Topic1-Introduction To Graphic Design

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Chapter 1:

Introduction to Graphic Design

Introduction to Graphic Design

• History of graphic design

• Basic
Principles in Graphic
• The
application of graphics in
The Definition of Graphic and Graphic Design
• Graphic
-Derived form Greek (Grapikos)which means the ability to
write and draw

-An information or display that consists of drawings, figures,

symbols etc to express an idea. For example: drawing or
figures shown in certain pages in magazines, books etc
(Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua) & drawing, pictures or images
on a computer screen, paper, film or other intermediate
display (Kamus Komputer)

-Analogical pictures (not photographic) two-dimensions to

express some information
• Graphic Design
-art about communication

-visual form creation process

-visual communication process which
combines text and illustration which form logo,
graphic, poster pamphlet, book cover, bulletin and so on

-graphic that can be explained through

advertising, printing, publication and digital billboard
The evolution of graphic
• Started around 15000-1000 B.C. when Romans use drawings on
the cape’s wall as visual language

• At 1880s, the first newspaper , use a lot of graphic element and

include photographic element.

• Coloured posters also started to be disseminated around Euopes

and US.

• The evolution of technology nowadayas has increase the

development of graphic technology and no longer limited to
printing form.
Graphic includes:

◦ Drawings

◦ Charts

◦ Graphs

◦ Posters

◦ Cartoon

 Plain or coloured

 Combination /
arrangements of lines
or dots to illustrate
certain concepts

 A group of figures to
show complex events/
things that happened
in particular time

 Involves

 Visual illustration on a
set of data that
explains changes on
the data set

 Drawings or printing
that combine the lines,
letters and colours in a
visual presentation to
display certain
message or
information – as a
motivation, safety
warning, health etc

 Famous graphic
format- universal,
attractive and able to
influence people,
precise information
Graphic Area
6 design;
 corporate
 billboard
 Public publication
 Wrapper
 signboard
 Digital media
Basic Principle

everyone has the ability to produce perfect

graphic design that fit the situation

The basid principle of graphics can be divided

into 5 division:
1. Planning
2. Illustration preparation
3. Colour
4. Letter
5. Presentation
1. Planning
◦ Objective

◦ First, start with a rough drawing on the idea that

contain the arrangement of components or
contents that will be used
 The characters of graphics that potentially be used
◦ Combination of elements
◦ Main visual
◦ Balancing the formalities
◦ Colour

 A good graphic presentation normally consists of

big and short font
2. Preparing the illustrations
◦ Starts to draw or;

◦ Modifying other illustration:

 Combine pictures
 Technique of making the image bigger
3. Colour
◦ Add validity or precision of used images

◦ To show the similarity or differentiation on a


◦ To create the emotions because people response

differently towards colours.
 Blue, green, purple: cold colours, calmness or

 Red dan orange: hot colours, display angriness,

conflicts, panics or danger.

 Hot colours will attract more than cold one.

 Suggested scheme of colours
Latar belakang Elemen/Visual Utama
Putih/ white Merah, hijau, biru, coklat, ungu
Kuning/ yellow Merah, hitam, biru, coklat, hijau
Biru/blue Kuning, coklat, ungu, hitam, biru tua, merah
Biru Tua/dark blue Merah, hijau, kuning, putih
Hijau muda/light Coklat, merah, hitam
Merah tua/dark red Putih, kuning
Coklat muda/light Hijau, biru tua, merah tua, hitam
Coklat tua/dark brown Putih, kuning, hijau muda
Kelabu muda/light biru tua, merah, hitam
Hitam/black Putih, Merah, biru muda, hijau muda, kuning
primer/ main: yellow, blue, red

secondary: mix of primer colour

- yellow+blue= green
- red+yellow= orange
- blue+red=purple

tertier: mix of secondary

Psychology and colours
 Colours can solve problems

◦ Relieving from headache- red

 Increase blood circulation and adrenalin

◦ Release stress- blue

◦ To avoid insomnia- pink
 Create comfortable, romantic atmosphere

◦ Cheering up – orange

◦ Feeling exhaust? – green

 Positive affect in immunization system and
harmonizing body
4. letters/fonts
◦ Size
◦ Spacing
◦ Contrast
◦ Fonts type
5. Presentation
◦ Consider technical issues

 How graphic can help?

◦ audience & suitability (to display information)

◦ Objective
◦ cost
◦ Expertise (technical)
Application of Computer Graphic

 The industry of graphic computer has evolved

rapidly due to its ability to increase

 Project management, publications, business,

architecture, aerospace, engineering etc.

 The graphic computer also been used in the car

modelling etc.
Application of graphic in admin and management
 Information can expressed precisely and consistent
rather than text.

 Graphic can be used to stress on important point.

 i.e. advertisement, paperwork presentation, and

company reports.

 Increase productivity, effective cost and time


 “A picture is worth than a thousand words”

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