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The Development of Al Masjid Al Nabawi

Al Haram Al Nabawi Al Shareef

Prepared by Imam Mohammad El Mezain Abu Ibrahim

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Al Haram Al Nabawi Al Shareef

Rasool Allah (PBUH) & Al Khulafaa Al Rashideen (RA) The Original Masjid The First Extension of the Masjid in 7 Hijrah Omar Bin Al Khattab (RA) Othman Bin Affan (RA) Al Walid Bin Abdul Malik Al Mahdi Al Abassi Sultan Qaitbai (Al Mamluki) Sultan Abdul Majeed Bin Murad Al Othmani King Abdul Aziz King Fahd

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The Mehrabs of Masjid Al Nabawi Al Rawdah Al Sharifah Original Minber Original Columns The Sacred Room Al Hujrah Al Sharifah

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Al Madinah Al Munwarrah
Rasool Allah & Khulafaa From 1- 40 Hijri
Number Name The Era of Rasool Allah The Era of Abu Bakr Al Siddiq The Era of Omar bin Al Khattab The Era of Othman bin Affan The Era of Ali bin Abi Talib From 12 Rabi Al Awwal, 1 Hijri 12 Rabi Al Awwal, 11 Hijri 22 Jamad Al Thani, 13 Hijri 29 Thul Hijjah, 23 Hijri 17 Thul Hijjah, 35 Hijri To 12 Rabi Al Awwal, 11 Hijri 22 Jamad Al Thani, 13 Hijri 29 Thul Hijjah, 23 Hijri 17 Thul Hijjah, 35 Hijri 19 Ramadan, 40 Hijri Years

1 2 3 4 5

11 2 10 12 5

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The Original Masjid during 1 Hijrah (622 CE)

Masab bin Umair Location Owners of the Land The Price of the Land

Structure of the Masjid

The Size of the Masjid 35mx30m (LxW) Area 1050 sq. meters Palm trunks as columns Mud bricks 3 Doors

2 Qibla (Bait Al Maqdis & Makkah)


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Al Baqeeh AlBaki Al Rawdah Al Sharifah

Al Salaam

Al Siddiq

Gabriel Gibreel Al Nissaa AlNisa

Al Suffah 1st Exp., Raswool Allah 2nd Exp., Omar bin Al Khattab 3rd Exp., Othman bin Affan Al Rahma

4th Exp., Al Walid bin Abdul Malik 5th Exp., Al Mahdi Al Abassi Abdul Aziz AbdelAziz 7th Exp., Sultan Abdul Majeed Saud


8th Exp., Abdul Aziz


Abdul Majeed


9th Exp., Fahd

The Extension of Al Masjid Al Nabawi1`

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Extension by Rasool Allah (PBUH) in the year 7 Hijrah (628 CE)

Extensions towards the North and West after battle of Khaibar The Masjid became square in shape (50mx50m) Total Area: 2500 sq. meters

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Al Rawdah Al Sharifah

Al Suffah 1st Exp., Raswool Allah

Extension by Rasool Allah (PBUH)

The Extension by Omar bin Al Khattab (RA) in the year 17 Hijrah (638 CE)
Extension towards North, South & West
70mx60m Total Area: 4200 sq. meters Palm trunks as columns New entrance for Women New entrance from the west ( Al Salaam Entrance) Total of six entrances for Al Masjid Al Nabawi

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Al Rawdah Al Sharifah

Al Suffah 1st Exp., Raswool Allah 2nd Exp., Omar Bin Al Khattab

The Extension by Omar Bin Al Khattab (RA)

The Extension by Othman bin Affan (RA) in the year 29 Hijrah (649 CE)
Extension towards North, West & South No Extension to the South after Othman First time Calligraphy & Designs were used on bricks Ceiling made of Indian Wood Sajj Columns made of Iron & Lead and surrounded by bricks Cabin (Maqsourah) built in Mehrab for Othman (RA) after Omar's (RA) assassination
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Al Rawdah Al Sharifah

Al Suffah 1st Exp., Raswool Allah

2nd Exp., Omar Bin Al Khattab

3rd Exp., Othman Bin Affan

The Extension by Othman Bin Affan (RA)

Mehrab Othman

The Extension by Al Walid Bin Abdul Malik in the year 88-91 Hijrah (707-710 CE)
Supervised by Omar bin Abdul Aziz (Amir of Madinah) Extensions towards East, West & North All the Hujuraat of Rasool Allah (PBUH) incorporated into the Masjid Two Ceilings added to the Masjid for more protection and beauty (Height 12.5m) Four Minarets added to the Masjid Introduction of Al Mehrab Al Mujawwaf (hollow semicircle built into the wall for Mehrab) Gold & precious stones added to columns, doors and ceilings Entrances to the Masjid increased to 20 4/13/2012 11:26:07 PM 17 Extended Area: 2369 sq. meters

