Typesystems New

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Type Systems

CNG 242 Programming Language Concepts

• Inclusion polymorphism
– Concerned with subtypes and subclasses, and their ability to
inherit operations from their parent types and superclasses;
• Parametric polymorphism
– Concerned with procedures that operate uniformly on
arguments of a whole family of types;
• Overloading
– The same identifier can denote several distinct procedures in the
same scope;
• Type conversion-casting and coersion
• Type inference
Type systems
• Design choices for types:
– monomorphic vs polymorphic type system.
– overloading allowed?
– coercion(auto type conversion) applied, how?
– type relations and subtypes exist?
• Monomorphic types:
– Each value has a single specific type.
– Functions operate on a single type.
– C and most languages are monomorphic.
• Polymorphism: A type system allowing different data types handled in a
uniform interface
Inclusion polymorphism: Polymorphism based on sub-typing relation.
Function applies to a type and all subtypes of the type (class and all

Ad-hoc polymorphism : Also called overloading. Functions that can be

applied to different types and behave differently.

Parametric polymorphism: Functions that are general and can operate

identically on different types
Inclusion polymorphism
• A function applies to a type and all its
subtypes uniformly
• Let Sub be a subtype of T
– i.e.
– therefore may be used in a context where a value
of type T is expected
• Subtype examples:

OOP: HospitalDoctor is a subtype of Doctor

Inheritance as subtype
• class Shape{protected: int x,y;}
class Point:public Shape {}
class Circle:public Shape {private: int r;..}
class Rectangle: public Shape{private: int w,h;}
• void move(Point p,int dx, int dy) {…..}
Inclusion polymorphism
• A function applies to a type and all its subtypes
• class Cat:public Animal{…
public: virtual string talk(){return “miyaw”;};
class Dog: public Animal{..
public: virtual string talk(){return “havhav”;};

void write(Animal* a){ printf (“%s”,a->talk());}

int main(){
write (new Cat());
write (new Dog());
• “write” applies for any subtype of Animal
• One “talk” method is selected depending on the type of target object
• Ad-hoc polymorphism: This polymorphism let a function to have
different implementations based on its parameters and return
type. Ad-hoc polymorphism is supported through function and
method overloading.
• Parametric polymorphism: lets you write a piece of code that is
not associated with a particular type and therefore can be used
with any type. Object oriented languages like C# achieve it
through generics. C++ uses templates
• Inclusion polymorphism: let a type hold instances of many
different types as long as the types are related by some common
parent class. Object oriented languages like C++ achieve inclusion
polymorphism through inheritance.
Parametric polymorphism
Functions that are general and can operate
identically on different types
– No subtype restriction.
– Functional languages like Haskell
swap (x,y)= (y,x)
--works with any type of pairs
– Generic abstraction
• Template in C++
template <class U> void swap(U &a , U &b) {
U tmp; tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp; }
Polymorphic type
• Polymorphic types: A value can have multiple
• Functions operate on multiple types uniformly
• Haskell: identity x = x function. type: α → α
– identity 4 is 4 : int ->int
– identity “abc” is “abc” : String ->String
– identity (5,”a”) is (5,”a”) : (intxString)-> (intxString)
• Example 2: the function body works the same
independent of the parameter types.


• Functions that can be applied to different types
and behave differently
• AD-HOC polymorphism
• Overloading: using same identifier for different
procedures/functions/operators in same scope
• Example: Two different functions, two distinct
types, same name.
• Polymorphic function: one function that can
process multiple types. DIFFERENT!!

• Same identifier is bound to different function abstractions

• Binding is more complicated. not only
according to name but according to name and
Context independent overloading
• Most overloading languages are context independent
– E.g. c++ and java
• Which function body to bind is determined uniquely
by the function identifier and the type of the actual
• Overloading is not much useful. So languages avoid it.
Context dependent overloading
Context dependent overloading
• Context dependent overloading is confusing,
complex, more expensive
• Type conversion
• Casting: explicit type conversion
• Coercion: implicit type conversion.
– Performed automatically whenever the syntactic
contexts demands it
– E.g. C converts narrow range to wide range
int x=-10;
unsigned int y= x;

int *xp= &x;

double * yp= (double *) xp;

cout<<* xp<<endl;
Type inference
• Type system may force user to declare all types
(C and most compiled imperative languages), or
• Language processor infers types. How?
• Each expression position provide information
(put a constraint) on type inference
1. Equality: y=x,
2. Arithmetic expressions e= a + f x
+::Num->Num ->Num THEN a::Num, f:: alpha ->
Num, e::Num
3. Function application: e=f x
e:: beta, x:: alpha , f:: alpha -> beta
4. Type constructors: f(x:r)=t
x:: a , t:: b, f:: ([a] -> b)

• Inference of all values start from the most general

type (i.e: any type )
• Type inference finds the most general type
satisfying the constraints.
• Exercise: determine the type of .
(.) f g x = (f.g) x = f (g x)
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
• Determine the type of func and x
func x = (x `mod` 2 == 0)

x :: a
func :: a ->Bool

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