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Dr. Arun M.
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Refrigeration is defined as “the process of
reducing temperature of a system or space
below the surrounding temperature and
maintains it at the lower temperature by
continuous removal of heat.
Unit of Refrigeration: “TON”- Amount of ICE formed or melted
in 24 hours from and at zero degree centigrade water.
 A Ton of refrigeration is the amount of energy used to
melt one ton of ice into water, or to remove the heat
from water to freeze a ton of ice in 24 hours.
1 ton = (334.5 * 907) /(24 x 3600) kJ/s = 3.51 kW

Coefficient of Performance (COP) is defined as “The ratio of

refrigeration effect to the work input to the refrigeration

COP = R / W
R – net refrigeration effect in kJ and W- work input in kJ
Refrigerant: Is a heat-carrying medium which
absorbs heat from space or object and rejects
heat to atmosphere normally.

Refrigerator: Is a device which creates the

refrigeration effect.
Some commonly used Refrigerants
Some commonly used Refrigerants
Working principle of Vapour Compression System
Working principle of Vapour Compression System
Vapour Compression system: Domestic Refrigerator
Working principle of domestic refrigerator
Working principle of domestic refrigerator
Vapour compression refrigeration system

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