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“The reasons for my choice of study.”


1. Introduction
2. The reason for my choice of studies
• Job security
• Family situation
• Opportunities for independence
• Final decision-making
3. Conclusion

After years of employment in aviation and customer service industry, due
to unfortunate coronavirus pandemic, I was left unemployed.

1 How to manage this situation? Accept an office job? Unfortunately I do

not have the necessary qualifications.

Decision has been made to study something that I have been passionate
about for a long time! Bachelor Degree in Computer Science!

Job security
Job security is one of the most important things in people lives!

Looking for a job during the world pandemic made me realize that in
2 order to find secure position with opportunity to grow, I need to obtain a

Today’s economy situation shows us that job security is more rare than
ever before. Therefore to make sure the future position will be secured I
need to invest into my knowledge and education!

Family situation
After finishing my career in aviation I took a part-time job and enrolled
at IUBH.

2 Unfortunately, my family income situation does not allow me to stay

unemployed and focus on studies full time. But no matter how
challenging it might get, I am confident that it is right decision!

I am grateful that with the modern technology, I have the opportunity to

do distance-learning.

Opportunities for independence
With steady growth in technology and computers, a computer science
degree is a solid choice for people who seeking independence.

2 Computer science degree is an area of study that may lead to

opportunities to work in a home office.

Final decision-making
Being unable to find a secure job during the pandemic crisis, I have
made a final decision to start my distance learning at IUBH.

2 My part-time job allows me to schedule my studies in an efficient way. I

UBH gives me the opportunity to study regardless of my location, at my

own pace and time.

The first impression from the course content is very engaging and

3 However, the biggest challenge, on my opinion will be good time

planning and self-discipline.

Since this has worked very well with me so far, I will continue to
combine my distance-learning and part time job!

Thank you for your attention!

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