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Lesson 2
Round 1- Low Connection Question
• 1. What time of day are you at your best?
• 2. Who has influence you most in your life?
• 3. What relaxes you the most?
• 4. Whom do you admire the most?
• 5. What is your most treasured memory?
Round 2- Moderate Connection Question
• 1. If you could change one thing about yourself what ould it be?
• 2. What is your greatest fear?
• 3. Describe your most embarrassing moment
• 4. What is one habit you would like to break?
• 5. If scientist were able to develop a time machine that allowed you to
return to a place in time, but you were unable to return, would you go and
what time would you choose? If you would not go, why not?
• 6. If you were having difficulty on a test and could safely cheat by looking
at someone else’s paper, would you do so? Why or Why not?
Round 3- Connection Question
• 1. When was the last time you cried?
• 2. How forgiving is you when your friends let you down?
• 3. If you could ask God, mother nature or a supreme being a question what would
it be?
• 4. If you had the chance to speak to someone that has passed away one last time
who would it be and what would you say?
• 5. Could you forgive someone who caused you great loss, like the loss of a loved
one, great wealth or your health?
• 6. What is the worst thing anyone has ever done to/for you? How did it make you
feel? What is the best thing anyone has ever done to/for you? How did it make
you feel?

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