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Presented By:ANTO MATHEW EC 7 No.



at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory abilities like those of human beings. camera and microphone to identify user actions and emotions.


Blue Eye stands for

Blue Eye Technology Eye for eye movement, provides the information about the user Blue from Bluetooth

Introduction Functional Design Hardware Specification Implementation Advantages Applications Reference Conclusion

The complex solution for human-operator monitoring: conscious brain involvement monitoring triggering user-defined actions data recording

What is Blue Eyes not?

Doesnt predict nor interfere with operators thoughts Cannot force directly the operator to work

Functional Design:THREE groups of users OPERATOR - a person whose physiological parameters are supervised - authorization in the system - receiving alerts

SUPERVISOR a person responsible for analyzing operators condition and performance.

SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS - maintains the system deliver tools for adding

- new operators to the database - defining alarm conditions - configuring logging tools - creating new analyzer modules

Hardware Specification:

Two major units :

DAU (Data Acquisition Unit ) CSU (Central System Unit )

Data Acquisition Unit

Central System Unit

Atmel 89C52 microcontroller Jazz Multisensor



Connection Manager Data Analysis

Visualization Module Data Logger

Bluetooth technology provides means for creating a Network linking the operators and the central system.

Data Acquisition Unit

Lightweight Runs on batteries low power consumption

Atmel 89C52 microcontroller


Jazz Multisensor

Easy to use
ID cards for operator authorization

DAU components
ATMEL 8952 microcontroller

BLUE TOOTH MODULE supports synchronous voice data transmission

PCM CODEC used to transmit operators voice and central system sound feedback UART communication between bluetooth module and microcontroller (115200 bps) MAX232 level shifter ALPHAUNUMERIC LCD display

LED indicators
ID CARD interface

PCM codec board Microcontroller board

Batteries and Bluetooth module voltage level monitor

CONNECTION MANAGER main task to perform low-level blue tooth communication DATA ANALYSIS MODULE performs the analysis of the raw sensor data in order to obtain information about operators physiological condition DATA LOGGER MODULE provides support for storing the monitored data. VISULAIZATION MODULE provides user interface for the supervisors

Maintains Bluetooth connections Data processing Records conclusion for further exploration Provides visualization interface

Central System Unit


Connection Manager Data Analysis

Visualization Module Data Logger

Standard MDI user interface

Custom-built Bluetooth communication routines Intel USB camera ID card programmer Developed using Visual C++ 6.0 Deployment environment: Windows 2000, MS SQL Server

POD Technology used in cars

PONG A Robot

Emotional I pod

Smart Phone

Prevention from dangerous incidents Minimization of

ecological consequences financial loss a threat to a human life

The reconstruction of the course of operators work

Only registered mobile devices can connect to the system Bluetooth connection authentication
Bluetooth connection encryption Access rights restrictions

Personal and physiological data encryption

BLUE EYES technology can be used:

In automobile industry In video games To create Face Responsive Display. For eg: A blue eyes enabled TV set would become active when we look in its directions.Voice commands could then tune your favourite channel and adjust the volume.

Generic control rooms (System can be applied in every working environment requiring permanent operators attention)

Power station Captain bridge Flight control centers Operating theatres anesthesiologists

Common application A simpler system version for drivers

In the future, ordinary household devices -such as televisions, refrigerators, and ovens -may be able to do their jobs when we look at them and speak to them. Provide more delicate and facilities in computing devices. user friendly

The computers can be run using implicit commands instead of the explicit commands.

Technology does not drive change --- it enables change.

Thank You

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