L - Heat Stress Presentation.

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Heat-Related Illness in the

Outdoor Environment

This training will cover:

• Environmental factors that contribute to

the risk of heat-related illness
• Personal factors that may increase
susceptibility to heat illness
• The importance of removing personal
protective equipment during all breaks
• The importance of frequent consumption
of small quantities of water
• The importance of acclimatization

This training will also cover:

• The different types of heat-related illness

• Signs and symptoms of heat-related illness
• The importance of reporting possible heat illness in
yourself or co-workers to your employer and/or
• Your employer’s procedures for responding to
symptoms of possible heat-related illness, including
how emergency medical services will be provided
should they become necessary
• The purpose and requirements of this standard
• Your right to receive the protections provided by
this standard
Heat illness is:
 Overheating of the body
 Inability of the body to cool

Why is it important to know about

and address heat illness?
Heat illness is dangerous
Heat illness can kill
Heat illness is preventable

Where does heat illness happen?
 Heat illness can affect anyone.
 It can happen in logging, construction
projects, landscaping, agriculture, field
work, transportation, etc.

Environmental factors that
contribute to the risk of
heat-related illness

Environmental Factors
Direct sun, heat and
 More direct sun
the greater the
 See temperature/
humidity chart
(next slide)

Limited air movement

 Low or no wind
Heat and Humidity Chart

Evaluation of environmental factors – air
temperature and humidity
Heat Index General Effect of Heat Index on
People in Higher Risk Groups
80-89 (27-32) Fatigue possible with prolonged exposure
Caution and physical activity.

90-104 (32-40) Sunstroke, heat cramps, and heat

Extreme Caution exhaustion possible.

105-129 (40-53) Sunstroke, heat cramps, and heat

Danger exhaustion likely, and heat stroke
130(53)or higher Heat stroke highly likely with continued
Extreme Danger exposure.

Environmental Factors
Hot equipment
 Engines add
more heat

Heat reflected
from ground
or objects
 Watch out for
reflected heat
Environmental factors
Physical exertion
What kind of work
are you doing?
How hard are you

Workload Activity
Categories Example Activities

Resting •Sitting quietly

•Sitting with moderate arm movement

Light •Sitting with moderate arm and leg movements

•Standing with light work at machine or bench

while using mostly arms
•Using a table saw
•Standing with light or moderate work at
machine or bench and some walking about

Workload Activity
Categories Example Activities

Moderate •Scrubbing in a standing position

•Walking about with moderate lifting or
•Walking on level at about 4 miles/hr while
carrying 6-7 pound weight load
Heavy •Carpenter sawing by hand
•Shoveling dry sand
•Heavy assembly work on a non-continuous
•Intermittent heavy lifting with pushing or
pulling (e.g. pick-and-shovel work)

Very Heavy •Shoveling wet sand

Environmental factors
 Personal protective
equipment (PPE)
 Heavy clothing
 Multiple layers
 Dark colored

Personal factors that may
make you more susceptible
to heat-related illness

Personal risk factors
• Dehydration
– You need to drink
more water when it’s

• Loss of electrolytes
– When you sweat you
lose electrolytes
– Electrolytes are
needed for your body
to function

• Illness/fever
Personal risk factors
• Age, weight, and
personal fitness
• Medical conditions
– Heart conditions
– Diabetes
– Etc.
• Certain medications
– See next slide

Some medications can make you
more sensitive to the effects of heat.

 Allergy medicines
 Cough and cold medicines
 Blood pressure and heart medicines
 Irritable bladder or bowel medicines
 Laxatives
 Mental health medicines
 Seizure medicines
 Thyroid pills
 Water pills (diuretics)

A health care provider or pharmacist can tell you for sure.

Personal risk factors
– Sugar added drinks
– Heavy foods
– Alcohol
– Hangover

Nicotine use

Personal risk factors
“I’m tough ~ I don’t need a water break”

“I’m not thirsty ~ I don’t need to drink”

“I’ll lose pay if I take a water break”

“I’ll be letting my team down”

“I’m new here ~ I need to prove myself”

Don’t fall for these beliefs – we

want you healthy!
Preventing heat illness – Work Smart
 Schedule the hardest
work for the cooler parts
of the day.

 Alternate heavy work with

light work when possible.

 Increase breaks if:

• Conditions are very
hot; or Establish a “Buddy
• The work is physically System” to keep an
demanding; or eye on co-workers for
• Protective clothing symptoms of heat
limits evaporative illness such as
cooling crankiness and
denial. 21
Preventing heat illness - Other
important precautions

Work in the shade or out of

direct sun when possible

Wear proper clothing

– Light colored
– Light weight
– Natural fibers
– Hat with a brim
– Cooling vest may be
helpful in some cases. 22
Remove PPE and excess clothing
during breaks
This is important to help you stay cool


It is important to drink small quantities of water

throughout the day.

One quart or more over the course of an hour may be

necessary when the work environment is hot and
you may be sweating more than usual as you work.

