions that people make:
Dispositional attributions, which describe a
persons behavior to internal factor such as personality
traits, motivation, or ability.
Situation attributions, which attribute a persons
behavior to external factors such as equipment or
social influence from others.
Perceptual errors/distortions
stereo typing
• Stereotyping refers to the generalization of
the characteristics of all members belonging
to a certain group.
• People judge others based on the perception
they have about the group to which these
individuals belong and do not consider the
unique characteristics of the person in question.
• For instance, politicians are considered to
be manipulative and corrupt.
• In the organizational context, stereotyping often
takes place based upon gender, race, ethnicity, etc.
The Halo Effect

• In the halo effect, the perceiver

tends to judge a person depending upon a
dominant trait which can be either positive or
• The various traits could be
intelligence, sociability,aggressiveness, etc.

• The halo effect is generally found in performance

• Often appraisers rate the
performance of employees based on one
particular trait rather than by taking all
aspects into consideration.
Thank you

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