Writing Task 2 To Be Edited PWP

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Formal essay
Write an essay in response to a statement or


- Write an essay in a formal style

- Recommend you spend no more

  than 40 mins.

- Write over 250 words.

- Worth 60% of your total writing marks.

1) Agree or Disagree
2) Advantages and Disadvantages
3) Two-Part
4) Causes and Solutions to a Problems
5) Discuss both sides (and give your opinion)

1) Agree or It is now possible to order almost any item over the Internet and have it delivered to one’s
Disagree home. As a result, people are no longer patient or careful in their shopping habits.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The readers or directors of organizations are often elderly people. However, some say
that young people can also take the lead of organizations or companies.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspaper of books because they will be able to
read everything they want online without paying.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people believe that modern technology, such as internet and smartphones, create
more problems than it solves.
to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

A big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.

Do you agree or disagree?

2) Advantages and
In the past employees worked for small businesses, but now many are working for large
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

In the 20th century, contact between many different parts of the world has develop rapidly
through air travel and communications.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

More and more people are moving away from where their friends and family live.
Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

In the past when students did a university degree, they tend to study in their own country.
Nowadays, they have the opportunity o study aboard.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

Many companies require employees to wear a uniform to work.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

3) Two-Parted Success is often measured by wealth and material professions.
Do you think wealth is the best measure of success?
What makes a successful person?

In education and employment, some people work harder than others.

Why do some people work harder?
Is it always a good thing to work hard?

Successful companies use advertising to make more sales.

What can make an advertisement affective?
Do you think advertising is a bad thing or a good thing for society?

The internet is a great source of information and has opened up opportunities for people
to learn all around the world.
Is all information available on the internet?
What could be done to control information online?

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
What measure do you think might be effective?

4) Causes and
Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep.
Solutions to a
What problems can lack of sleep cause?
Problems What can be done about lack of sleep?

Overpopulation in many urban centers around the world is a major problem.

What are the causes of this?
How can this problems be solved?

Nowadays many people have easy access to computers and a large number of children
play computer games.
What are the negative impacts of playing computer games?
What can be done to minimize the bad effects?

In spite of the advanced in medicine, many people around the world still die of easily
unpreventable diseases.
Why is this the case?
What can be done about this problem?

An increase in the production of consumer goods result in damage to the natural

Why is this the case? Hat can be done to solve the problems?

5) Discuss both
Some people think that government should provide free education at every level.
sides (and give
However, some say that individuals should pay for their university education.
your opinion) Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many people believe that all zoo should be closed, while others claim that zoos have a
positive impact.
Discuss both view and give your opinion.

Many government think that the economic progress is their most important goal. Some
people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important to a country.
Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

Some people say we should invest more money in classroom technology and equipment.
Others argue that we should spend this money on teachers.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people think a crime should always have a fixed punishment like for murder, while
others believe you should take the circumstances of the crime into account.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Paraphrase the statement
Thesis (Present your opinion / answer the question)

Body 1
Main idea 1 1
Explain 2
Give example 2
Refer back / bridge to the next paragraph 1
Body 2
Main idea 2 1
Explain 2
Give example 2
Refer back 1

Paraphrase the statement
Paraphrase the the main idea 1 & 2

Agree or Disagree

Big salary is much more than job satisfaction.

Do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase the statement
Thesis (Present your opinion / answer the question) Disagree - Job satisfaction > salary

Body 1
Main idea 1 1 Job satisfaction - more fulfillment > salary
Explain 2 high salary but won’t enjoy life
Give example 2 Famous researchers - not appealing wages
Refer back / bridge to the next paragraph 1 Choose what makes u happy > high salary
Body 2
Main idea 2 1 What keep u motivated - a career growth
Explain 2 people ♡ their jobs - achieve better
Give example 2 Henry Miller - quit his job & become a writer - successful
Refer back 1 + of job satisfaction outweigh - of low salary

Paraphrase the statement
Paraphrase the the main idea 1 & 2
Big salary is much more than job satisfaction.
Do you agree or disagree?
It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a job with high
Paraphrase the statement wage, even if it doesn't appeal to you at all. I completely disagree with this
Thesis (Present your opinion / answer the question) opinion and think that job satisfaction is much more important than salary.

First of all, I believe that job satisfaction gives people a sense of fulfillment
Body 1 that no money can guarantee. Even if someone is earning a high salary, but
Main idea 1 1 feels tensed and compromises with his conscience, this person won’t enjoy
2 his life. While pursuing one’s interests will always bring pleasure and feeling
Explain of satisfaction. For example, a lot of famous researchers made their career
Give example 2 choices not because of appealing wages, but because they were
Refer back 1 passionate about science. That’s why it’s more important to choose the kind
of work that makes you happy than to look only at a high salary.
Secondly, doing what you like keeps you motivated and therefore leads to a
Body 1 career growth. In other words, there is a strong relation between job
Main idea 1 1 satisfaction and productivity. People who love their jobs can easily excel in
Explain 2 their fields of work and achieve better results than those, who put salary on
the first place. For instance, Henry Miller decided to leave his everyday job
Give example 2
despite a good wage and ventured to become a writer. And after enduring
Refer back 1 years of ups and downs he became one of the most famous and well-paid
authors of the twentieth century. Thus, advantages of jobs that keep you
Conclusion satisfied outweigh the drawback of a low salary in a long-term perspective.

Paraphrase the statement To conclude, I strongly believe that job satisfaction is more beneficial than
high salary because it makes people happy and motivated.
Paraphrase the the main idea 1 & 2 (277 words) 13

Advantages and Disadvantages
The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most
prominent language in the world. Some people think this will lead to
English becoming the only language to be spoken globally.

