Lesson 13 The Laws of God

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The Laws of God

Lesson 13
2 The Lord has revealed His laws and commandments again in this
dispensation through Joseph Smith and subsequent prophets.

 This lesson will help us understand and able us to explain God’s divine
purposes for giving His children commandments. Determine what we can
do to be more faithfully keep the Lord’s commandments.
3 The Lord gives us laws and commandments for our salvation.

“Why Does God Give Us Commandments?”

In (0:39), what it illustrates about the way some people may view God’s
4  How does this video illustrate the attitude some young adults may have
toward God’s laws and commandments?

 What might some people who view God’s law’s as restrictive

There are more important purposes for God’s laws than merely physical
protection or mortal testing. In His revelations to the Prophet Joseph Smith,
the Lord taught the Saints some higher reasons that God gives His children
laws and commandments.

  Doctrine and Covenants 93:19–20

 Covenants 130:20–21

Look for the Lord’s promises to those who keep God’s laws and
6 God’s “fulness”
Doctrine and Covenants 93:19–20 

God’s “fulness” is Eternal life — to enter God’s presence and to become like
the Father and the Son.

(see Doctrine and Covenants 76:94).

7 Why Heavenly Father gives His children commandments?

Heavenly Father gives His children commandments so He can

bless them and help them become like Him.
8 God’s plan includes directions for us, referred to in the
scriptures as commandments. These commandments are neither
a whimsical set nor an arbitrary collection of imposed rules
meant only to train us to be obedient. They are linked to our
developing the attributes of godliness, returning to our Heavenly
Father, and receiving enduring joy.

Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

(“Choose You This Day,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 105)

9  How are commandments an indication of our Heavenly
Father’s and Savior’s love for us?

 What difference can it make in our lives to see the

commandments as loving instructions that will help us acquire
the attributes of godliness and receive joy?
10 The Lord gives the Saints His law

The story of Joseph Smith reminds us that shortly after the

Prophet Joseph Smith moved to Kirtland, Ohio, he received a
revelation containing the Lord’s law for His Church (see
Doctrine and Covenants 42). In the years that followed, the Lord
taught the Saints more of His law.
11 What are some of the ancient laws and commandments the Lord
has reaffirmed in our dispensation?

Let us examine the laws outlined in the preparation material.

Law of Consecration

The law of consecration is a principle the Lord gives to His

covenant people. To live this principle, men and women dedicate
themselves completely to building up God’s kingdom and
ensuring that there are “no poor among them”.
(Moses 7:18)
13 Law of Chastity
 Video Law of Chastity

Physical intimacy between husband and wife is a beautiful and sacred part of God’s plan for His
children. It is an expression of love within marriage and allows husband and wife to participate in
the creation of life. God has commanded that this sacred power be expressed only between a man
and a woman who are legally married. The law of chastity applies to both men and women. It
includes strict abstinence from sexual relations before marriage and complete fidelity and loyalty to
one’s spouse after marriage.
14 Law of the Sabbath

“The Sabbath day is given throughout the generations of man for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign
between the Lord and his children forever. It is a day in which to worship and to express our
gratitude and appreciation to the Lord.
15 Law of Health

Those who obey the Lord’s law of health “shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their
bones; and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; and shall run
and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint” (D&C 89:18–20).
16 God’s Laws
 What truth or truths did you learn from your study?

 What challenges are associated with obeying this law

today, and how might they be overcome?
17 God’s Laws
 What blessings have you or your family received through
keeping this law?

 How can obeying this law help you become more like
Heavenly Father?
 Which of the Lord’s commandments discussed today
could I more faithfully keep?

 What specifically do I need to change, start doing, or stop

doing to more fully keep this commandment?

 What blessings, attributes of godliness, and joy would

come into my life by following this commandment more
closely and with greater sincerity?
19 My Testimony

 Regardless of how many times I previously have read the BOM,

there comes into my life in my HOME an added measure of the
spirit of the Lord, a strengthened Mind Set to walk in
obedience to His commandment, and a stronger testimony of
Jesus Christ.

 My experiences of how obeying God’s laws and

commandments has blessed my life and helped me strive more
to become more like Heavenly Father.


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