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* Expression of Warning

An utterance to make the hearer knows that something

bad and dangerous will happen to him or her.
* Situations:

A teacher approaches a
student and warns him
that if he continuously
skips the class, he will
surely fail the subject.
Teacher : Rico, have you submitted your assignment?
Rico : Sorry mam, I haven’t finished it yet.
Teacher : well…you must submit it today, at least before the
school over.
Rico : but I can’t finish it today mam because I left my
book at home.
Teacher : Sorry Rico I don’t accept any excuses. I warn you
to pay more attention to your duty
at school.
Rico : Ok mam I’ll do my best.
Teacher : it is the last chance that you have to make your
grade up, and don’t skip the class.
Rico : I promise to study hard especially in your subject
Teacher : Ok Rico, keep your words.
Answer the following questions based on the conversation above:
1. Why did Rico refuse to collect the assignment today?
2. What did the teacher say to warn Rico when he said that he
hasn’t finished the assignment?
3. Why didn’t the teacher accept any excuses from Rico?

4. Rico is a diligent and clever student in his class (T/F)
5. The teacher warns Rico to hand in the assignment
today before the school over (T/F)
Policewoman : Good morning, Sir. May I see your driving
A man : Good morning. Here you are.
Policewoman : You just broke a traffic regulation on Siliwangi
A man : Did I ride my motorbike too fast?
Policewoman : No. But you didn't read the traffic sign when
turning right. You must not enter this street before
10 a.m.
A man : Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see it, because I am in
a hurry.
Policewoman : Okay. Go ahead with your motorbike. But you
should sign the traffic ticket. Then your driving
license must be left here.
A man : Alright Ma'am. I'm sorry for my fault. It won't
happen again.
Answer the following questions based on the
dialogue above.
1. Why did the policewoman stop the man?
2. What did the policewoman say to warn the man?
3. Why must the man sign the traffic ticket?


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