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Arches of the foot

Clinical importance
 Flat foot in children
 Pes planus (planovalgus)
 Depression of medial arch
 Foot displaced laterally & everted
 Talus forced between navicular & calcaneum
 Stretching of ligaments
 Bones change shape
 Pes cavus
 Medial arch is high
 Associated with neurological disease
 Pain in the foot
 Single bone Vs segments
 Segments can only support weight if
built into arch form
 Three arches viz medial longitudinal,
lateral longitudinal, transverse
 Half dome
A stone bridge?
 Shape of the stones
 Staples join the stones inferiorly
 Tie beam
 Suspension bridge
 Medial longitudinal
 Calcaneum, talus, navicular, 3 cuneiform,
medial 3 metatarsals
 Talus is keystone
 Plantar calcaneonavicular, tibialis posterior
 Plantar aponeurosis, medial f. digit brevis/
longus, abd. hallucis, f. hallucis longus/ brevis
 Tib. Ant, tib. Post, med. Lig of ankle
 Lateral longitudinal
 Calcaneum, cuboid, 4th&5th metatarsals
 Cuboid is keystone
 Long & short plantar ligaments, origins of
the short muscles of the foot
 Plantar aponeurosis, abd. Digiti minimi, lat.
F.dig. Longus/brevis
 P. longus/ brevis
 Transverse
 Cuboid, 3 cuneiform, bases of metatarsals
 Wedge shape of cuneiform & bases of
 Deep transverse ligs, strong plantar ligs, origins
of plantar muscles of fore foot; Dorsal
interossei & transverse head of add. hallucis
are paramount (staples)
 Peroneus longus (tie beam)
 Peroneus longus / brevis (suspend)
 Shape of bones
 Ligaments
 Muscle tone
Walking and running…
 Heel strike
 Stance (support/ weight bearing)
 Toe off (push off)
 swing

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