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10th Group
2. KEZIA DEBORA PURBA (1802030226)
3. FYOLITA ARITONANG (1801030218)
5. GRACE HUTAHAEAN (1901030018)

A. Background of the Study

Speaking is one of the basic language skills that have to be mastered by English
foreign learners due to its significant and its use for communication. It is very
important to be able to speak English regarding that it is the most commonly accepted
language in the world so that it will be very beneficial for those who comprehend it not
only to improve their knowledge and skills but also easier for them to get a job. More
than that, they will not find it difficult to communicate and interact with people around
the world when they travel (Gard & Gautam, 2015).
Opinion that in speaking one must have knowledge of motor perspective skills, and
interactive skills, so in order to tell a good story, one must have adequate linguistic
competence and the elements that are a requirement for the speaking process. can be
smooth, good and right. Among them are pronunciation, intonation, spelling,
vocabulary, and so on.
The achievement of speaking skill competence in general has not been maximized, due
to several factors, one of which is learning methods and learning media.
Communicative Language can improve the students' confidence and active motivated as
the main technique of CLT. The teacher should create the authentic situation to make the
students take a part on it. By using CLT students are able to improve their own ideas
without any limitations to express what comes to their mind. In fact mostly teacher still
focus in learning purposes that gives limitation to the students in expressing ideas. CLT is
not only to develop the students' comprehension from different points of few that demands
the students to think critically. Based on the explanation above, we propose the title
B. Identification of the Problem.
1. How is the implementation of the use of image media in order to improve the
speaking skills of class X students of SMA Negeri 5 Pematangsiantar?
2. Can the speaking skills of class X students of SMA Negeri 5 Pematangsiantar be
improved by using picture media?
3. Is it possible to improve the speaking skills of students in class X SMA Negeri 5
Pematangsiantar by using picture media?.
C. Objective of the study
1. To Know the use or role of image media in terms of improving the speaking
skills of class X students of SMA Negeri 5 Pematangsiantar
2. To Improve the speaking skills of class X students of SMA Negeri 5
3. To Improve the attitude of speaking skills of students of class X SMA
Negeri 5 Pematangsiantar
D. The Scope of the study
This research will be focused on vocabulary teaching by using
Communicative Language Teaching. The participants of the research is the X
IPA-4 of SMA Negeri 5 Pematangsiantar in academic year 2022/2023.
E. The Significance of the study
1. For students as research subjects, students are expected to benefit from the research.
They can learn how to improve their speaking skills so that students will focus more on
learning English in particular speaking skills using interesting learning media
2. For teachers in schools, it is expected that teachers can improve interesting and
effective speaking techniques by using media so that students enjoy learning.


Henry Guntur Tarigan (1984: 15) says that speaking is one of the language skills
that are productive orally. It is said to be verbally productive, because in this activity,
the speaker (speaker) is required to produce an oral presentation that is a reflection of
his ideas, feelings, and thoughts. (Henry Guntur Tarigan, 1984: 16), Speaking of
producing a language to communicate.
2.1.2 Understanding Speaking Skills
Learning to speak in elementary school is not like learning to speak at school
middle school or college.
1. Conversation and talk
Many teachers do not understand the difference between the two terms in language
learning. Therefore, they often fail to succeed carry it out. In fact, the two meanings are
indeed different, and are used for different learning purposes and implementation.
2. Kinds of Conversation
Conversation can be divided into two types, namely spontaneous conversation and
informal conversation guided conversation.
3. Spontaneous Conversation
Spontaneous conversations are generally carried out in the first grade of elementary
school and usually in the local language.
2.1.3 Purpose of Speaking
Every activity carried out by humans must have a purpose also with speaking
activities. The speaking activity has a purpose that will conveyed to listeners or
observers. The main purpose of speaking is to communicate. According to Tarigan, et
al (1997: 37) said that speakers usually can be divided into several groups, namely:
• Entertaining
• Inform
• Stimulate
• Convincing
• move.
2.1.4 Factors Supporting Speaking Activities
Speaking or verbal communication activities are individual activities convey a message
orally to a group of people, also known as audience or assembly.

