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Yale University, private 

university in New Haven, Connecticut, one of the Ivy

League schools. It was founded in 1701 and is the third oldest university in the United
Yale is made up of the original
undergraduate college and the
Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, along with 12 separate
professional schools.
The main library is enormous,
containing 15 million works, making
it the third largest academic library in
America. A campus of over 1000
acres is supplemented by many other
nature preserves and other properties
off the main campus.
Applicants from all over
the world dream of going
to Yale University - one of
the oldest universities in
America. There are no
clear specialties - students
independently choose the
disciplines to study.
Students are required to
choose subjects among
educational areas (art,
humanities, technical
sciences) and among skills
(logic, learning foreign
Yale town is considered the most beautiful among all the universities in the world. Public
transport runs on the territory of the university, and its work does not stop almost round the clock
- this is convenient for students who spend a lot of time in libraries in preparation for scientific
research. The libraries are open until the morning.
The cost of studying at Yale
University is about $ 40,000
per year for education and
another about $ 25,000 per
year for food,
accommodation, literature
and other related expenses.
Yale’s graduates have
included U.S.
Presidents William
Howard Taft, Gerald
Ford, George H.W.
Bush, Bill Clinton, and
George W. Bush; Civil
War-era leader John C.
Calhoun; theologian
Jonathan Edwards;
inventors Eli Whitney
and Samuel F.B.
Morse; and
lexicographer Noah

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