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Lesson 3

How High Is
Your EQ?
What is EQ?
Emotional Quotient or emotional intelligence, according to
Daniel Goleman, may be categorized as intrapersonal or

 Intrapersonal intelligence refers to your inner-oriented ability,

which enables you to become more aware of yourself.

 Interpersonal intelligence refers to one's ability to understand

and relate well with other people.
Read the following sentences. Using the rating scale below, check
(✓) the column that applies to you.

Rating Scale:
Very High 5 points
Above Average 4 points
Average 3 points
Below Average 2 points
Needs Improvement 1 point
A. Self-image
5 4 3 2 1
1. I can control my emotions like fear, anger, and love.
2. I can generally take life's disappointment in stride.
3. I have a tolerant attitude towards myself.
4. I can accept criticisms without being hurt.
5. I am able to gain simple satisfaction from everyday
6. I greet each day with cheerfulness.
7. I am able to accept my own shortcomings.
8. I enjoy working with others.
9. I have a good measure of self-respect.
10. I am able to deal with most situations that come my way.
B. Feelings about others
5 4 3 2 1
1. I am able to love others and consider their interests.
2. My personal relationships are lasting and satisfying
3. I like other people.
4. I am able to handle the differences of others.
5. I am easily accepted in any group.
6. I respect the rights of others.
7. I can accept responsibility for my neighbors and
C. Ways of meeting the demands of life
5 4 3 2 1
1. I do something positive when problems arise.
2. I accept my responsibilities as expected.
3. I consider facts and make mature decisions based on
4. I overcome the pressures of my environment and my
5. I plan ahead and face the future bravely.
6. I study new ideas before I practice them.
7. I make use of my potentials and capacities.
8. I set realistic goals for myself.
9. I make wise decisions.
10. I get satisfaction in doing what is morally right.
To get your rating for each set, add the points and divide
them by the number of items in the set. Example – Set A and
Set C 10/10; Set B 7/7. if you get below 3, you must exert
more effort to put into practice the items in that particular set.
There are people with high IQ but are not happy and successful
because of poor or low EQ. Intrapersonal and interpersonal
relationships are important factors for a successful and happy life.
Experts equate these with emotional intelligence. A person may be
smart, though he may not be very intelligent. A lot of people enjoy a
happy and peaceful life not because they have high IQ, but because
they have high EQ or emotional intelligence.
Intrapersonal intelligence refers to your inner-oriented ability, which enables
you to become more aware of yourself. This leads you to deeper self-
awareness. This will enable you to get in touch with your feelings and better
understand what makes you feel the way you do and how you are being
personally affected by these feelings. This will enable you to become aware of
your preferences, your likes and dislikes, your ambitions and purpose in life.

Interpersonal intelligence refers to one's ability to understand and relate well

with other people. This enables you to have an idea of how people work, what
motivates them, and how you can work harmoniously with them. This largely
tells how well you effectively relate with others at home, in school, and
Eleven Ways to Enhance EQ
Daniel Goleman, in his book, "Emotional Intelligence" (1996),
expounded on several ways on how we can enhance emotional
quotient. These are the following:

1. Self-awareness. This can be achieved by doing the following:

 Know yourself. The more we know and understand ourselves, the
better we can manage our lives and get along with others.
 Be aware of your feelings and recognize them.
 Differentiate your feelings from your thoughts, opinions, and
2. Personal Decision-making. Daily, you make minor and major decisions. It
is important for you to examine your choices and know the consequences of
your actions.

3. Disciplining and Managing Feelings. Anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, and

other negative feelings will greatly affect the person's disposition and decision-
making process. The ability to handle these negative feelings will also affect
the way we handle relationships and the different situations we
find ourselves in.

4. Handling Stress. Learn how to sit and relax: Do some relaxing exercises,
guided meditation, and other forms of relaxation and even recreation.
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5. Empathy. Learn to put yourself in the shoes of other people. Understand the
feelings of others and the differences on how people feel about things.

6. Communication. It helps a lot to learn not only how to be able to speak

about your feelings, but to be able to listen to the feelings of others as well.

7. Self-disclosure. Unless the person relates herself/himself with others, he/she

can neither live nor develop her/his potentials. This means that unless we reveal
something of ourselves to others, our human encounters will remain shallow
and less intimate.
8. Self-acceptance. Becoming real persons means being ourselves, not trying
to be somebody else.

9. Assertiveness. Be proactive rather than reactive. Learn to fight fairly when

needed. Strive to use the win-win model when negotiating a compromise.

10. Group Dynamics. Cooperate. Learn to follow. A good leader is usually a

good follower.

11. Spirituality. Learn to get lessons from your emotional life and other
emotional experiences. Direct your focus inward. Listen to the voice within
you. Pray and communicate with God. Live your prayer.

Feelings and emotions neither stand right nor

wrong. It is what you do with and how you
express your feelings and emotions that can
be judged as right or wrong.

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