D6 ImageProcessingandForensicVerificationofFakeVideos Images-1

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Image Processing and Forensic

Verification of Fake Videos/Images

Presented By(D6)
18K95A0525 MD.NISHA

Under the Guidance of


Digital video is commonly used by news organizations and evidence of specific events
by law enforcement. Many surveillance systems record footage using digital video
rather than film due to the ease with which digital video can be stored. These types of
footages are made fake by some criminals thus by cheating the government. In order
to provide a satisfactory solution for this problem fake video detection concept is
introduced. In this concept, we use a set of techniques for evaluating the performance
of anti-forensics operations in order to analyze the interplay between a forensic
investigator and a forger. Thus, if any changes are made in a digital video, it could be
easily detected thus providing a truthful evidence to the government.

Cyber Criminals are using Image processing tools and techniques for
producing the variety of crimes, including Image Modification,
Fabrication using Cheap & Deep Fake Videos/Image.
• Desired Solution: The solution should focus on help the Image/Video
verifier/examiner find out and differentiate a fabricated Image/Video
with an original one. Technology that can help address the issue: ML /DL
techniques can be used.

Our project aims at detecting the realistic human synthesized videos popularly
known as deepfakes.This project deals with the methods to detect deepfakes in the
literature to date. In this project we will apply deep learning techniques to
automatically extract salient and discriminative features to detect deepfakes.

Deep fake detection is normally deemed a binary classification problem where

classifiers are used to classify between authentic videos and tampered ones. This
kind of method requires a large database of real and fake videos to train
classification models.
This specifies the requirements that our project should achieve. As a basis, an article on all the
different requirements for software development was taken into account during the process. We
divide the requirements in 2 types:Functional and Non-functional requirements.


These are the requirements that the end user specifically demands as basic facilities that the system
should offer. All these functionalities need to be necessarily incorporated into the system as a part of
the contract. These are represented or stated in the form of input to be given to the system, the
operation performed and the output expected. They are basically the requirements stated by the user
which one can see directly in the final product, unlike the non-functional requirements.
● Data Set Collection
● Training dataset
● Testing dataset
● User video upload
● Pre-processing
● Data Loader
● RestNextCNN for Feature Generation
● LSTM for Sequence Processing
● Prediction


These are basically the quality constraints that the system must satisfy according to the project
contract. The priority or extent to which these factors are implemented varies from one project to
other. They are also called non-behavioral requirements.
They basically deal with issues like:

● Portability
● Security
● Maintainability
● Reliability
● Scalability
● Performance
● Reusability
● Flexibility

● OS – Windows,Linux,MAC ● CPU: intel i3 or above

● Python – 3.7.X ● RAM:8GB or higher
● OpenCV ● Storage:500GB HDD/256GB SSD
● numpy
● Tensor flow (OR)
● Google Collab


Mounting google drive into google colab

Importing all the libraries

Creating separate lists for correctly classified and misclassified images


● Fake News

● Malicious hoaxes

● Financial fraud

● Celebrity unusual video

● Revenge porn

● Politician videos

● We presented a neural network-based approach to classify the video as deep fake or

real, along with the confidence of proposed model.

● The proposed method is inspired by the way MesoNet: a Compact Facial Video
Forgery Detection Network.

● The proposed method is capable of detecting the video/image as a deep fake or real.
The explosive growth in deep fake video and its illegal use is a major threat to democracy, justice, and public
trust. Due to this there is a increased the demand for fake video analysis, detection and intervention.

Datasets are collected from the below link.


Some of the related word in deep fake detection are listed below:

● [1] Darius Afchar Ecole des Ponts Paristech ´ Marne-la-Vallee, France; MesoNet: a Compact Facial
Video Forgery Detection Network

● [2] Yuezun Li, Siwei Lyu; Exposing DF Videos by Detecting Face Warping Artifacts used an approach to
detects artifacts by comparing the generated face areas and their surrounding regions with a dedicated
Convolutional Neural Network model. In this work there were two-fold of Face Artifacts. Their method
is based on the observations that current DF algorithm can only generate images of limited resolutions,
which are then needed to be further transformed to match the faces to be replaced in the source video.

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