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The Measure of Central

A measure of central tendency is a value that
represents a typical, or central, entry of a data
set. The three most commonly used measures of
central tendency are the mean, the median, and
the mode.
The Measure of Central

Definition 1. The Mean (Ungrouped Data)
The mean of a data set is the sum of the data
entries divided by the number of entries. To find
the mean of a data set, use one of the following
The Mean ( Ungrouped Data)

Formula 1: Mean Where,
( Ungrouped)
– Population Mean.
- Data values.
Population Mean: - Total number of entries in
Sample Mean : - sample mean.
-Total number of entries in
The Mean ( Ungrouped Data)

Example 1. The prices (in dollars) for a sample
of round-trip flights from Chicago, Illinois to
Cancun, Mexico are listed. What is the mean
price of the flights?
872, 432, 427, 397, 388, 782, 397
The Mean ( Ungrouped Data)

The sum of the flight prices is
= 872 + 432 + 397 + 427 + 388 + 782 + 397 = 3695

To find the mean price, divide the sum of the prices by

the number of prices in the sample.

So,the mean price of the flights is about $527.90.

The Mean ( Ungrouped Data)

Exercise 1:

The heights (in inches) of 50 BS in Mathematics

students enrolled in Calculus. What is the mean
Weighted Mean

Definition 2. A weighted mean is the mean
of a data set whose entries have varying
weights. A weighted mean is given by

where w is the weight of each entry x.

Weighted Mean

Example 2. Neil is taking a class in which his grade
is determined from five sources: 50% from his test
mean,15% from his midterm,20% from his final
exam, 10% from his computer lab work, and 5%
from his homework. His scores are 86 (test mean),
96 (midterm), 82 (final exam), 98 (computer lab),
and 100 (homework). What is the weighted mean
of his scores? If the minimum average for an A is
90,did Neil get an A?
Weighted Mean

Weighted Mean


his weighted mean for the course is 88.6.So,Neil did not

get an A.
The Mean (Grouped)

Definition 3. The mean of a frequency distribution for a
sample is approximated by

Note that
where and are the midpoints and frequencies of a
class, respectively.
The Mean (Grouped)

Consider the table of Minutes Spent in a phone for
1(one) month.

Classes f LCB UCB x % <cf >cf

67-78 3 66.5 78.5 72.5 10.00 3 30
79-90 5 78.5 90.5 84.5 16.67 8 27
91-102 8 90.5 102.5 96.5 26.67 16 22
103-114 9 102.5 114.5 108.5 30.00 25 14
115-126 5 114.5 126.5 120.5 16.67 30 5
Total 30 100.00
The Mean (Grouped)

Example 3. Find Average Minute He/She
spent in a phone for 1 month?
The Mean (Grouped)

From Table 1.
Classes f x fx
67-78 3 72.5 217.5
79-90 5 84.5 422.5
91-102 8 96.5 772
103-114 9 108.5 976.5
115-126 5 120.5 602.5
Total 30 2991
The Mean (Grouped)

By using Formula of Def. 3.

The average minutes spent in a phone for 1 (one) month

is 99.70 minutes.
The Mean (Grouped)

Formula 2. Mean (Grouped) Unit Deviation Method

- class mark of assumed mean class
- frequency
-class interval
Unit Deviation Method

Example 4. Find the Mean of Example 3.
using unit deviation Method.
Unit Deviation Method

Solution: Determine the Assume Mean Classes by
taking the class with the highest frequency.

Classes f x
67-78 3 72.5
79-90 5 84.5
91-102 8 96.5
103-114 9 108.5 Assumed Mean Class
115-126 5 120.5
Total 30
Unit Deviation Method

Input your deviation
Classes f x d fd
67-78 3 72.5 -3 -9
79-90 5 84.5 -2 -10
91-102 8 96.5 -1 -8
103-114 9 108.5 0 0
115-126 5 120.5 1 5
Total 30
Unit Deviation Method

Note that the class interval in this example is 12.
The Median( Ungrouped)

Definition 4.The median of a data set is the
value that lies in the middle of the data when
the data set is ordered.

