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By: Leo Wang

Brief History of
Algebra is thought to be found in about 1900BC to
1600BC, named after the Latin word al-jabr,
discovered by Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, a
Muslim mathmetician. Egypt is known for its Pyramid
of Giza, which is made with algebra, specifically, the
Pythagoras Theorem. Algebra, a study of symbols,
known and un-known variables, and equations is
considered as one of the oldest components in the
history of maths. 🧮 
X, is commonly known as the variable that is
unknown, discovered at about the 17th century
by Rene Descartes. This is a very important
symbol involved in Algebra.
Algebra in
Algebra is a very important factor in construction,
which can figure out angles, lengths, and formulas
to find out the circumference and area of shapes. 
Fun facts
• Until the 16th century, there were only two subfields of mathematics: geometry and arithmetic.
• Fields, rings, and groups of abstractions are all studied as part of algebraic studies.
• Engineering, science, mathematics, economics, and medicine all use elementary algebra.

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