Workflow Management

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Master 1 in
Faculty of Science II
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Project of Enterprise and Socio-

Economic Fabrics

Workflow Management
Presented by :
Christopher BAAKLINI Jury:
Christopher CHAMOUN Carole ZOUEIN
Melissa BSHARA
Fanar - Academic Year

 The discipline of developing, documenting, monitoring, and

improving the sequence of actions, or workflow, that must be
completed in order to complete a given activity is known as
workflow management.

 Workflow management's goal is to streamline each stage in the

workflow so that it is carried out accurately, consistently, and
Importance of Workflow Management

 Workflow management provides visibility into the roles and steps

assigned to task execution as well as how tasks are carried out.

 This insight enables managers to spot workflow obstacles,

bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or redundancies, which in turn enables
managers to spot opportunities to automate, simplify, or otherwise
enhance how effectively and efficiently a workflow may be
Importance of Workflow Management

 The following issues are resolved by a workflow management

 Too much time is being spent by employees in search of documents.
 Some staff are overworked, while others are unoccupied.
 Busy decision-makers creating process bottlenecks.
 Employees cherry-picking tasks (those they find most interesting or
valuable, etc.) at the expense of organizational objectives.

 Workflows that are automated, optimized, and simplified result in

time as well as money savings.
Types of Workflow Management

 3 types of workflow managements can generally be found:

 Sequential Workflow Management
 Parallel Workflow Management
 Conditional Workflow Management
I. Sequential Workflow Management

 Sequential workflow management is a type of workflow

management where the tasks or steps in the workflow are completed
in a specific order or sequence, where each task or step must be
completed before the next one can begin.

 While sequential workflow management can be an effective way to

manage certain types of tasks, it can also be inflexible. It may not be
suitable for workflows where tasks can be completed in parallel, or
where tasks need to be re-ordered based on changing priorities.

 A common example of where this is widely implemented is in the

manufacturing industry.
II. Parallel Workflow Management

 Parallel workflow management allows for multiple tasks or steps in the workflow
to be completed simultaneously, rather than in a specific sequence; two or more
tasks can be completed at the same time, without one task being dependent on the
completion of another.

 Parallel workflow management can be an effective way to improve productivity

and reduce the time it takes to complete tasks. However, it can also be more
complex to manage and requires clear communication and coordination between
team members to ensure that tasks are completed in a timely and efficient manner.

 It is often implemented in the software development industry, where the final

product is a result of many different teams working almost separately on different
III. Conditional Workflow Management

 Conditional workflow is a type of workflow management where the

tasks or steps in the workflow are completed based on certain
conditions or criteria being met; the workflow can take different
paths based on the outcomes of previous steps.

 It is highly versatile and allows for adaptation to any outcome of the

previous step, but this requires a very high level of communication,
since it is a dynamic system, changing all the time.

 It can be found in e-commerce websites.

Steps To Implement In Workflow Management

1. Define Objectives And Goals

2. Identify Key Stakeholders

3. Analyze Existing Workflow

4. Map The Workflow

5. Design An Improved Workflow

6. Implement Workflow Management System Or


7. Communicate And Educate

8. Monitor And Evaluate

9. Adjust And Refine

1. Define Objectives and Goals

 Clearly define the objectives and goals of the workflow management


 Identify the specific areas or processes that need improvement.

2. Identify Key Stakeholders

 Identify key stakeholders who will be involved in or affected by the

workflow management implementation.

 Ensure representation from different departments or teams.

3. Analyze Existing Workflow

 Conduct a thorough analysis of the current workflow.

 Identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement.

 Collect data and gather insights on the existing workflow processes.

4. Map The Workflow

 Use process mapping techniques to visually represent the current


 Document each step, decision point, and handoff involved in the


 Identify dependencies and relationships between different tasks or

5. Design an Improved Workflow

 Based on the analysis and mapping, design an improved workflow

that addresses the identified issues.

 Streamline process, eliminate unnecessary steps, and identify

opportunities for automation or optimization.
6. Implement Workflow Management System
or Tools

 Choose and implement a workflow management system or tools that

align with the organization’s needs and requirements.

 Train the team on how to effectively use the system or tools.

7. Communicate and Educate

 Communicate the changes and benefits of the new workflow

management system or processes to the stakeholders.

 Conduct training sessions or workshops to educate employees on the

new workflow and how to use the management system or tools
8. Monitor and Evaluate

 Continuously monitor the performance to track the effectiveness of

the workflow management system or processes.

 Evaluate the impact of productivity, efficiency, and outcomes.

 Make further adjustments as needed.

9. Adjust and Refine

 Based on the feedback and pilot results, make necessary adjustments

and refinements to the workflow management implementation.

 Continuously improve and refine the workflow based on ongoing

feedback and data analysis.
Role of Leadership in Workflow Management

Leadership plays a significant role in workflow management by providing guidance,

direction, and support to ensure effective execution of workflows and achieve desired
Employee Involvement

 Employee Involvement and Training are crucial components of any

successful workflow management implementation. Here are some
reasons why:
 Increased Employee Engagement
 Better Understanding of the Workflow
 Improved Buy-in and Acceptance
 Increased Collaboration and Communication
 Enhanced Skills and Competencies
 Improved Adoption and Utilization
Challenges and Solutions
Common Challenges in the Workflow Management

 While workflow systems offer numerous benefits, they can also face
certain challenges.

 Workflow systems that lack flexibility or adaptability, as well as resistance

to change from employees, can impede the effectiveness of the system.

 Proper training and on going support are essential for users to understand
and effectively use the workflow system. Insufficient training or unclear
documentation of workflows can lead to confusion, errors, and
underutilization of the system's capabilities.

 Inadequate security measures can expose the system to data breaches or

unauthorized access.
Overcoming the Challenges

 Involve employees in the process.

 Provide clear communication about the benefits of the new workflow


 Offer comprehensive training and support to facilitate a smooth


 Ensure that workflows are properly documented, including clear step-

by-step instructions, roles, and responsibilities.

 Work closely with IT teams to ensure smooth integration with existing

systems, databases, and applications.

Workflow management is indispensable in all kinds of industries. It is hard to

plan and implement, but it makes all work streamlined and much more efficient
than working on tasks randomly, making the difficulties of workflow
management implementation and maintenance worth facing to result in a more
organized and efficient process.
Thank You!

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