Raman Pollution Presentation

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Presented by – S. SriRamasharma
• What is Pollution?
• Types of pollution
• Water pollution (causes/effects/solution)
• Noise pollution (causes/effects/solution)
• Air pollution (causes/effects/solution)
• Conclusion
• Pollution is the introduction of substances or energy (such as light or heat) into the natural environment in amounts or
concentrations that can be harmful for humans, animals, and plants.

• Nowadays people act without thinking the consequence, we all know how to protect the environment.....but why don’t we do it?

See that Earth?

Its our home...
So we must keep it and
protect it!
Types of Pollution

Common types of
Water Pollution
• Water pollution is the contamination of water environments like oceans, rivers, lakes
or groundwater.
Causes Of Water pollution
• By nature
• By Human
• Mining
• Industrial waste
• Sewage
• Chemical fertilizers
• Urban Development
Effects of Water pollution
• Effects on humans
• Effects on animals
• Effects on plants
• Diseases.
Solutions to the water pollution problem
• Responsible use of fertilizer and pesticides.
• Discourage firms from disposing their trash in rivers, lakes or oceans.
• Replace fossil fuels by renewable energies
• Reduce meat consumption
• Convince people
Noise Pollution
• Noise pollution, which is also referred to as sound pollution, can be
defined as the spread of noise which causes adverse effects on the
environment, including humans and animals.
Causes of Noise Pollution
• Urban planning
• Public transportation
• Event
• Children
• Thunders
• Alarm system
Effects of Noise pollution
• Stress
• Annoyance
• Hearing Problem
• Brain damages
• Sleeping issues
Solutions to the noise pollution problem
• Turn off electronics
• Close window
• Plant trees
• Electric cars
• Earplugs
• Headphones
• Be social
Air Pollution
• Air pollution can be defined as the introduction of excessive quantities of
substances, gases, particles or biological molecules into the earth
Causes for air pollution
• Dust
• Industries
• Volcanoes
• Aircraft
• Vehicles
Effects of air pollution
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Lung diseases
• Cancer
• Acid Rain
• Global warming
Solutions to the air pollution problem
• Changes in energy consumption behavior
• Reduce the use of cars
• Reuse and Recycle
• Use of energy- efficient devices
• Tree

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