2.1.5 Inhibiting Factors for Speaking Activities

There are times when the communication process is disrupted which results in the
message received by the listener is not the same as what was intended by the speaker.
According to Sujanto (1988: 192) there are three factors that cause the disorder in
speaking activities, including:
1. physical factors
2. Media factors
3. psychological factors
• 3.1 Research Design
This research was conducted by applying Classroom Action Research.
Based On Kemmis and Me Taggart (1998) in Bums (1999:32) explain that action research occurs
through a dynamic and complementary process, which consist of four essential moments:
Planning, Action, Observation, And Reflection.
These moments are the fundamental steps in a spiraling process through which participants in
action research group undertake to:
1. Develop a plan or critically informed action to improve what is already happening.
2. Act to implement the plan.
3. Observe the effects of the critically informed action in the context in which it occurs.
4. Reflect on this effect as the basis for further planning, subsequence critically informed action
and so on through a succession of stages.
Visually, the steps in action research by Kemmis and Me Taggart in Burns (1999;33) can be
illustrated as follows:
Based on the research design above, there are four steps in each cycle:
• Plan
• Action
• Observation
• Reflection.
1 Planning
Designing a lesson plan aims to provide the teacher with the guideline of teaching and learning
activities. The lesson plan is included the following items: specific instructional objectives, the
instructional materials, and media, the procedure of teaching, the speaking skill test and
procedure of assessment, and the instrument for collecting data.
2 Acting
The teacher (one of the researchers) will implement the lesson planning that has been prepared
before in 2 x 40 minutes in every meeting as the time for Senior High School students. The
teacher will give the transcript to the students, divide students into some groups, and ask each
group to perform in front of the class, the teacher offering advice, and answer questions to each
group of students, the teacher will monitor students’ performance, and then the teacher will
evaluate the mistakes.
3 Observing
The observation will do during the Action where the 4 observers will record the teaching and
learning process. Then the observation will be collected by qualitative and quantitative data.
quantitative data. The qualitative data will be based on observation to observe the effectiveness
of using the Role-Playing technique by looking at students speaking skill score improvement in
the post-test. And for the quantitative data, the data is based on computing students’ scores
through speaking tests.
4 Reflecting
The students speaking skill score improves at the same as the Minimum Mastery Criterion-
Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of English is 75 or above. And it is considered successful if
75% (26 out of 34) of students X IPA 4 SMA NEGERI 5 PEMATANG SIANTAR with individual
score in speaking skill achieve at least the same as or above 75.
3.2 Research Instrument
Some instruments are applied to obtain the data in this study.
The writer and observer record a description of classroom atmosphere, the setting of the class,
and the students' activities during the teaching and learning of speaking using Communicative
Language Teaching (CLT).
Test is given to the students focus on speaking describing people. The result of this test is
students' can describing people. The aim of this test is to measure the students' ability in
describing people.
3.3 The Procedure of Collecting Data
Each cycle involved into four steps namely planning, action, observation and reflection. On the
first meeting was used to give the writing in the first evaluation to the students to know the basic
knowledge of the students in procedure text. The first cycle consists of three meetings and the
second cycle consists of two meetings.
3.4 Research Subject and Location
• This study is conducted at SMA NEGERI 5 PEMATANG SIANTAR The school is located at
Medan street, Bukit Sofa, The District of Siantar Martoba, The City of Pematang Siantar,
North Sumatra Province.
• The subject of this study is students in Grade X IPA 4 which are consist of 34 students. The
researchers select this class as the field of study because the 2 researchers have the teaching
experience in this class and found out that the speaking students’ is lacking.
• This is the schedule table that the researcher will conduct this research, starts on 4th July
2022 – 25th July 2022.
Schedule Of The Research


Monday, 4th July 2022 Meeting I

Monday, 11th July 2022 Meeting II

Monday, 18th July 2022 Meeting III

Monday, 25th July 2022 Meeting IV

3.5 Technique of Data Collection
The techniques that will be used in this research proposal are:
The researchers will give the Pre-Test and the Post-Test to the students. The test that will be used
is Objective Test (Essay form). The Pre-Test is Make a concept talk about your self perform in
front of class orally. The Post-Test is answer the essay test from the paper provided.
3.6 Scoring of the Test
Based on the professor Cyril, There are some indicators that be supposed the measure of
To get the mean of students' writing score within one cycle uses the formula:

• Mx : Mean
• X : Individual score
• N : Number of students
• In gaining the classpercentage which passes the minimum mastery criteria- Kriteria
Ketuntasan minimal (KKM) 75 (Seventy- five) uses the formula:
P: The Class Percentage
F: Total Percentage score
N: Number of Students
Next step, the writer identifies the improvement score on students' descriptive paragraph
from pre-test up to post-test score in cycle 1 and cycle 2 the writer uses the formula:

P: Percentage of Students' Improvement

y : Pre-test Result
y1: Post-test 1
P : Percentage of students’ improvement
y : Pre-test result
y2 : Post-test

3.8.1 Different Time

The aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of how change will occur. so the
research will be done more than once to get the results.

3.8.2 Investigator
Investigator triangulation is when the researcher involves several or more than one observer or
researchers to collect, and analyze data separately. Investigator triangulation will help the
research process to reduce the risk of observer bias and the bias of other experimenters.

3.8.3 Theoretical
Where in this study the researcher will use more than1 theory to trying to understand, analyze
and interpret data.

3.8.4 Methodological
Methodological triangulation involves using more than one type of method to study a
phenomenon. It has been found useful in providing confirmation of findings, more
comprehensive data, increased validity and enhanced understanding of the phenomena studied.

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