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By : Norliza binti Ramli

Sales & Event Management
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Distinguish Distinguish the various phases of the selling process

Apply Apply different questions to different selling situations

Understand what is involved in the presentation of information and the

Understand demonstration

Know Know how to deal with buyers’ objections

Understand Understand and apply the art of negotiation
and apply
Close Close a sale

Know about Know about new techniques in selling

The Evolution of Personal Selling
Customer-orientated selling, has been characterized as:
The desire to help customers make satisfactory purchase decisions.

Focusing on the identification of customers’ wants and an assessment of their needs.

Offering products and services that will satisfy those needs.

Adapting behaviors to meet each customer’s needs.

Describing the offer accurately but emphasizing benefits.

Avoiding deceptive, manipulative or high-pressure sales technique

affecting the
of Personal
Selling in the
Asking questions;

Providing product information, making comparisons and offering evidence to support


Successful Acknowledging the customer’s viewpoint

selling is Agreeing with the customer’s perceptions

associated Supporting the customer

with the Releasing tension

following : Having a richer, more detailed knowledge of customers

Increased effort

Confidence in one’s own ability

1. Expertise in their company’s product
and the market
Characteristi 2. Good communication skills

cs of 3. Ability to understand and satisfy the

salespeople buyer’s needs

desired by 4. Thoroughness
5. Ability to help in ensuring the reliable
and fast delivery of orders
Personal selling definition :
Direct person-to-person communication between sellers and potential customers, with
the aim of persuading potential customers to purchase products.
1. Prospecting and qualifying:
To start the process, the salesperson looks for sales prospects, those
companies and people who are most likely to buy the seller’s offerings.

Persona The following three questions help determine who is a real prospect and
who is not:
l Selling
Process - Does the prospect have a need for our product?

- Can the prospect make the buying decision?

- Can the prospect afford our product?

2. Approaching customers:
After identifying a prospect, the salesperson explains the reason for wanting an appointment and sets
a specific date and time.

3. Presenting and demonstrating the product:

The presentation and demonstration can be fully automated, completely unstructured, or somewhere
in between.

4. Handling objections:
Almost every sales presentation, structured or unstructured, meets with some objection. Rarely does a
customer say, “I’ll buy it,” without asking questions or voicing concerns.
5. Closing the sale:
After all the objections have been deal with, it’s time to close the sale.
Even experienced salespeople sometimes find this part of the sales
process awkward.

6. Following up on the sale:

The salesperson’s job isn’t over when the sale is made. In fact, the sale
is just the start. The salesperson must write up the order properly and
turn it in promptly.
Foundations of
1. Don’t fail your first
Effective online selling hurdle
Online Selling
an optimized website
Did you know that it More importantly, if
can take as little as 10 you can get users to
seconds for visitors to stay on your page for
decide whether they longer than 30
will stay on your page seconds, they are
or not? more likely to return.
2. Reach new customers with a comprehensive online
marketing strategy

Simply having an ecommerce site put you ahead of most

competitors. However, to compete in today’s online selling
market where everyone has a website, you need to reach out
and meet your audience where they live, browse, and shop.

At a bare minimum, you should plan regular online digital

campaigns and promotions across mobile, web, and social

Populating these channels regularly will help identify your

key audiences, increase brand awareness, and boost online
sales by bringing new customers to your website.
3. Make online selling personal with
artificial intelligence (AI).
People have intelligence-driven experiences every
day through favorite apps, product
recommendations, face and voice recognition, and

The connected customer now expects these highly

personalized, smart experiences across every brand
they interact with, including yours.

In fact, more than half (52%) of today’s consumers

have said that they are likely to switch brands if a
company doesn’t personalize communications to
4. Connect the dots with integrated content
Content marketing is extremely effective, its impact
relies on how well it is integrated into your conversion

Did you know that 72% of U.S. homepage user-generated

content does not provide a clear path to purchase, and 44% of
U.S. brand blogs are not integrated into the company’s
commerce site?

That is a lot of missed opportunities to drive online sales.

