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What is the different festivals that you know?

Are you familiar with the pictures shown?

How will you describe it?

Identify the similarities and differences of the three pictures?

Philippine festivals are divided into two categories,

Religious Festival – is a festival by a certain or specific group of

churches or religions.

Non-religious Festival a festival with a group of people,

community or a region due to tradition and culture.
Pahiyas Festival
It is an expensive and colorful affair in the quiet town of Lucban,
celebrated every 15th of May in honor of San Isidro Labrador. It is the
Farmers` thanksgiving for a rich and bountiful harvest. The
townspeople prepare many things for this festival, among them is
Lucban, Quezon the all-important Kipling.
Obando Fertility Right

It is both a festival and a ‘prayerful request for devotees, celebrated

every MAY. Locals and travelers dressed in traditional costumes,
dance and sing in the town’s streets to honor and beg Obando’s three
patron saints: San Pascual (Paschal Baylon), Santa Clara (Clare of
Assisi) and Nuestra Señora de Salambao ( our lady of salambao).
Dinagyang festival
This festival traces its roots as a thanksgiving
celebration in honor of Senyor Santo Niño, the child
Jesus. It also showcases the rich heritage, colorful
history, passionate devotion, and fun-loving spirit of
the Ilonggo people
It is popularly known as Flores de Mayo which means
“Flowers in May”. It is celebrated with flower offerings for the
blessed Virgin Mary in Catholic churches. Santacruzan (from
the Spanish santacruz, “holy cross”) is a ritual pageant held on
the last day of the Flores de Mayo.
Panagbenga Festival
Its English name is The blooming
Flowers Festival, which means, “season of blooming”. It is a
month-long annual celebration of a tribute to the city`s
beautifully grown flowers, and is celebrated in the month of
Masskara Festival
 Masskara is a combination of the English word “mass” and the Spanish word
“kara” (which means face). This festival is celebrated every third weekend of
October, or on the closest weekend to October 19. It dramatizes the steadfast
character of the Negrenses and
 symbolizes what the City of Smiles, Bacolod City, do best, putting on a
smiling face even when faced with challenges.
Kaamulan Festival

 festival is celebrated from the second half of February to

March 10. It shows the unique indigenous culture through
integrating different activities of several sectors and fusing
them into one, creating a unique and wonderful celebration in
ethnic fashion
Kadayawan Festival
It is a festival of thanksgiving in the month of August for the gifts of
nature, the wealth of culture and the bounties of harvest, and peaceful
living that is derived from the
Dabawenyong word, “madayaw” or good, valuable and superior in

Philippine theater comes in a variety of forms.

These include religious and non-religious acts or
productions, usually shown or performed during
festivals, covering a wide range of resources and
Shadow Play
It is an ancient art form that uses flat, expressed figures to produce
cut-out figures which are held together by sticks and sometimes,
thread, to create movement, which are shown behind a thin layer of
cloth or screen and a light source to create the shadows.
Dance Drama
It is a drama performed through dance movements, frequently with
dialogue or sometimes, even singing and is popular for retelling of
famous, national literatures. Actors act out scenes through a complex
gesture language, which imitates actions in real life and are required
rhythmic body movements as an expressive public performance.
Comedia or Moro-Moro

 It is the earliest known form of organized theater created by Spanish priests. It is

unique to the Philippines because there are no other countries that thought of or
created the said drama. This form of theater is usually performed during festivals
or fiestas throughout the Philippines. All Moro- Moro plays follow the pattern of
a love affair between a Muslim-Filipino prince and a Christian princess.
Sarswela or Zarzuela
It is a play with songs and dances usually written in prose,
depicting the unusual feature of a romantic love among idealized
Filipino characters that are often accompanied by topics of
contemporary, social, political, economical or cultural issues for
relevance and added interest.
It is one of the most famous events during the Lent season usually
showing stories and events from the Old and New Testaments related
to the life, sufferings and death of Jesus Christ. It takes at least eight
days to be performed, from Palm Sunday to
Easter Sunday, in different places: on the streets, on stage, in a
chapel or church.
Activity 1: COMPLETE ME !
Directions: Complete the table below by filling in the name of the celebration and identify
whether Religious, Non-religious or Theatrical.
Number one (1) is done for you.
Festival/ Religious/Nonreligious/Theatrical

Kaamulan Non-religious

Directions: Read the statement carefully and fill in the
missing word. Choose your answers from the box.
art-loving collaborative Masskara Moro-Moro Sinulog

1. Festivals are enjoyable events for the Filipinos, since we are

___________________ and fun-loving people.
2. Theater is a _________________ form of fine art that uses live performers.
3. From the combination of the English word “mass” and the Spanish word “kara”,
this festival is called ________________.
4. All _______________ plays follow the pattern of a love affair between a
Muslim-Filipino prince and a Christian princess.
5. ______________festival is held at the summer capital of the Philippines.
Activity 3: Miniature Custome Designing
Directions: Read and follow the step-by-step process in
designing your own costume.

Materials Needed:
pair of scissors - glue gun - tweezers
coloring materials like: pens, water colors, crayons
recycled materials like: beads, sequins, other available

- indigenous materials like:
broom hair, sawdust, other
available - other needed
materials: paste or glue, the
figures below

 Steps to follow:
 Trace or copy the figures in a short bond paper. Choose either
male or female.
 Start designing by pasting the needed materials.
 Use different kinds of materials, indigenous or recycled
materials like broom hair for wigs to create different textures.
 When you are done, keep your design.
Category 5 4 3

Shows an original idea of an Shows an artwork inspired from Shows a pure imitation of
artwork and displays effort in others with a combination of own other artworks
Creativity and designing ideas and designs

Resourcefulness Artwork clearly shows the use of Artwork shows less use of easily Artwork does not display
easily found natural materials in found natural materials. any natural materials.
a detailed and specific way.

Content The design is related to The design is somehow related to Not related
Philippine festival. Philippine festival.
Thank you!

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