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Gravity and Weight

● Define: weight, mass, gravity.
● Use the equation to find weight, mass and gravity.
● Recall factors that affect the strength of gravity.  Describe how gravity effects objects
in space
Why are you not floating?

What happens when you fall down the stairs?

Draw whatever comes into your mind when you think of the word gravity under today's title.

​ ow show your partner and use these sentences to help you talk about both your
Person A: I drew this because…​
Person B: That’s similar/different to my drawing because…​
Person A: What I already know about gravity is…​
Person B: Some key words we might use in today’s lesson are..​
Key Point (add to your notes):
Gravity is a pulling force that pulls everything downwards.
Gravity pulls an object down with a force we call weight.

Weight (N) = mass (kg) × gravitational field strength (N/kg)


This is how This is the

much matter or amount of
“stuff” an object gravitational force
is made up of. you are being
pulled by!
Every object in the universe is attracted to every other object in the universe by a force
called GRAVITY.

The larger the mass of two objects,

the stronger the attractive force of
gravity between them.​

The closer together the objects are,

the stronger the attractive force of gravity.​
● Most pairs of objects are too far apart or have too little mass (or both) for the
attractive force of gravity to be noticeable. 
● It is only noticed if one or both of the objects is very massive (eg star, planet) and
they are (relatively) close together.

We are pulled towards the centre of

the Earth  because it is
very massive and we are right next to
Weight versus Mass 

Patrick is very happy as he has just realised he can

lose weight by moving to the Mercury rather than
going on a diet. 

Talk: Using the information below and your

equation, explain why Patrick can do this? Will it Weight (N) = mass (kg) ×
help his health?  gravitational field strength (N/kg)​

Gravitational field strength on Earth 10N/kg 

Gravitational field strength on Mercury 4N/kg 
Weight versus Mass 
Patrick is very happy as he has just realised he can
lose weight by moving to the Mercury rather than
going on a diet. His mass is 200kg. 

What is Patrick's weight on Earth?

Weight (N) = 200 x 10 = 2000N ​
Weight (N) = mass (kg) ×
What is Patrick's weight on Mercury? gravitational field strength (N/kg)​
Weight (N) = 200 x 4 = 800N ​
Patrick's mass will stay the same though, we use the words mass and
weight mixed up in everyday life! 
Gravitational field strength on Earth 10N/kg 
Gravitational field strength on Mercury 4N/kg 
Weight calculations 
1. Calculate the weight of a 92kg badger on Earth (g = 10N/kg).
W= m x g = 92 x 10 = 920N 
2. Calculate the weight of a 1100kg expensive car on the Moon (where g = 1.6N/kg). 
W = m x g = 1100 x 1.6​= 1760N.
3. A mutant bee has a weight of 800N on Earth. What is his mass?
m = W / g​ = 800 / 10  = 80kg.
4. Dave the cat has a very happy life living on Planet X (where it rains fish). He has a
mass of 2.2kg and a weight of 68N.  What is the gravitational field strength on Planet
X (where it rains fish)?
g   = W / m​  = 68 / 2.2​= 30.91 N/kg​
Calculating Weight and Mass 
1. My mass is _60_kg

2. Gravity on Earth is 10 N/kg. This means that every kilogram = 10 N on

Weight(N)= mass(kg) x60
gfs (N/kg) 600
On Earth my weight is: ___________kg x 10N/kg       =
__________N. Because your mass
60 won’t change!
3. Gravity is different on different planets.
On Mars, gravity is 4 N/kg. 240
If I lived on Mars my MASS would be __________ kg. 60 (mass) x 4 (gfs)
Now complete
If I lived on Mars my your worksheet
WEIGHT would beyou space explorer! 
Let's Check 
4. Fill in the table for all the planets (you’ve already done Earth and Mars!)
Planets Mass (kg) Gravitational field strength Weight (N)

60 43.6 2616
60 x 8.9 = 534
60 26.9 1614
Saturn 60 11.9 714
60 10.7 642
60 12.2 732
No! Does your weight change?___________​
Does your mass change?___________ Yes!
Your mass is a measure of how much matter you are
Explain:_____________________ made up of, so it
won’t change no matter what planet you are on. Your weight will change as
each planet has a different gravitational field strength!
An object regularly going around another object is ORBITING it.
If Object A is orbiting Object B, then Object A is a SATELLITE of object B, for example the
Earth is a satellite of the Sun.

Satellites can be NATURAL Apart from the ISS, artificial

or ARTIFICIAL, for example satellites are usually used for
the Moon is a communications, imaging, spying
natural satellite of  the Earth an and navigation (eg GPS).​
d the International Space In space, any satellite is held in orbit
Station is an artificial satellite by the force of gravity from the
of the Earth.​ object it is orbiting.​
Additional Resources 
If you need some extra help:

If you would like to further your knowledge:

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