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6.3 Identify a company reputed to have a strong and positive culture
(e.g via Fortune’s Best Companies, Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work’ or
Likendin’s Most in Demand Employers’). What is attractive about this
company culture, how is it sustained and to what extent is it a
competitive advantage.
So, what really defines corporate culture? Fancy perks and a pretty office
alone do not build culture and cause employees to do their best work.
Culture needs to go beyond the superficial. 

A Glassdoor study found that great cultures are formed when there’s:

• A workplace with a clear mission connecting employees' daily work to a

broader social purpose and positive change.
• High-quality senior leaders who are inspiring, empathetic and
• A set of clearly-defined pathways for career advancement, making job
roles a journey rather than a dead-end.
What is glassdoor?
Glassdoor is an American website where current and former employees
anonymously review companies. Glassdoor also allows users to
anonymously submit and view salaries as well as search and apply for
jobs on its platform.
The values that help achieve these are what
Glassdoor calls the Big 9 Cultural Values, and they're
cited the most by leading companies and have the
greatest impact on results.

Agility  Diversity Integrity

Collaboration Execution Performance

Customer Innovation Respect

• Agility: Agile companies are nimble, flexible and quick to seize an opportunity. Internet and
management consulting companies are leading industries when it comes to this value. 
• Collaboration: When companies exercise this value, their employees are cohesive and productive,
within their group and across teams. Fast food and retail apparel are some industries that have
this down to a science;
• Customer: The customers’ needs are central, for businesses that radiate this value. The company
prides itself on listening to customers and creating value for them. Pharma & bio tech and
Medical devices are leading industries, while Chick Fil A is a distinguished player. 
• Diversity: Bring yourself, because there’s a place for everyone in these inclusive cultures.
• Execution: Companies implement this value by fostering behaviors like taking personal
accountability for results, delivering on commitments, prioritizing the activities that matter most,
and adhering to process discipline. 
• Innovation: Companies that value and fuel creativity and experimentation and are eager to
implement new ideas exhibit this value.
• Integrity: Staff members across the board, from entry-level professionals to company leaders,
maintain a code of honesty and ethics that consistently inform their actions. 
• Performance: The company recognizes performance and rewards results through compensation,
recognition and promotion, and it handles underperforming employees tactfully and strategically. 
• Respect: Employees, managers and leaders exercise consideration and courtesy for each other.
They treat one another with dignity, and they take one another’s perspectives seriously.
What is attractive about this
company culture?
• What exactly is culture, and why does it matter so much when it comes
to your job satisfaction?  Professors Charles A. O’Reilly and 
Jennifer A. Chatman define culture as “a set of norms and values that
are widely shared and strongly held throughout the organization.” These
values underscore employees’ experience. If your employer values
innovation, for example, you feel that. The cultural framework, with
which you interact daily, is infused with the value.  
• Interestingly, Glassdoor research reveals that eighty-five percent of CEOs
and CFOs agree that a dysfunctional corporate culture leads to unethical
behavior, demonstrating that leaders recognize that the culture they
shape directly impacts the output their employees render. 
How is it sustained and to what
extent is it a competitive advantage.
• It sustained in there review they have a site for those
employees who want to have or give opinions about
pros and cons.

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