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Articulation of the
lower limbs
Joints of the lower limbs
 Joints of the lower limb are divided into 2 groups: girdle joints
and joints of the movable part.
 Sacroiliac joint is a synovial articulation between the auricular
surfaces of the sacrum and ilium. It is gliding, multiaxial
 Ligaments:
 Sacroiliac ventral and dorsal ligg.
 Sacroiliac interosseus lig.
 Iliolumbarle lig.(extracapsular)

Pubic symphisis is between the sympisial surfaces of the pubic bones.

It is cartilaginous joint, which contains interpubic disc.
 Cartilaginous joint
 A. Symphyses – fibrous cartilage
 The hip joints is a synovial articulation between the head of
the femur and acetabulum of the hip bone. It is ball and
socket, multiaxial joint. It contains additional element
acetabular labrum, which surrounds acetabulum and increases
in size.
 Ligaments:
 Intracapsular ligg.: Transverse acetabular lig., Ligament of
the head of the femur (lig. Capitis femori)
 The neck is covered by zona orbicularis.
 Capsular ligg.: Iliofemoral, pubofemoral, ischiofemoral ligg.
 The knee joint(Genus) is the largest and most complex joint of the body. It is a
synovial articulation between the distal end of the femur, proximal end of the tibia and
patella. It is codyloid, biaxial joint, which contains additional elements: lateral and
medial menisci(meniscus), patella(sessamoid bone, located in the tendon of the
quadriceps femoris muscle),
 Intracapsular ligaments: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), Posterior cruciate
ligament (PCL), transverse genus lig., meniscofemoral anterior and posterior
 Capsular ligaments: Oblique popliteal ligament, Arcuate popliteal ligament.
 Extracapsular ligaments: Patellar ligament, Medial and lateral patellar
retinacula, tibial collateral ligament, fibular collateral ligament.
Bursae of the knee include the following:
 a. Prepatellar (subcutaneus)bursa between the patella and skin.
 b. Infrapatellar deep bursa between superior part of tibia and patellar ligament
 c. Suprapatellar bursa between inferior part of femur and deep surface of quadriceps
femoris muscle.
 Knee joint contains plica synovialis infrapatellaris and plicae alares.

 The Ankle (talocrural) joint is a synovial Hinge monoaxial
articulation between the distal end of tibia and its medial malleolus
and talus; (2) between lateral malleolus of fibula and talus.
 Ligaments:
 Medial (deltoid) ligament, which consists of 4 ligaments –
tibionavicular, tibiocalcanear, tibiotalat anterior, tibiotalar posterior.
 Lateral ligament, consists of 3 ligaments – talofibular anterior,
talofibular posterior, calcaneofibular ligg.
Movements: Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of foot.
Intertarsal joints - Subtalar joint between talus and calcaneus of tarsus;
talocalcaneonavicular joint between talus and calcaneus and navicular
of tarsus; calcaneocuboid joint between calcaneus and cuboid of
Tarsometatarsal - Between three cuneiforms of tarsus and bases of
five metatarsal bones.

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