El Fili Autosaved

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Leader: Medallon, Andrew
Asilum, Bryan
Munoz, Mark Noel
Nofuente, Carlo Miguel
Paday, Mary An
1) Meaning of the Novel's Title
2) To whom they were dedicated
3) Symbols and Meanings of the Coverage
4) Characters in El Filibusterismo and
their representations in relation with
the Philippine condition during that
Meaning of the El Filibusterismo

 Alternative English title The Reign of Greed.

 The Subversive or The Subversion, as in the Locsín English translation

 The ‘Filibusterismo’ in the novel’s title is derived from the simpler term
 Rizal defined the word (‘filibustero’) to his friend Ferdinand Blumentritt who encountered but did
not fully comprehend the word in the ‘Noli’. Rizal thus explained in a letter:

“ It does not have the meaning of freebooters; it rather means a

dangerous patriot who will soon be hanged or well, a presumptuous
To whom El
Rizal dedicated El Filibusterismo to the three martyred
priests of Cavite mutiny namely: Fathers Mariano Gomez,
Jose Burgos and Jocinto Zamora, whose deaths left an
indelible mark in his mind.

Symbols and Meanings of the Coverage

Compared to the book cover of Noli

Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo's cover
is plain, as designed by Jose Rizal.

The plain cover conveys a fresh start for the

Philippines and Filipinos without the trace of symbols
from the events and situations in Noli Me Tangere.
Characters in El Filibusterismo
and their representations in relation
with the Philippine condition during
that time
• Crisóstomo Ibarra reincarnated as a wealthy
jeweler, bent on starting a revolution. • Has risen from poverty to become Captain
Tiago’s charge. Close to acquiring his medical • Poet and Basilio's best friend; portrayed as
• Simoun represents the revolutionaries during degree, he is pledged to Julí, the beautiful emotional and reactive; Paulita Gómez'
that time who supported the idea of holding daughter of Cabesang Tales. boyfriend before being dumped for fellow
bloody revolt against the Spanish student Juanito Peláez.
government. • He represents the youth with a simple dream
that his education will improve his social and • Isagani is the symbol of the youth whose love
• His death in El Filibusterismo tells readers economic status in the future and is indifferent for the country is great to the point of being
that Rizal does not support the armed and selfish to the needs of society. branded as idealistic.

Simoun Basilio Isagani

• Telesforo Juan de Dios, a former cabeza de • The girlfriend of Isagani and the niece of Doña
barangay who resurfaced as the feared Luzón • Makaraig shared the same nationalistic ideals Victorina. In the end, she and Juanito Peláez
bandit Matanglawin (Tagalog for Hawkeye). with that of Isagani. The only difference are wed, and she dumps Isagani, believing
between the two is their social status. that she will have no future if she marries him.
• He personified a typical Filipino who is content
with living a simple life. • Makaraig represented the well-to-do Filipino • The beautiful niece of Doña Victorina. She
youth during the Spanish era who had good rejected Isagani because of his liberal ideas.
• He also symbolizes the natives and farmers dreams for the country. His character also
whose lands were seized by the friars, an provided readers a glimpse of how different • She represents the women who have no
explanation as to why Filipinos became the rich and the poor were treated during that sense of nationalism and sympathy towards
rebels. time in society. others..


Kabesang Tales Makaraig Paulita Gómez

• Isagani's godfather, and a secular priest;
was engaged to be married, but chose the • Juliana de Dios, the girlfriend of Basilio, and
priesthood instead,. The story hinting at the the youngest daughter of Kabesang Tales. • Abraham Ibañez is his real name.
ambivalence of his decision as he chooses
an assignment to a remote place, living in • Juli, like Maria Clara, symbolizes the purity and • He is a journalist
solitude near the sea. innocence of the lower class women during
Rizal's time. • During that time, he represents as some of the
• Represented the secular Filipino priests in journalist that are biased.
Rizal’s time. It was also through his • She would rather sacrifice rather than give up
character that the author stressed his her ideals.
disapproval of a bloody revolt

Father Florentino Juli Ben Zayb

• A student of the University of Santo Tomas who is • He is an old Filipino lawyer who refuses to • He is a kind friar who is a friend of the Filipino
always miserable, and therefore controls his help the Filipino students in their clamor for students. He supports the students who
educational reforms. appeal to the government for an academy of
Spanish language.
• Placido means – silent and Penitente means –
suffering. Combining those words, “silent suffering” • He represents the part of the society that is
or in tagalog “tahimik na pagluluksa”. only generous and sympathetic to the rich and • He embodies the few Spaniards who are
powerful. sympathetic to the Filipinos.
• Represents the people who have yet to
cultivate their nationalistic attitude

Señor Pasta Father Irene
As we all know, that El Filibusterismo is a novel and sequel of Noli Me Tangere that was written by Dr.
Jose Rizal, and published during 1891, where Rizal used pen and paper to awaken the eyes, the mind and even
the soul of every filipinoes, from the abuses, curroption, and cruelty they have undergone, in the hands of
spañiards. As a future and new generation , who did not experience those kinds of suffering, who did not
actually see it, this novel becomes our eyes and gives us an image (an imaginative mind), to see the reality
during that time ( Spanish government.)

As we read again the summary of El filibusterismo, Simoun, a character which represents Dr. Jose Rizal
(Philippine National Hero), made us realized that in pursuing our goals/objectives/dreams there are always
hindrances to achieve it or some of the results of our planned doesn’t align on what we want, just like simoun,
in El Filibusterismo. But you know what? (Even simoun die at the end of the novel) Rizal died because of the
execution, in 1896, their efforts, sacrifices no regrets on what he did, to make the Philippines become a better
country, free from being slave of spañiards, are really worth it. They (not only Rizal, but also those Filipino
who also participated to commit freedom), may be died a long time ago, but their legacy already embodied in
the hearts of Pilipino. It can be one the example and prove that it is better to die while fighting for, than
without trying on. Fighting doesn’t mean using physical force and shed of blood but the silence battle.

As We go on reading, made us conclude that do not underestimate the vison of a person because later on you
will be shocked. A vision of that person ca be a vision of all.

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