26-Waste Disposal-03-03-2023

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Basics of freshwater utilization

Industrial customer

Major consumers of water in industries

 Cooling water
 Water for energy
 Process water
 Water for products
 Disposal of waste
Rapid industrialization
Advanced wastewater treatment (AWT)

Advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) refers to those

additional techniques needed to further reduce suspend and
dissolved substances remaining after secondary treatment.
It is also called tertiary treatment. Secondary treatment
removes 85% to 95% of BOD and TSS and minor portions of
nitrogen, phosphorous , and heavy metals. The purpose of
AWT is to improve the effluent quality to meet stringent
effluent standard and to reclaim waste water for reuse as a
valuable water resources.
Different types of wastewater reuse &
The proper disposal of treatment plant effluent or reuse requirements is
an essential part of planning and designing wastewater treatment
facilities. Different methods of ultimate disposal of secondary effluents
are discussed as follows.
a) Discharge into surface water
b) Irrigation
c) Aquaculture
d) Industrial Uses
e) Municipal Uses
f) Recreational Lakes
g) Natural Evaporation
h) Groundwater Recharge
Need for advanced wastewater treatment
 The need to remove organic matter and total suspended solids beyond
what can be accomplished by conventional secondary treatment processes
to meet more stringent discharge and reuse requirement.
 The need to remove residual total suspended solids to condition the
treated wastewater for more effective disinfection.
 The need to remove nutrients beyond what can be accomplished by
conventional secondary treatment processes to limit eutrophication of
sensitive water bodies.
 The need to remove specific organic (e.g., heavy metals) and organic
constituents e.g., MBTE (Methyl tert-butyl ether) and NDMA (N-
Nitrosodimethylamine) to meet more stringent discharge and reuse
 The need to remove specific inorganic (e.g., heavy metals, silica) and
organic constituents for industrial reuse ((e.g., cooling water, process
water, low pressure boiler makeup water, and high-pressure boiler
Typical residue constituents found in secondary effluents
Residue constituents Effects
Inorganic and organic colloidal and suspended solids
a) May cause sludge deposits or interfere with
Suspended solids receiving water clarity
b) May impact disinfection by shielding
Colloidal solids May affect effluent turbidity
Organic matter a) May shield bacteria during disinfection
(particulate) b) May deplete oxygen resources
Dissolved organic matter
Total organic carbon May deplete oxygen resources
Refractory organics Toxic to humans, carcinogenic (benzene, phenols etc.)
Volatile organic Toxic to humans, carcinogenic. Forms photochemical
compounds oxidants (benzene, ethylene glycol, formaldehyde)
Pharmaceutical Impact aquatic species (eg. endocrine disruption)
Surfactants Cause foaming and may interfere with coagulation
Typical residue constituents found in secondary effluents
Residue constituents Effects
Dissolved inorganic matter
Increase chlorine demand
Can be converted to nitrates and in that process may deplete
Ammonia oxygen
With phosphorous may led to undesirable aquatic growth
Toxic to fish
Nitrate Simulates algal and aquatic growth
Can cause methemoglobinemia to infants (blue baby)
Simulates algal and aquatic growth
Phosphorous Interfere with coagulation
Interfere with lime soda softening
Calcium and Increase hardness and TDS
Chloride Imparts salty taste
Total dissolved solid Interfere with agricultural and industrial process
Bacteria May cause disease
Protozoa, cysts and May cause disease
Viruses May cause disease
Unit Operations and Processes for Advanced
Wastewater Treatment
Suspended Colloidal Organic
Residual Constituents TOC VOC
solids solids matter
Filtration √ √      
Reverse Osmosis √ √ √ √ √
Electrodialysis √ √ √ √ √
Adsorption √ √   √ √
Air stripping         √
Ion Exchange √ √   √  
Advanced Oxidation Process √ √

Distillation √ √ √ √ √
Chemical Precipitation √ √   √  

Chemical Oxidation     √ √  
Unit Operations and Processes for Advanced
Wastewater Treatment
Residual NH3 NO3 PO4 Protozoa &
TDS Bacteria Viruses
Constituents cysts
Filtration     √   √ √  
Reverse Osmosis √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Electrodialysis √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Adsorption           √  
Air stripping √            
Ion Exchange √ √   √   √  
Distillation √ √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √
 ZLD was initially developed for power plants in USA and later
was implemented globally. In a early 70’s, increased salinity of
the Colorado river, created the need to impose ZLD.
 First ZLD installed was of 114-454 m3 / hour, based on
evaporation / crystallization.
 Worldwide construction of ZLD plants represent an average
of 200 million USD of investment annually.
 Countries like India, China, where water is scarce and
industrial water recovery ratio is vey low, are potential
candidates of development of ZLD solutions.
Zero Liquid Discharge
 Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) refers to the recycling and
treatment process in which the plant discharges no liquid effluent
into surface waters, completely eliminating the environmental
pollution to water bodies.
 Zero Liquid Discharge refers to installation of facilities and
system which enables industrial effluent for absolute recycling of
permeate and converting solute into residue in the solid form by
adopting method of concentration and thermal evaporation.
(CPCB Draft Guidelines, January, 2015.)
 ZLD process makes effective use of wastewater treatment,
recycling, and reuse, thereby contributing to water conservation
through reduced intake of fresh water.
Zero Liquid Discharge
Schematic illustration of (A) thermal and (B) RO-incorporated ZLD systems.
Incorporation of RO, an energy-efficient technology, into ZLD reduces the volume of
wastewater entering the brine concentrator, which consumes much higher energy per
volume of treated water than RO.
Drivers of ZLD
 Environmental regulation on discharge of specific solutes (salt,
toxic elements, nitrate‐nitrite etc);
 Water scarcity/water stress growing world‐wide along with
still negligible rate of waste water recycling;
 Economics: recycled water becomes more affordable as the
water supply from conventional sources becomes more
 Growing social responsibility and education towards
awareness of environmental issues
 While ZLD cost is high in most cases, it might be a more
economic solution when waste needs to be transported in large
volumes over long distances
Challenges for ZLD

 Very high cost (both CAPEX and OPEX).

 Technical guidance not available.
 Custom‐design on case‐to‐case basis and hence
technology selection is big challenge.
 Difficulty in dealing with very complex streams (e.g.,
 Need of integration of suitable technologies to
achieve reduce, recycle, recovery and reuse.
Current and Potential Markets for ZLD
1. Treatment and recycling of industrial waste effluents
 Power  Pulp and paper
 Petroleum and petrochemical  Coal mining
 Synthetic fuels  Fertilizer
 Primary metal processing  Solid waste (leachate and
 Oil refining secondary sewage effluent)
 Steam Assisted Gravity  Battery manufacturing
Drainage (SAGD) heavy oil  PVC manufacturing
recovery  Uranium mining
 Microelectronics  Coal liquefaction
 Chemical  Ethanol production
 Cogeneration
2. Tertiary treatment of municipal waste effluents
3. Inland desalination…
Outlook of Global ZLD
 Efforts continue to find alternatives to energy ‐intensive
evaporator/crystallizer systems.
 Hybrids systems with increased recovery are and will be the
dominant approach
 Progress is being made in lowering capital costs; a total
installed cost factor is down from 5 to 1.8 ‐2.
 “… industry analysts predict a cumulative annual growth rate
for recovery/ reuse systems in excess of 200% over the next
decade, of which a significant portion could be accounted for by
ZLD capacity. … The economic and regulatory climate is such
that ZLD or near zero discharge is going to continue to grow
rapidly…” [G. Cope, “From zero to hero”,

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