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Is it a Nation or a State?
The Difference
A Nation is...

A cultural grouping Can exist without a

of people state
A State is...
A politically
organized body of Can not exist without
people usually a nation but may have
occupying a definite many nations
of the State
The Four Essential Elements
• Citizens that belong and reside in the territory of the state
• Diverse, but generally classified as Male and Female
• No requirement to the number of people that should
compose a state
• Fixed portion of land of the state
⚬ Terrestrial Territory refers to land surface.
⚬ Aerial Territory refers to air space.
⚬ Fluvial Territory refers to the bodies of water
• The agency of which the will of the State is
formulated, executed, and enforced
• There are different forms of government.
• Refers to the supreme power of the state to command
and enforce obedience to its will from people
• There are different types of sovereignty.
Point Made!

A Nation A State
Only has two Needs all four
elements of the elements of the
state. state.
Nation Vs. State
Nation State
A cultural or ethnic concept A political and legal concept
A grouping of people that essentially A politically organized body with all
belong to the same ethnic group essential elements of the state
Can exist without a state Can not exist without a nation
• People or Population Four Essential
• Territory
Elements of the
• Government
• Sovereignty
End of Lecture

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