Brands with content deeply integrated throughout the shopping
journey see higher conversion rates than their peers, and for
good reason strategically combining content with commerce
allows you to use most compelling messaging to its fullest
5. Find the right tools for your online selling needs

Manage all aspects of online selling across all

channels from one place. Beyond the website itself,
the ideal would include marketing campaigns and
promotion capabilities, embedded artificial
intelligence, content management tools, tracking and
analytics, and much more.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud gives control over

marketing and ecommerce efforts, backed by the
ability to make smarter, more strategic decisions
without any extra effort or skill set required.
Chapter 3:

By: Norliza Ramli

Learning Objective

Describing Defining the

Explain the roles
concept of Strategic Role of
of personal selling
Personal Selling the Sales Function

Explain the
Determine steps effectiveness and
effective of selling
in selling process performance of
Personal selling definition :
Direct person-to-person communication between sellers and potential customers, with
the aim of persuading potential customers to purchase products.
Roles of Personal Selling
Prospecting Prospecting – trying to find new customers

Communicating – with existing and potential customers about the

product range

Selling – contact with the customer, answering questions and trying to

Selling close the sale

Servicing – providing support and service to the customer in the period

Servicing up to delivery and post-sale

Information gathering – obtaining information about the market to

Gathering feedback into the marketing planning process

Allocating – in times of product shortage, the sales force may have the
Allocating power to decide how available stocks are allocate
5 Effective Selling Strategies
1. Know Your Product
A top-selling strategy that's relevant to any industry, or salesperson, is that you must
know what you're selling.

If you don't know the features and benefits of the product or service you're selling, you
won't be able to answer customer questions or handle objections.

2. Show, Don't Tell

Customers want to hear about the features and benefits of a product or service, but
they're more impressed when they can see the product or service in action.
3. Understand Your Target Customer
Consumers have different wants and needs that make them gravitate toward specific products, services and

Knowledge about target customers, can readily identify their needs and help them find solutions.

4. Get Referrals from Existing Customers

Repeat customers can help a business become profitable, but even better, getting referrals can help a business
grown and build its reputation.

Include generating referrals into sales process to maximize profits.

5. Price Competitively
Pricing plays a major role in whether many consumers make a purchase, it's important of selling strategy includes pricing
Presentation - Selling Process Role-play

 Present your
Selling Process
 Every group only
has 5-10 min on
this role-play
Roles of
Four Sales
Four Sales
Mordex Photocopier Company
• You have an appointment to see George Kirby, sales office manager of Plastic Foods
Ltd, with regard to the hire of a Mordex photocopier. You are bristling with
anticipation as you know the present contract that Plastic Foods has with
Clearprint, your closest competitor, is up for renewal. You have not met Mr. Kirby
before. As you enter Mr Kirby’s office you notice that he appears a little under
pressure. After introducing yourself, you say, ‘I’d like to talk with you about how we
can improve the efficiency of your photocopying operation. I see that you use the
Clearprint ZXR photocopier at the moment. What kinds of documents do you
photocopy in the sales office?’ The discussion continues, with you attempting to
assess his staff’s requirements with regard to photocopying facilities and his
attitude towards the Clearprint machine. One need is the ability of the photocopier
to collate automatically, since some of the documents photocopied are quite
lengthy. Another requirement is for the photocopy to be of the highest quality since
it is usual for photocopies of standard letters to be sent to clients. The Clearprint
photocopier does have a collating facility and the quality, while passable, is not
totally satisfactory. Further, there are sometimes delays in repairing the machine
when it breaks down, although generally it is quite reliable.
• At the end of the discussion, You have to summaries the points that have been
raised: staff time is being wasted collating lengthy documents, the quality of
photostat is not totally satisfactory, repairs are not always carried out promptly. Mr
Kirby agrees that this is a fair summary
During the sales interview, the following objections were raised. How would you deal with them?

1. ‘I’m sorry, I have an urgent meeting in ten minutes’ time. Can we make it quick?’

2. ‘We haven’t had any major problems with the Clearprint so far.’

3. ‘Doesn’t your firm have a bad reputation?’

4. ‘Aren’t your hiring charges much higher than Clearprint’s?’

5. ‘How do I know your service will be any better than Clearprint’s?’

6. ‘My staff have got used to using the Clearprint. I’ll have to spend time showing them how to use your machine.’

7. ‘Let me think about it. The Clearprint rep is coming next week. I should like to discuss the points you’ve raised with

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