Al Rawdah Al Sharifah

Al Suffah 1st Exp., Raswool Allah 2nd Exp., Omar Bin Khattab 3rd Exp., Othman Bin Affan

4th Exp., Al Walid bin Abdul Malik

The Extension by Al Walid Bin Abdul Malik

Umhaat Al Momineen
The quarters of the Mothers of the Believers

The First Hollow Arch (Mehrab) built by Omar Bin Abdul Aziz

The Main Minaret

The Extension by Al Khalifah Al Mahdi Al Abassi in yr. 161-165 Hijrah (779-782 CE)
Extensions towards the North only Extended Area: 2450 sq. meters

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Al Rawdah Al Sharifah

Al Suffah 1st Exp., Raswool Allah 2nd Exp., Omar Bin Al Khattab 3rd Exp., Othman Bin Affan

4th Exp., Al Walid bin Abdul Malik 5th Exp., Al Mahdi Al Abassi

The Extension by Al Mahdi Al Abassi

Extension by Sultan Qaitbai (Al Mamluki) in yr. 888 Hijrah (1483 CE)
This extension occurred after the second fire in the Masjid and consequent destruction of the main minaret Extension towards the East Cost of 60,000 Egyptian pounds One ceiling instead of two

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The Green Dome

The Extension by Sultan Abdul Majeed bin Murad Al Othmani in yr. 12601277 Hijrah (1844-1861 CE)
Renovation of entire Masjid at the cost of 750,000 Othmani pounds Extensions towards the North Rebuilt the Green Dome above the grave of Rasool Allah (PBUH) Built 170 Domes (covered with lead) in the original Masjid All the floors were refurbished with marble Gold used for Minber & Mehrabs of Rasool Allah (PBUH), Othman (RA), and Mehrab Sulaymani Calligraphy of the verses of Qur'an and Hadith was added during this renovation Perimeter of the original masjid marked during this 4/13/2012 11:26:07 PM 26 phase

Al Rawdah Al Sharifah

Al Suffah 1st Exp., Raswool Allah

2nd Exp., Omar Bin Al Khattab 3rd Exp., Othman Bin Affan

4th Exp., Al Walid bin Abdul Malik 5th Exp., Al Mahdi Al Abassi 7th Exp., Sultan Abdul Majeed

The Extension by Sultan Abdul Majeed

A view of Al Majeedi building

Inside Al Rawdah Al Sharifa

The North Side of Al Hujrah Al Sharifa

The Green Dome And the Lead domes

The Extension by King Abdul Aziz in yr. 1368-1375 Hijrah (1949-1955 CE)
New extension (12271 sq. meters) Total Area of Al Masjid became 16327 sq. meters Extension towards the East, West & North Umbrellas built in the western side of the Masjid Second biggest extension in the history of the Masjid New entrances added in the Western and Eastern sides The Majeedi part of the Masjid was left unchanged
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Al Rawdah Al Sharifah

Al Suffah 1st Exp., Raswool Allah 2nd Exp., Omar Bin Khattab 3rd Exp., Othman Bin Affan

4th Exp., Al Walid bin Abdul Malik 5th Exp., Al Mahdi Al Abassi 7th Exp., Sultan Abdul Majeed

8th Exp., Abdul Aziz

The Extension by King Abdul Aziz

King Abdul Aziz Extension

Al Salaam And Al Rahmah Entrances

The Extension by King Fahd in yr. 1405-1414 Hijrah (1984-1994 CE)

This is the biggest extension in the history of Al Masjid Al Nabawi New Extension: 82,000 sq. meters Al Masjid Al Nabawi has a capacity of 650,000 worshippers The masjid can accommodate up to one million worshippers in the Ramadan & Hajj seasons
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The Extension by King Fahd in 1405-1414 Hijrah (1984-1994 CE)

The areas of Al Haram Al Nabawi
Al Masjid The Roof 98,500 sq. m 67,000 sq. m

The Open Area 235,000 sq. m around the Masjid Total Area of Al 400,500 sq. m Haram
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The Largest Extension by King Fahd

The Extension by King Fahd in 1405-1414 Hijrah (1984-1994 CE)

The Minarets of Haram Al Nabawi
Total Ten Minarets
Original Minaret (44.64m) Al Salaam enterance Minaret (38.65m) Two original minarets renovated to match the six new (104 m)

New prayer area for the women

Northeast corner: 16,000 sq. m Northwest corner: 8,000 sq. m Entrances for women: 13,14,16,17,23-26,28-30
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The New Minarets of Al Masjid