What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in

the world ?

The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most
It is thought by some people that English, which is now the most widely spoken
prominent language in the world. Some people think this will lead to language in the world, may one day predominate over all other languages and
English becoming the only language to be spoken globally. result in their eventual disappearance. Having one language would certainly aid
understanding and economic growth but there will also be some drawbacks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in One evident benefit to having one global language is that it would enable greater
the world ? understanding between countries. In other words, if everyone spoke one language,
there would be complete understanding between not only countries but all people
e throughout the world which would promote learning, the flow of information and
ideas. Another reason that one language would be advantageous is that it would
help economic growth. With all people speaking the same language, there would
be fewer barriers and therefore trade would flourish between countries, resulting
in a healthier world economy.

On the other hand, there are obvious disadvantages to having only one global
language. Firstly, it would mean that all other languages would eventually
disappear and, along with them, their cultures. The diversity of cultures is one of
the joys this world has to offer. Each culture is unique with its own way of life and
own perspectives of the world which would all be lost if there were only one
language. Secondly, it would result in the collapse of tourism because there would
be no reason to travel for pleasure and interest if all countries had the same
language and similar cultures. This would devastate many countries economically
that rely on tourism as a source of income.

In conclusion, while there are plus points to having one global language, too much
would be lost as a result. Maintaining local languages and cultures should be
prioritised to ensure a rich world heritage for future generations.



In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the
case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the
case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

It is argued that in some nations owning a property is much more important than renting. This is mainly
because owning a home gives a feeling of security, stability and the freedom to renovate it. In my view, this
is a positive development as homeowners can make money if they sell their house in the future.

To begin with, if people own their own home they do not have to worry about paying monthly rent and are
less anxious about restrictions on decorating the interior. In other words, they tend to feel more stable and
comfortable than if they were renting. This enables them to renovate and decorate their abode according to
their desires, without the worry of a landlord complaining. For instance, recent research has shown that in
the UK the vast majority of new homeowners feel that owning a home is an investment, so they spend most
of their income on DIV projects, interior goods and decorating.

I believe that there is a huge advantage to owning a home because it is an investment where the value of
the house increases every year. That is to say when someone buys a house and installs a new kitchen,
bathroom and redesigns the interior, the value of the property rises considerably. For example, in England
people who rent their homes will never get that money back, whereas those who buy a property can sell it
for a considerable profit after just a few years, even in a tough economic situation.

In conclusion, owning a house or flat gives one a sense of security and the choice to redecorate. In my
opinion, this is a great benefit because people who invest in their place can sell it later on at a profit.

290 words

Problem and Solution
The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it
has also created problems that did not exist before.

What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions
can you suggest?

The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it
has also created problems that did not exist before.

What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions
can you suggest?

The enormous growth in the use of the internet over the last decade has led to radical changes to the way
that people consume and share information. Although serious problems have arisen as a result of this, there
are solutions.

One of the first problems of the internet is the ease with which children can access potentially dangerous
sites. For example, pornography sites are easily accessible to them because they can register with a site and
claim to be an adult. There is no doubt that this affects their thoughts and development, which is a negative
impact for the children and for society. Another major problem is the growth of online fraud and hacking.
These days, there are constant news stories about government and company websites that have been hacked,
resulting in sensitive information falling into the hands of criminals.

It is important that action is taken to combat these problems. Governments should ensure that adequate
legislation and controls are in place that will prevent young people from accessing dangerous sites, such as
requiring more than simply confirming that you are an adult to view a site. Parents also have a part to play.
They need to closely monitor the activities of their children and restrict their access to certain sites, which
can now be done through various computer programs. Companies must also improve their onsite IT security
systems to make fraud and hacking much more difficult by undertaking thorough reviews of their current
systems for weaknesses.

To conclude, the internet is an amazing technological innovation that has transformed people's lives, but not
without negative impacts. However, with the right action by individuals, governments and businesses, it can
be made a safe place for everyone.

(258 words) 19

Discuss both sides (and give your opinion)
Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to
get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting
experience and developing soft skills is more important.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

It is considered by some that being a university graduate is the key to securing a good
Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to job, while there are others who think that it is better to have experience and soft
get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting skills. In my opinion, I believe that having university education is essential for
experience and developing soft skills is more important. academic jobs, while soft skills and experience are more useful in business.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
On the one hand, many think it is easier for most people to find a good job if they are
university graduates with a good degree. In other words, having tertiary education
puts people one step ahead of others who do not and this can be the deciding factor in
getting a good job. The competition to get in to universities and the increasing
number of graduates show just how significant this level of
education is for people's future work opportunities.

On the other hand, having work experience and soft skills, such as leadership skills
and other interpersonal skills, can also throw the balance in favour of the applicant,
according to some. For many positions there are an overwhelming number of
applicants and, therefore, it is often thought that having relevant experience in that
line of work or having acquired useful soft skills that can be valuable to a company,
can put one ahead of the game when applying for a position.

Finally, in my opinion, whether needing high level education or skills and

experience, depends on the position being applied for. Take for example Jaw,
medicine or teaching, it is impossible to be considered for a position without the
required educational background. In contrast, in business, it would be more important
for a candidate to have soft skills and experience in that line of business so they can
step into a position without further training and be of immediate benefit to the

In conclusion, getting a good job requires a relevant background either in experience

or education depending on the type of work and field. People should make sure they
attain the necessary skills or degrees before applying for a job in order to be sure of

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