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PSSg Joseph Ian E Alcala, MSCJE
Police Community Relation
Kabankalan City Police Station
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➢French word PATROUILLER - rough by, to travel on foot. Keep
watch over an area by regularly walking or traveling around or
through it.

➢Is the act of moving about in an area specially by authorized and

trained persons usually police officers for the purpose of
observation, inspection, collaboration, prevention of
crimes, and provision of a secured environment.

The general goal of the patrol is to SAFEGUARD THE

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Police Patrol

whether on foot, in an automobile, or in

whatever manner it is performed, is the basic
law enforcement method.
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The Importance of Police Patrol

Patrol is the most important of all police functions

All other police services and activities exist only for the
exclusive purpose of supporting and enhancing the patrol
effort. Patrol is the essence of policing.
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Patrol as the Essence of Police Function

➢Patrol is the only form of police service, which

directly attempts to eliminate the desire/opportunity
of an individual to commit misconduct.
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Objectives of Police Patrol

Crime Prevention

Law Enforcement

Public Safety and Security

Police-Community Partnership
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Crime Prevention

• Patrol officers, on a daily basis, acquire firsthand information

and experience on the situation in the community.

• identifying the crime prone areas and the usual suspects or

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Law Enforcement

Patrol officers can immediately enforce the law where there

are suspicious activities monitored or reported by the community
and in the product of directed police operations
Public Safety and
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Police visibility helps relieve apprehensions of community
knowing that a police officer is just around ready to assist and
respond in case of emergency

Patrol Officers can facilitate the management of an

emergency situation, bring it to normalcy, and keep the
citizen calm and safe.
Police-Community Negrense POLICE + RIGHT = PEACE “PRP” towards

• Patrollers are deployed to serve as ambassadors of goodwill of
the police to the community

• Whatever they do, good or bad reflects directly to the entire

police organization.

• Patrol officers must possess the needed skills on public

relations and community organizing as well as on problem-
solving and strategy development
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Territorial Units in Patrol

Post A fixed point or location to which an officer is
assigned for duty

Route (line beat) A length of street or streets designated for

patrol purposes.

Beat An area assigned for foot patrol purposes

Sector An area containing two or more beats, routes or posts.

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Foot Patrol

The method consisting of fixed post line beat and random

patrol. Foot patrol is restricted to small areas and used to deal
with special problems of prevention and repression that
cannot be adequately handled by the officers in radio cars
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Foot Patrol Tactics

• Develop friendly attitude for the purpose of community relations
task for the department in addition to usual patrol tasks;
• Maintain a free flow of pedestrian traffic;
• Walk from one place to another so that it will appear to
the observer that you are patrolling and not loitering
• Know the personalities in the area, particularly the wanted
persons, known felons, drug users and the pushers and the
business establishment, which usually fall prey to armed robbery
and burglary
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Advantages of Foot Patrol

• It provides closer observation of persons and things

• It maintains better personal contact with citizens

and develops police community relations
• Patrol officers can enter small alleys and side streets

• It deters vandalism, shoplifting, snatching and loitering

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The Automobile Patrol

The automobile is the most extensively used and

the most effective means of transportation for
police patrol.
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Automobile Patrol Tactics

• Frequently get out of the car in order to be visible and accessible

to the public
• Drive the vehicle at normal speed, consistent with traffic
• Whatever patrol patterns is used, do it in irregular and
unpredictable manner

• Always assume the possibility that a crime will be committed in the

most illogical places at the most unusual times or days
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Patrol Driving

• Habitually use the seat belts and other safety devises

installed in the patrol car
• Keep awake

• Set an example to other motorist by obeying all traffic laws particularly

the traffic lights signals, speed limits and the general rules of the road
• Park the patrol vehicle in a legal manner unless in case of emergency

• Do not leave the car keys in the ignition since criminals are resorting
to anything even the least expected
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Advantages of Automobile Patrol

• Covers wider area

• Faster response to public calls

• Provides an element of surprise, especially when a crime is

in progress

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