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Internet concepts

What is Internet?
 An integrated collection of global computer networks that can exchange information's and
other resources around the globe.

 It is the world largest network that is grouped in WAN type.

 It is the world’s largest network that link global world together.

Internet protocols
 A protocol is a set of rules and procedures that control the transmission of signals in network
or Internet communication. Example

i. IP(Internet Protocol):-determines the format of the information as it is transferred.

ii. TCP(Transmission Control Protocol):-control how information’s are transferred and

protect lost of information
iii. SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):-control the transmission of mail messages.

iv. SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol):- manage the network communication

among computers.

v. Telnet:-help users to access resources from the remote computer etc.

Connecting to the Internet

 The following are necessary requirements to create an internet connection. These are

1. Functional Computer system

2. Modem

3. Communication Software like outlook express etc

4. Web/ Internet Browser

5. Internet Service Provider(ISP)

6. Communication medias
Uses of Internet
Internet offers different advantages for users. It common uses are the following.

I. E-mail (Electronic Mail) - The transmission of messages electronically.

II. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) –used to send files from one computer to another on
the Internet.

III. Information-it provide information’s any time and any where.

IV. Business-buying and selling and also to advertise their products and services.

V. Social networking

VI. Shopping

VII. Entertainment

VIII. E-Commerce

IX. Job Search

World Wide Web(WWW) or web
 It consists of a huge collection of files stored on computers around the world.

 It can include colors, graphic images, sound and video clips, and animation.

 A system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents.

 WWW is a particular protocol or method of using the Internet.

Web Pages
 A Web page is a file on the Web.

 A Web site is a collection of Web pages

Web Browsers
 application program that lets you view and explore information on the Web.

 A software application used to locate and display Web pages.

Example Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla fire fox, opera mini, Google
chrome baidu etc.

Computer Virus
 is application program that reproduce and attach itself to other programs on the

A computer program or piece of code that is loaded on to your computer

without your knowledge and run against your wishes.

It replicate them selves.

It is an application software that infect computers and its resource.

Computer virus
Types of Computer Virus
File virus:-infect operating system open files and program libraries.

Macro virus:-infect word and excel documents simply user files.

Boot Virus:-infect MBR which controls the sequence of computers.

Script virus:- part or types of file virus that is written by script languages.

Polymorphic virus:-continuously change and reproduce it self and infect hardware and
software’s of computers. It is not only replicate it self but it changes its type every

Worms:- special type of virus that can replicate itself and use memory but cannot
attach it self to other programs.

Others like Trojan horse, spam, adware, malware and spyware programs are also
infected programs which affect computer hardware, software and other resources.
Symptoms of virus infection
 mysterious messages appear on the screen

 Specific files are without explanation deleted

 Unknown files are added to a disk

 An entire disk or drive is erased

 The keyboard does not work properly

 Unexplained modifications are made to data or documents

 Application software seems to be changed

 Operating system software appears to be modified

 Unexplained printing problems occur

Virus protection
There are different protection methods. The best protection mechanism are the

Back up your work:-back up your work every day using removable medias or
hard disks.

Install new software’s safely:- use protective procedures when you installed
programs. Anti-virus software:-application software’s or programs that
protect computers from virus infections. Scan your computer every day.
It is the best protective mechanism of there computer from virus

E.g. Norton antivirus, McAfee, Avast, AVG, Avira, smadav,

Kaspersky, etc.

Others like anti-malware, anti-spyware, anti-adware and Trojan

horse removals are used to remove or protect computers from
malicious programs.
Next Quiz

1, software application program that lets you view and explore information on the Web
A web browser B, WWW C, Internet D All
2, network device used to connect different networks?
A Gateway B bridge C switch D All
3, __is a collection of Web pages
A Web site B web pages C web browser D All
4 a network media that have a network cables used for signal transmission
A Wired media B Wirless media C radio Media D All
5_____ reproduce itself, it is independent, does not need a host application to be
A) Anti_ Viruses B) Viruses C)worms D all
6.____is the world largest network that is grouped in WAN type
A LAN B Internet C MAN D All

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