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Active Discipline: Act

Sensitive Periods:
Concentration: Cycle of Activity: of will, develops
Child in a sensitive
Activity concentrated Children repeat an gradually. As will Work:
Independence: Not period exhibits
on a single work with activity which develops through the
depending on spontaneous Children learning and
movements of the interests them for no exercise of free
another most concentration when experimenting in a
body guided by the apparent reason. choice, children
specifically the engaged in an relatively pressure-
mind. Child is in deep Child only stops begin to have the
teacher. activity that matches free environment.
engagement in an when inner need is self-discipline
a particular
activity. satisfied. necessary for
Sensitive Periods in Your Child’s Development

According to Montessori
During their first six years
The phrase ‘sensitive Theory, the most
of life, children move
periods’ refers to a important sensitive
through five main
period of time when a periods occur between
categories of sensitive
child’s interests are birth and age six. In other
periods, including: order,
focused on developing a pedagogies, sensitive
language, sensory skills,
particular skill or periods are commonly
movement, and social
knowledge area. referred to as windows of
RECOGNIZING sensitive periods in your child’s development
Watch when your
child wants to repeat
the same song or
story a million times,

compulsive or

other characteristics
of sensitive periods
may include


Break a routine that a child

Interrupting a child while is attempting to understand The ‘terrible twos’ for
they are in the middle of an and master, such as getting example, are often an This is because they are
intense sensitive period can dressed, bath time or exaggerated reaction to likely to be in a sensitive
result in a powerful bedtime, and some small disruptions in order period for learning, and
emotional response such as children will emotionally that may not be perceived their ‘work’ is being
a tantrum. fall apart. by adults/Parents. interrupted.

The sensitive period for order begins at birth, peaks in the second year of development, and continues through to around age five.

This period of development teaches how to develop their reasoning skills, organise information, and understand their

Sensitivity to order can be characterised by a desire for consistency and repetition, where children crave routine and structure.

During this period of sensitivity, children may be more interested in putting things in order and packing things away, than they
are in playing with their toys.

To support the sensitive period for order, it is important to establish ground rules, a solid routine, and create an organised
environment where everything has a place.

From birth to age six, children are in the sensitive period for language. Sensitivity to
language involves spoken language, written language, and reading.

The sensitive period for learning to write is from 3.5 to 4.5 years of age. This begins
when the child learns the alphabet, and then sight words, which form the foundation
for reading and writing skills.

For reading, a child is intensely interested from 4.5 to 5.5 years of age. Reading skills
are often developed after a child learns to write as it involves visual tracking skills.

To support language development, it is important to immerse your child in an

environment that is rich in language stimulation. For example; speaking to your child
in clear language, singing and reading with them, and allowing them to speak their
Sensory Skills

Children begin to understand and

refine their senses from birth to
age five. This period of sensitivity
can be characterized with sensorial
experiences such as touch, taste,
sight and smell.

It is important to provide your child with

The phase of sensory awareness, sensitivity to
The sensorial exploration and classification, vast opportunities to explore and
small objects, occurs from one to three years
occurs from 2.5 to 6 years. This phase shows observe their environment using their
of age. This period can be characterized by a
an intense desire to take part in learning senses. You can provide your child with
child’s fixation with small objects and tiny
experiences that integrate the senses. These opportunities to group objects with
details. The phase indicates that an
experiences provide children with a system to similar traits, describe materials with
understanding of order and detail are coming
classify objects within their environment. different textures, and practice sensory
together in the child’s mind.
based games like ‘I Spy.’

From 2.5 to 4.5 years of age,

children enter the sensitive
period for refinement and
coordination of movement.
This is when the child begins
to hold items using both
hands, develop the pincer
grip, and control and
coordinate movement. To support the development of
fine and gross motor skills, provide
a child with regular visits to an
outdoor environment or provide
opportunities to practice tasks,
such as drawing or writing,
washing hands, threading, and
Social Skills

From 2.5 to 5 years, children learn You can model positive social
that they are part of a group and behaviours, and practice grace and
develop an intense interest in social courtesy rituals such as saying
relationships. “please” and “thank you.”

This is the stage of development It is important to provide them with a

where children learn to develop supportive learning environment that
friendships and participate in co- provides stimulus appropriate to their
operative play.  stage of development.

The sensitive period for social skills is Ensure adequate time and materials, and
an appropriate stage to introduce the respect the individual interests and
importance of manners and basic passions of a child through observation.
principles of human interaction. Follow the child, let them sing the ABC
song over and over again!
Thank you

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