 The median measures the center of an

ordered data set by dividing it into two equal
The Median( Ungrouped)

 If the data set has an odd number of entries, the
median is the middle data entry.

 If the data set has an even number of entries, the

median is the mean of the two middle data entries.

Where are the two middlemost value when it arrange

in order
The Median( Ungrouped)

Example 4.The prices (in dollars) for a sample
of round-trip flights from Chicago, Illinois to
Cancun, Mexico are listed. What is the median
price of the flights?

872, 432, 427, 397, 388, 782, 397

The Median( Ungrouped)

Arranged the Data in Increasing order.
388 397 397 427 432 782 872
Then, n = 7
If n is odd we use

388 397 397 427 432 782 872

The Median( Ungrouped)

Example 5. In example 4. consider the following data.
The prices (in dollars) for a sample of round-trip flights
from Chicago, Illinois to Cancun, Mexico are listed.
What is the median price of the flights?

872, 432, 427, 397, 388, 782, 397, 351

The Median( Ungrouped)

Arranged the Data in Increasing order.
351 388 397 397 427 432 782 872
Then n =8
If n is even we use
The Median (Grouped)

Definition 5. Formula for Median(Grouped Data)

- Lower Boundary of assumed Median Class

- cumulative frequency of the class before assumed
median class.
- frequency of the median class
- class interval
The Median (Grouped)

Example 6. Consider the table in the first example. The
table of Minutes Spent in a phone for 1(one) month.
Find its median.
The Median (Grouped)

Solution: Determine the Median Class by locating

Then, look for cumulative frequency greater than and

closest to 15.
The Median (Grouped)

Classes f LCB <cf
67-78 3 66.5 3
79-90 5 78.5 8
91-102 8 90.5 16
103-114 9 102.5 25
115-126 5 114.5 30
Total 30

Since 16> 15 and closest to 15 then 91 – 102 is our median class.

The value of the median is located between 91-102. the
The Median (Grouped)

To solve the median

Thus the median is 101.00 minutes.

The Mode (Ungrouped)

Definition 7. The mode of a data set is the
data entry that occurs with the greatest
frequency. A data set can have one mode, more
than one mode, or no mode. If no entry is
repeated, the data set has no mode. If two
entries occur with the same greatest frequency,
each entry is a mode and the data set is called
The Mode (Ungrouped)

Example 8. Find the mode of the flight prices given in
Example 1.

Ordering the data helps to find the mode.
388 397 397 427 432 782 872
From the ordered data, you can see that the entry 397
occurs twice, whereas the other data entries occur only
once. So, the mode of the flight prices is $397.
The Mode (Grouped)

Definition 8: The Mode for grouped data

- sample mode
- Lower boundary of the modal class
- highest frequency less the frequency of the class
- highest frequency less the frequency of the class after
- class interval
The Mode (Grouped)

Example 9. Consider the Table 1. The minutes spent in a
phone for 1 (one) month . Find the mode of this data.
Classes f LCB
67-78 3 66.5
79-90 5 78.5
91-102 8 90.5
103-114 9 102.5
115-126 5 114.5
Total 30
The Mode (Grouped)

Solution: First thing to do is to determine the modal
class ( class with the highest frequency).

Classes f LCB
67-78 3 66.5
79-90 5 78.5
91-102 8 90.5
103-114 9 102.5 Modal class
115-126 5 114.5
Total 30
The Mode (Grouped)

Classes f LCB
67-78 3 66.5 Lb = 102.5
79-90 5 78.5 =9–8=1
91-102 8 90.5
103-114 9 102.5
115-126 5 114.5 = 12
Total 30
The Mode (Grouped)

Substituting all given to formula

Thus the mode is 104.90 minutes.


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