The Minarets of Al Masjid Al Nabawi

Minarets of Al Masjid Al Nabawi

The Extension by King Fahd in yr. 1405-1414 Hijrah (1984-1994 CE)

Entrances and Gates
The Original Masjid gates
Al Salaam, Abu Bakr Al Siddiq (RA) & Al Rahmah (West) Al Baqeeh, Gabriel (AS) & Al Nissaa (East)

85 entrances The Seven main gates

King Abdul Aziz & Ali bin Abi Talib (East) Othman bin Affan (RA), King Fahd & Umar bin Al Khattab (RA) (North) Sultan Abdul Majeed & King Saud (West)
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The Seven Main Gates

Gate And Minaret of Al Salaam

Gate of Al Baqeeh

One of The Main gates

Doors Of Al Masjid Al Nabawi

The Extension by King Fahd in yr.1405-1414 Hijrah (1984-1994 CE)

8 Escalators 18 Stairs Additional service stairs

Parking Lot (290,000 sq. m)

2 Floors Capacity: 4500 cars

General Services Located in the Basement (82,000 sq. m) Health Services, Sound System, Mechanical, Electrical, Broadcasting, Air-conditioning, Water System, & Sewage 690 cold water fountains Water coolers within the Masjid contain Zamzam 3,500 restrooms 6,800 stations for wudhu
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A Utility Service Station

The Extension by King Fahd in yr. 1405-1414 Hijrah (1984-1994 CE)

The Columns of Al Masjid
First Floor
2,104 columns in new extension 5.6m high & 6m or 18m apart 3,812 arches 12.55m height of the ceiling

Basement (For General Services Only)

2,554 columns 4.1m high

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The New Columns

Columns of the original Masjid

Columns of Al Majeedi Building

The Extension by King Fahd in yr. 1405-1414 Hijrah (1984-1994 CE)

Electrical Domes
27 new electrical domes in the new extension 18mx18m with total area 324 sq. m 7.35m radius Height from ground: 16.65m Weight: 80 tons (2.5kg Gold in decorations)

New Umbrellas
12 electrical umbrellas
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The 27 Electrical Domes

Electrical Domes

The Green and Electrical Dooms

Electrical Umbrellas

Electrical Umbrellas (Folded)

The Mehrabs of Masjid Al Nabawi

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Towards Bait Al Maqdis (first Qibla) Al Mehrab Al Nabawi Al Mehrab Al Othmani Mehrab Al Tahajjud Mehrab Fatima Al Mehrab Al Hanafi (Sulaymani Mehrab) The Place of Al Suffah (70-700 Sahabi)

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The First Qibla Bait Al Maqdis


Al Mehrab Al Nabawi

Al Mehrab Al Othmani

Mehrab Al Tahajjud

Mehrab Fatima

Al Rawdah Al Sharifa
Al Rawdah Al Sharifa
Hadith Abu Hurairah (RA) Between my home and my Minber is a garden of the gardens of paradise

The Area of Al Rawdah Al Sharifa

22mx15m A different carpet marks the area The perimeter is also marked on the columns
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Al Rawdah Al Shareefa

The Original Minbers

Palm Trunks The Minber to the West of the Mehrab
3 steps

Swearing near the Minber Number of steps of the Minber increased to nine during the Khilafah of Muawiah The present Minber is from Sultan Murad Al Othmani (998 Hijrah)
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Minber Rasool Allah (SAW)

Original Columns
Al Ustawanah (the Column) Al Mukhallaqah Ustawanah Ayeshah
Al Qurah Raffle Al Muhajereen

Ustawanah Abi Lubabah

Al Tawbah

Ustawanah Al Sareer (The Bed) Ustawanah Al Muharras (The Guards) Ustawanah Al Wufood (The Delegations)
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The Columns of Al Rawdah Al Shareefa

Al Ustowana Al Mukhallaqah

The Columns of Al Sareer, Al Muharras, and Al Wufood

The Sacred Room (Al Hujrah Al Sharifah)

Death & Burial of Rasool Allah (PBUH) Death & Burial of Abu Bakr (RA) Death & Burial of Umar (RA) Descriptions of the Graves The Fourth Grave Renovation of the sacred room Five sided Polygon The Green Dome

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The Graves of Al Rasool (PBUH), Abu Bakr (RA) and Omar (RA)

The Graves of Al Rasool (SAW), Abu Bakr (RA) and Omar (RA)

Visiting Al Rasool (SAW)

Gate And Minaret of Al Salaam

The Green Dome

May Allah (SWT) Accept Your Visit To Al Masjid Al Nabawi

Thank You For Listening
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