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Understanding Culture,

Society and Politics

Most people in the rural areas are poor because
they have little income



This is moreproductivity
serious in cases when such
farmers are only tenants or sharecroppers
They only use
primitive methods of

They do not catch

enough fish

If they are Little

The plight of the small
fisherman has become
worse because of the water They only use
pollution primitive methods of

They do not catch

enough fish

Another, some waters
became private properties They only use
primitive methods of

They do not catch

enough fish

Other poor groups

Other poor groups


Small business

Its not easy for them to borrow money

from credit institutions
An ocular survey in most of the
rural communities
Absence of economic and social infastracture

Many village are isolated from civilization

People still use primitive tools of production

Children have to walk several miles in going to

Educational Activities

Rural problems
Social political

Rural problems require specific and relevant

solution based on local resource and
The Rural Development Explained

Rural Development is a continuous process

 This means it is developmental and progressive
 Primarily concerned with the optimum
utilization of resources (Human, economic,
social, and physical)
 Its main objective is to raise the standard living
of the local residents.
The Rural Development Explained

Rural Development program

shouldbe integrated, well planned,

 The approach must be multi-sectoral, that

planning should start from below.
 The target population should directly and
actively participate in planning, and in the
implementation of their own rural
development programs
The Rural Development Explained

 In the less development countries, the main

emphasis of rural development program is
Agricultural development, non-farm activities
are also developed

 Rural development promote a balanced

development of all sectors in rural areas.
 Should start with economic needs of the people
Behind modern science Dependence on
and technology primitive agriculture

Rural communities
in Less developed

Rapid population Some people do not

growth own land
According to Dr. Dioscoro (former UP Los
Baños chancellor)

 Rural poverty and hunger are not the

real problem. (these are the symptoms of
actual basic problems)
 Basic problem are Unjust economic,
social,political structure.
According to Dr. Dioscoro (former UP Los Baños

 Is the rest developed countries, the main

economy in the rural areas is agriculture.
Thus Land is the pricipal wealth of society
 For as long as much unjust inequality exist,
all rural development programs are
cosmetics—and therefore useless.
Focused on the interest and
They should own the improvement of the
resource production quality of life of rural


They should be encouraged to

participate in planning,
implementation and managing
rural development programs
“You do not help people if you
do the things for them which
they themselves can do.”
--Abraham Lincoln
By Doctor Umali

• The task of helping the rural poor, while difficult,

is achievable
• He cited the success stories of Japan, Korea, and
Taiwan in field of rural development
• By improving the structure of institutions,
fashioning appropriate development strategies and
better use of resources, such countries were able to
transform their rural areas form Poverty to
Development can only grow in an atmosphere
of freedom and opportunity

• The primary responsibility of fighting

rural poverty rests on the government
• Development is people development
• Government rural development
programs cannot be succeed if the
people are not developed first.
• A more structured rural development
program in the Philippines started in the
• Most of the Rural development projects
were assisted by US in the form of
financial, technical and commodity aid.
PACD (Presidential
Assistant on Community PRRM (Philippine
Development Rural Reconstruction

Rural Development

4-H Clubs PRUCIS (Philippine

(Hearts, Hand, Head Rural Improvement
and Health Services
Philippine Rural Development Programs
An Integrated approach in improving the social
and economic conditions of the rural poor

The development of people (attitudes, values,

knowledge, and skills) the top priority

The strategy takes into consideration the

needs, problems, and resources of
every region in the country

To provide more financial and technical

assistance to depressed regions
Thus, Rural development is
basically Agricultural

This is true in all other Third

World countries

The Philippines is an Agricultural economy. Most

of the rural people work in Agriculture.
Their Prosperity can
generate numerous
linkage with other
non- farm activities

In the Philippines, Farmers are the Backbone of

the national economy
Some Rural Development Program/Projects

• Agrarian reform program

• Cooperatives development program
• Human settlement program
• Community development program
• Nutrition program
• Integrated area development program
• Rural electrification project
• Fishing resources management
• Medium and small-scale industries
• Family planning

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