Proper hydration is key to
preventing heat illness
 Drink plenty of water (about
a cup every 15 minutes)
 Start work well hydrated
 Consider sports drinks

 Drink pop and other sugary
 Drink lots of coffee and tea
 Drink alcohol
 Wait for thirst before
drinking water

Sources of water
Drinking water sources:
• Closeable & have tap
• Clearly marked
• Suitably cool
• Individual cups

Types of Heat Illnesses

There are five main kinds of heat illness:

• Heat rash – often under clothing

• Heat cramps – in arms or legs with physical


• Fainting – can occur when person not used

to heat

• Heat exhaustion – more serious effect

• Heat stroke – can be fatal

Procedures for responding to signs or
symptoms of possible heat-related illness
Illness Signs and Treatment
Heat rash •Red blister-like •Rest in a cool place.
eruptions •Allow the skin to dry.
•Itching (prickly •Monitor for infection.

Heat •Painful spasms •Rest in a cool place.

Cramps •Abnormal body •Drink water or a heavily
posture diluted sports beverage
•Grasping the (such as Gatorade).
affected area •Seek medical attention if
cramping is severe or does
not go away.

What are the most serious heat illnesses?

Heat exhaustion and Heat stroke

Heat Heat
Dehydration Exhaustion

Untreated heat exhaustion may progress to heat stroke.

Symptoms of either should always be taken seriously

Heat exhaustion or heat stroke may develop over a few days.
What are the symptoms of heat
. Weakness
Blurred vision
High pulse rate
Extreme sweating
Pale face
Red face
Unsteady gait
Clammy and moist skin
Normal to slightly elevated temperature
What are the symptoms of heat
Rapid pulse
Red face
Hot dry skin (25% - 50% of cases)
High temperature (104° F or higher)
Erratic behavior
Heat Stroke may resemble a heart attack
Heat Stroke or Heat Exhaustion?

How do you tell the difference??

The telling difference is mental
confusion/disorientation in ALL heat stroke

You can ask these 3 questions.

1. "What is your name?"
2. "What day is this?"
3. "Where are we?"

If a worker can’t answer these questions,

assume it is heat stroke. 32
What do you do if someone is
suffering from heat exhaustion?

 Move person to cooler/shaded area

to rest and if possible, lay the
worker down.
 Contact your first aid trained

 Do not leave him or her alone.

 Loosen and remove heavy clothing

that restricts evaporation and

 If worker is alert and not

nauseated, provide fluids such as
cool water, juice, sports drinks, or
non-caffeinated soft drinks.
(About a cup every 15 minutes)
What do you do if someone is suffering
from heat exhaustion?
 Fan the person, spray/mist with
cool water, or apply a wet cloth
to his or her skin but if the
worker begins to shiver, stop

 Call an emergency number if

person does not feel better in
about 15 minutes.

 Do not further expose the

person to heat that day. Have
them rest and continue to drink
cool water and electrolyte
What do you do if someone is
suffering from heat stroke?
Seconds count!

While waiting for

medical help to arrive:
 Move the victim to a
cool shaded area

Remove clothing
that restricts cooling.

Cool the person using

whatever methods you can

Heat Stroke – Possible cooling methods

For example:
• Immerse the person in a
tub of cool water;
• Place the person in a cool
• Spray them with cool water
from a garden hose;
• Sponge the person with
cool water;
• If the humidity is low, wrap
person in a cool wet sheet
and fan him or her
• Apply ice packs under
arms and to the groin area.
Stop all activity if you become:
 Lightheaded
 Confused
 Weak
 Faint
 Or have a pounding heart or
trouble breathing

Take a break and rest in a

cool area or shade.

Tell your supervisor if you or one of

your co-workers experience symptoms
of heat-related illness. 37
Remember – to prevent heat illness:
 Drink water frequently !!
 Know the signs and symptoms of heat
related illnesses and take them seriously

 Consider sports drinks when sweating a lot

 Avoid alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and

heavy meals before or during work
 Work smart

 Acclimate

 Wear appropriate clothing

 Take regular breaks

 Keep an eye on your buddy!

Staying safe during Ramadan

The following are things that

employees themselves can do:

•Ensure you don’t skip your Suhour;

take it as close to dawn as possible. It’s
an extremely important meal to ensure
you sustain your energy throughout the
•When fast is broken, avoid caffeine
and sugary drinks, drink plenty of fluids
and aim to drink three liters between
Iftar and Suhour.
•Manage your workload to ensure
strenuous tasks are conducted in the
•Ensure you take regular breaks in a
cool or shaded area. 39
Staying safe during Ramadan

• Ensure you monitor your own

physical condition and also that
of your colleagues.
• Plan your journey to work,
ensuring you leave yourself
plenty of time to travel as driving
conditions can worsen during
Ramadan. If you are feeling
fatigued consider alternative
means of transport.
• Maintain open communication
with colleagues and
• Try and get at least seven hours
sleep a night.

Stay safe and Ramadan Kareem. 40

Quick Quiz – True or False
1. Cola drinks are the best way to hydrate
when you are working outside.

2. Light colored clothing is better than dark

when working in the sun.

3. Your medicine may make you more

vulnerable to heat-related illness.

4. It is important to drink your water all at




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