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Cell Communication

Dr Safa Abdul Ghani

Overview of Cell to Cell Communication:
• Two basic types of physiological signals:
I. Electrical : changes in a cell s membrane potential
II. Chemical : molecules secreted by cells into the extracellular Fluid.

Chemical signals are responsible for most communication within the body.
The cells that receive electrical or chemical signals are called target cells

• Chemical
• Autocrine & Paracrine: Local Signaling

• Endocrine system: Distant, Diffuse Target

• Electrical
• Gap Junction: Local

• Nervous System: Fast, Specific, Distant Target

four basic methods of cell-to-cell communication:

(1) gap junctions, which allow direct cytoplasmic transfer of electrical

and chemical signals between adjacent cells
(2) contact-dependent signals, which occur when surface molecules on
one cell membrane bind to surface molecules on another cells
(3) local communication by chemicals that diffuse through the
extracellular fluid
(4) long-distance communication through a combination of electrical
signals carried by nerve cells and chemical signals transported in the
1) Gap Junctions

Protein channels – connexin

Direct flow to neighbor
- Electrical-ions (charge)
- Signal chemicals

2) Contact dependent signal

CAMs (Cell adhesion molecules)
- Need direct surface contact
- Signal chemical

Direct and local cell-to-cell communication

3)Paracrines and Autocrines (Local communication)
• Local communication

• Signal chemicals diffuse

to target

• Example: Cytokines
- Autocrine
receptor on same cell

- Paracrine
receptor on neighboring
Direct and local cell-to-cell communication
4)Long Distance Communication: Hormones
• Signal Chemicals

• Made in Endocrine

• Transported via Blood

• Receptors on Target

Figure 6-2a: Long distance cell-to-cell communication

4) Long Distance Communication:
Neurons and Neurohormones
• Neurons
Electrical Signal down Axon

Signal Molecule (Neurotransmitter) to Target Cell

• Neurohormones
Chemical and Electrical Signals down Axon

Hormone Transported via Blood to Target

Figure 6-2 b: Long distance cell-to-cell communication

Long Distance Communication:
Neurons and Neurohormones
Figure 6-2 - Overview
Signal Pathways

• Signal Molecule (Ligand)

• Receptor

• Intracellular Signal

• Target Protein

• Response
Receptor locations

Cytosolic or Nuclear
- Lipophilic ligand enters cell
- Often activates gene
- Slower response

Cell Membrane
- Lipophobic Ligand can't enter
- Outer Surface Receptor
- Fast Response

Figure 6-4: Target cell receptors

Figure 6-4 (3 of 3)
Membrane Receptor Classes
• Ligand- Gated Channel (Receptor Channel)

• Receptor Enzymes

• G-Protein-Coupled

• Integrin
Figure 6-5
Membrane Receptor Classes

Figure 6-5: Four classes of membrane receptors

Signal Transduction
Transforms Signal

Protein Kinase

Second Messenger

Activate Proteins
• Phosporylation
• Bind Calcium

Cell Response

Figure 6-8: Biological signal transduction

Figure 6-6
Figure 6-7
Figure 6-8
Table 6-1
Table 6-2
Figure 6-9
Receptor Enzymes


- Side Enzyme

Tyrosine Kinase

Figure 6-10: Tyrosine kinase, an example of a receptor-enzyme

G-Protein-Coupled Receptors
Hundreds of Types

Main Signal Transducers

• Activate Enzymes

• Open Ion Channels

• Amplify: Adenyl Cyclase-cAMP

• Activates Synthesis
G-Protein-coupled Receptors

Figure 6-11 - Overview

Figure 6-11, step 1
Figure 6-11, step 2
Figure 6-11, step 3
Figure 6-11, step 4
Figure 6-11, step 5
Figure 6-12 - Overview
Figure 6-12, step 1
Figure 6-12, step 2
Figure 6-12, step 3
Figure 6-12, step 4
Figure 6-12, step 5
Figure 6-5

Figure 6-13
Figure 6-14
Novel Signal Molecules

- Channel Opening
- Muscle Contraction
- Enzyme Activation
- Vesicle Excytosis

Nitric Oxide (NO)

- Paracrine: Arterioles
- Activates cGMP
- Brain Neurotransmitter
Modulation of Signal Pathways by Ligands

Multiple Ligands

Turn on Receptor

Block Receptor

Figure 6-17: Agonists and antagonists

Modulation by Receptors

Multiple Receptors for a Ligand: Epinephrine (adrenaline)

• Alpha Receptor / Vasoconstriction
• Beta Receptor / Vasodilation

Receptor Up-Regulation: Grow More Receptors

Receptor Down-Regulation: Grow Fewer Receptor

• Excess Stimulation
• Drug Tolerance

Endocytosis of Ligand & Receptor

Modulation by Receptors

Figure 6-18: Target response depends on the target receptor

Homeostasis and “Homeodynamic”

• Cannon's Postulates (Concepts)

• Nervous Regulation of Internal Environment (control blood

volume, blood osmolarity, blood pressure, and body

• Tonic Level of Activity (Blood vessel diameter)

• Antagonistic Controls (ex. insulin and glucagon)

• Chemical Signals can have Different Effects on Different

Figure 6-19
Tonic Level of Activity (Blood vessel diameter)

Figure 6-20
Antagonistic Controls

Figure 6-21 - Overview

Figure 6-21a
Figure 6-21b
Control Pathways
⮚Maintain Homeostasis

Local–Paracrines (ex.Nitric oxide)

Long-Distance–Reflex Control
• Nervous

• Endocrine

• Cytokines
Control Pathways

Figure 6-22
Reflex Control

Sensory Receptor

Afferent Path

Integration Center

Efferent Path

Effector- Target Cell/Tissue

Response (Feedback Loop)

Figure 6-22: Steps of a reflex
Types of Receptors: Membrane, CNS & Peripheral

Figure 6-23: Multiple meanings of the word receptor

Feedback Loops
• Negative Feedback: Are Homeostatic
Response Slows Stimulation
Return to Optimal Range

• Positive Feedback:
Stimulation Drives more Stimulation

• Feed Forward:
Prepares Body for Change
Feedback Loops

Are Not Homeostatic

: Negative and positive feedback

Feedback Loops

Figure 6-28
Complexity and Modulation
of Control Systems


Nature of Signal



Figure 6-30a
Figure 6-30b
Figure 6-30c
Table 6-4
Figure 6-31 - Overview
Figure 6-31, step 1
Figure 6-31, step 2
Figure 6-31, step 3
Figure 6-31, step 4
Figure 6-31, step 5
Figure 6-31, step 6
Table 6-5
Integration of Systems uses: Local, Endocrine and Nervous

Signals Travel Via: Diffusion, Gap Junctions, Axons, and Blood to

Target Cells
Receptor Types and Functions: Binding, Transduction,
Amplification, Activation, Cell Responses

Receptors are Modulated by: Competition, Specificity, Blocking,

Up– and Down–Regulation

Concepts of Homeostasis (Homeodynamics)

Reflex Control Pathways, Types, Feedback and their Regulation

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