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 Bullying: it is repeated and deliberate misuse of energy in relationships through

repeated verbal, physical, and/or social behavior that aims to cause physical,
social, and/or mental damage.
Bullying can have a huge impact on a student’s schooling life. Not attending
school is one of the first problems the people being bullied do. The statistic of
kids staying at home is over 100,000 students because they feel unsafe and
insecure. This is not right to see all these students stay home because of these
tough bullies that try and ruin someone’s life. It is a very important issue as the
school sets up your future as it gives us general life skills to help with daily
living activities and can set you up financially. If they do not attend regularly
this can result in lower academic outcomes and have effects on having
friendships at school.
Also, you can experience general life things like sleeping problems due to
nightmares. Parents definitely don’t want to see their kids upset all the time
because of bullying. It is an extremely difficult time for the parent to go
through. So we must put a stop to bullyin
A systematic literature review on the effects of bullying at school

Bullying is a severe problem that is experienced, especially in schools. Children
belong to the same social group, but some feel powerful than others and
therefore take advantage of them to physically or verbally abuse them. Many
institutions are aware, but most cases are not handled because most victims do
not report. Therefore, only physical bullying is addressed as the impacts can be
easily seen by adults. Various articles were analyzed to illustrate the different
effects of bullying on the bully, the victim, and those around. The results
demonstrate that bullying results in emotional, physical, and health effects and
affects a victim's academic performance.

 VARIABLE: A systematic literature review on the effects of bullying at school

 SUB VARIABLES : Bullying / Literature review/ School.

This investigated the students’ bully attitude and exposure to bullying. Specifically, it looked into the
relationship between students’ bully attitude and exposure with respect to predetermined profile variables as
age, sexual orientation, grade level, parents’ marital status, nuclear family size, types of residence, birth
order, household size, parents’ occupation and parents’ educational background. The study was carried out
employing a descriptive-correlation research design with 384 Grade 7 to Grade 10 studentrespondents from
the four (4) junior high schools in Tacloban City. Findings revealed that most of the respondents were 13 to
14 years old, females, Grade 7, middle born, with parents living together; with family size ranging from 4 – 6
members and whose parents have ownership of their house. Most of the respondents’ fathers were tertiary
graduates and private-employees. However, most mothers were tertiary graduates but not employed. Junior
high school students from Tacloban City Division have generally unfavorable attitude toward bullying. Their
level of exposure to bullying as victims was moderate suggesting occasional experience of being bullied. As a
bully, the exposure was high. Students’ bully attitudes were significantly associated to nuclear family size and
to their parents’ educational attainment. Evidently, school bullying among junior high schools in the study
area continues to persist notwithstanding the existing and implemented guidance program. Hence, a revisit
on the implementing guidelines of the schools’ child protection and anti-bullying policy is suggested.

VARIABLE: Attitude and exposure to bullying of Junior High School students

SUB VARIABLES: Bully attitude /Exposure to bullying /Bullying victims /Bullies

Theoretical Perspective of Bullying

 Background: School bullying has become a common phenomenon worldwide. A student or a group
of students may perform frequent aggressive behavior to a student or a group of students who cannot
defend at the time of bullying. Prior to understanding what bullying is one cannot step into
implementation of antibullying strategies. But the concept of bullying itself is so complex that, for the
conceptual understanding of the same, one must be well understood in its background theories.
Hence, it is consensus theoretical concept that some theoretical concept must be explored.
Methods: In This study, various sources such as published and/or unpublished web-based materials
were used in order to gather information regarding theoretical foundation of bullying. For preparing
this paper, materials were reviewed by using traditional or narrative literature review method. Scholar
is doing PHD in TU. This paper was also presented in seminar of Tribhuvan University (TU) as a
requirement of partial fulfillment of PHD. Results: It is substantiated that bullying is viewing
differently and people/institution have try to manage using various approaches However,
implementation of the various strategies to reduce bullying have achieved only limited success.
Therefore, understanding of the bullying from its root is the most
Conclusion: Bullying is differently seen by different individual. In order to address issues of bullying
effectively, we must able to use multidimensional strategies. Different theoretical prospective
definitely provides clear cut picture and makes easy for implementation of the antibullying strategies

 VARIABLE: Theoretical Perspective of Bullying

 SUB VARIABLES: School bullying / Negative behavior /Violent behavior

The Teacher’s Role in Preventing Bullying

The teacher plays an important role in the management of classroom bullying (Yoon and Bauman, 2014).
Therefore, understanding and fostering teachers’ characteristics able to predict successful responses to
bullying and victimization is a priority for prevention programs. The aim of this study was to evaluate
whether the association between the teacher’s individual characteristics, such as her/his competence in
regard to the phenomenon, job satisfaction, and self-efficacy, and the school level of bullying/victimization
was mediated by the teacher’s intervention when an episode of bullying occurred. The study included 120
teachers (17.5% boys; 79.2% girls), between the ages of 25 and 66 (mean age = 48.21; SD = 9.22), and 1,056
students (40.3% boys; 59.6% girls), between the ages of 11 and 17 (mean age = 13.09; SD = 1.46). A total of
57% of the students were attending secondary middle school and 42.2% were in secondary high school. Path
analyses showed that for perpetrated behaviors, teachers’ competence on bullying affects students report of
bullying through a higher likelihood of teachers’ intervention after a bullying episode occurred. The indirect
effect resulted significant. Lower levels of bullying and victimization were associated with teacher job
satisfaction, thus indicating how professional fulfillment can influence the classroom climate. The model for
victimization was the same, except that the indirect path was not significant. Findings are discussed in terms
of teachers’ involvement in bullying intervention and prevention.

VARIABLE: The Teacher’s Role in Preventing Bullying

SUB VARIABLES: Bullying/Victimization/ Teachers/ Teacher’s competence/ Self-efficacy /

Job satisfaction / Teacher’s Response .
Perception of Pupils Towards Bullying Prevention and its
Implementation at School District of Castillejos, Zambales, Philippines

Abstract: The main goal of this study is to assess the perception of pupils towards bullying prevention and its
implementation at the School District of Castillejos Zambales Philippines. The attitude towards bullying
prevention of respondents. A qualitative descriptive checklist method was employed. All responses indicated
the subjects' agreement was strongly agreed. There is a positive attitude toward bullying prevention at the
Public School District of Castillejos. While the perception of the respondents in the implementation of the
anti-bullying act are very satisfied in the measures of the Public School District of Castillejos with a verbal
description of excellent. It was concluded that there is a positive attitude of students towards anti-bullying
act implementation and the perception of pupils toward the implementation of antibullying are excellent in
terms of planning, campaign, and implementation. It was recommended that the schools will continue the
eagerness in implementing the anti-bullying act, continue the campaign in anti-bullying to educate and
saturate the school with the knowledge of the effect in physical and emotional being of pupils and continue
to let the pupils participate in all forms of the anti-bullying campaign for them to inform others about
bullying. Teachers shall continue in familiarizing the school's definition of bullying, bullying prevention
policies, and the code of conduct. This will ensure that the same policy is being enforced throughout the

VARIABLE: Perception of Pupils Towards Bullying Prevention and its Implementation at

School District of Castillejos, Zambales, Philippines

SUB VARIABLES: Anti-bullying act /Bullying prevention /Bullying solution/ Perception of

anti-bullying/ Prevention of bullying.

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