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A social question

By Eliott Boublil and Giacomo Mina

What is the role of a government?
• Make your people happy
How can you do that?
• By creating a political fair system
The various social systems
• Political ( military)
• Social
• Economical
• Cultural based
• And of course some mix
• And some minorities such as…
Our system
• We are in a socio economic system; a “mix” of the two main
Our question
• We know that as people of Europe we may exclude political
and cultural based system
So our question is…
• Is it better to live in a social system or is it better to live in an
economic system
Let’s compare!
Economic based system
• It is a system where the country is richer than in a social
• But at which price for the people?

The country that has the system closer to an economy based

system is U.S.A.
Social based system
• The country is poorer but the wealth is spreaded through the
country way more equally than in the other system.

The countries that are and have been closer to this model are
Soviet Union, Cuba, Vietnam,…
We do not include North Corea because it is a political system.
So which one is the best?
• We believe that that for getting everyone happy we should
live in a social based system
• No more poor
• No more inequalities
• But we wouldn’t be as rich as before as a whole
• Each jobs worth the same
Quick debate over it what do you think?
• Which system is the best
• And should everyone get the same salary?
The ideal system
• The idea is that everyone is happy
• Create non boring jobs and make people love work with
• Create more links between people no superiority
• Assure everyone can afford his needs for him and his family
• provide everyone some diverting activities and object to
male them happy
• Avoid overworking
The ideal system part 2
• Assure everyone to be able to travel
• Salary depends on family size and needs
• Companies would belong to the state of course
• State encourages technologies advances
• Free state healthcare
• No more search of power or patriotism life in an easy and
simple way to take time to live a happy life
• Stop producing more than we need of food and objects
Debate over this system
• Give us your pros and cons about the system

• The perfect social system can’t really exist because we are

humans and the human mind is based over ambition
superiority power
• People dreaming of a true equality are maybe too idealists
and ambitionless for this world
• But if we really need to change the world we will
• But being happy in our life and careless about the others is a
peaceful way of life that we feel comfortable about
The end

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