Networks and Communications: BSCS-2

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• The field of networking and

communication includes the
analysis, design, implementation,
and use of local, wide-area, and
mobile networks that link
computers together. The Internet
itself is a network that makes it
feasible for nearly all computers
in the world to communicate.
Computer communications refers to the exchange of data, instructions, and
information between two or more computers or devices. Some communications are
carried out using wires and cables, while others are carried out over the air
Communications systems, as shown in this diagram, include a wide range of
computers and computing devices. You'll need the following for effective
• A sending device that initiates an instruction to transmit data,
instructions, or information. In a communications system, any form of
• A communications device that connects the sending device to a computer or mobile device can send and
communications channel. receive data. Mainframe computers,
servers, desktop computers, laptop
• A communications channel, or transmission media on which the
computers, Tablet PCs, smart phones,
data, instructions, or information travel.
portable media players, and GPS receivers
• A communications device that connects the communications channel all fall under this category. A modem is a
to a receiving device.
communication device that connects a
• A receiving device that accepts the transmission of data, instructions, communications channel to a sending or
or information. receiving device like a computer. Cable
television cables and telephone lines are
two kinds of communication channels.
Network communication, or internetworking, defines a set of protocols (that is, rules and
standards) that allow application programs to talk with each other without regard to the hardware
and operating systems where they are run. Internetworking allows application programs to
communicate independently of their physical network connections.
The internetworking technology called TCP/IP is named after its two main protocols: Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). To understand TCP/IP, you should be familiar
with the following terms:

• Client - A process that requests services on the network.

• Server - A process that responds to a request for service from a client.
• Datagram - The basic unit of information, consisting of one or more data packets, which are
passed across an Internet at the transport level.
• Packet - The unit or block of a data transaction between a computer and its network. A
packet usually contains a network header, at least one high-level protocol header, and data
blocks. Generally, the format of data blocks does not affect how packets are handled.
Packets are the exchange medium used at the Internetwork layer to send data through the

The concept of network layers is a framework in computer science that aids in the
understanding of complex network interactions. OSI and TCP/IP are the two models that are
commonly used nowadays. Although the concepts are identical, the layers in the two models
What are the network layers?
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is still widely used to define network layers. The
International Organization for Standardization, aka ISO, in 1984, created the OSI model. This
theoretical model for networked communication illustrates how networks act inside a seven-
layered, ordered concept. The OSI model isn't tied to a certain protocol suite and can be applied
to a wide range of networking protocols, both old and new.

What Is the OSI Model

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model describes seven layers that computer
systems use to communicate over a network. It was the first standard model for network
communications, adopted by all major computer and telecommunication companies in the early
The modern Internet is not based on OSI, but on the simpler TCP/IP model. However, the
OSI 7-layer model is still widely used, as it helps visualize and communicate how networks
operate, and helps isolate and troubleshoot networking problems.
OSI was introduced in 1983 by representatives of the major computer and telecom companies,
and was adopted by ISO as an international standard in 1984.

There are 7 layers:

1. Physical (e.g. cable, RJ45)
2. Data Link (e.g. MAC, switches)
3. Network (e.g. IP, routers)
4. Transport (e.g. TCP, UDP, port numbers)
5. Session (e.g. Syn/Ack)
6. Presentation (e.g. encryption, ASCII, PNG, MIDI)
7. Application (e.g. SNMP, HTTP, FTP)
 Layer 7 (Application): (e.g. SNMP, HTTP, FTP) Most of what the user actually interacts with is at this layer.
Web browsers and other internet-connected applications (like Skype or Outlook) use Layer 7 application
 Layer 6 (Presentation): (e.g. encryption, ASCII, PNG, MIDI) Performs data translation, compression and
encryption between applications. This layer converts data to and from the Application layer. In other words,
it translates application formatting to network formatting and vice versa. This allows the different layers to
understand each other.
 Layer 5 (Session): (e.g. Syn/Ack) This layer establishes and terminates connections between devices. It also
determines which packets belong to which text and image files.
 Layer 4 (Transport): (e.g. TCP, UDP, port numbers) This layer coordinates data transfer between system and
hosts, including error-checking and data recovery.
 Layer 3 (Network): (e.g. IP, routers) This layer determines how data is sent to the receiving device. It’s
responsible for packet forwarding, routing, and addressing.
 Layer 2 (Data Link): (e.g. MAC, switches) Translates binary (or BITs) into signals and allows upper layers to
access media.
 Layer 1 (Physical): (e.g. cable, RJ45) Actual hardware sits at this layer. It transmits signals over media.
The Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) is older than the OSI model and was
created by the US Department of Defense
(DoD). A key difference between the models is
that TCP/IP is simpler, collapsing several OSI
layers into one:
• OSI layers 5, 6, 7 are combined into one
Application Layer in TCP/IP. Other important differences:
• OSI layers 1, 2 are combined into one • TCP/IP is a functional model designed to solve specific
communication problems, and which is based on specific,
Network Access Layer in TCP/IP – however
standard protocols. OSI is a generic, protocol-independent
TCP/IP does not take responsibility for model intended to describe all forms of network
sequencing and acknowledgement functions, communication.
leaving these to the underlying transport • In TCP/IP, most applications use all the layers, while in OSI
layer. simple applications do not use all seven layers. Only layers
1, 2 and 3 are mandatory to enable any data communication.

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