Tier 3 Token Chart

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Tier 3

∙ Who is Sheldon?
Sheldon is a 4th grade student attending Caltech Elementary.
Sheldon enjoys and shows strength in Cartography, advanced vocabulary,
creative writing, LEGO building, Science Fiction, and is very involved in
his school community.

Sheldon’s teacher, Mr. Hofstadter, had identified that Sheldon shows an

area of need in refusing to complete work.

Mr. Hofstetter completed multiple discipline referrals to the Child Study

Team for additional interventions.

Following the identification of disruptive behavior within the classroom,

The Student Success Team decided to implement a Tier 2 intervention to
support Sheldon’s behavioral needs.

The Student Success team tracked over three weeks how Sheldon reacted
and how his behavior was affected by the Tier 2 self management
intervention (Results to the Right).
Potential function of the target behavior:

∙ The function for Sheldon’s behavior in refusal to complete work could be work
avoidance, or to gain access to the attention of his peers.
∙ The A-B-C data sheet shows many occurrences where:
Sheldon would leave his seat (March 11th, 17th, 19th)
Sheldon would cause a verbal disruptions after work prompt (March 8 th)
Sheldon would not complete that prompted task with reminders form teacher and/or classmates
(all observed dates)
Replacement behaviors:

∙ Asking for a break

∙ Raising hand for help
∙ Doodling in the margins
Potential reinforcers:

∙ Getting to build with Legos

∙ 5 minutes of free time to talk with a friend
∙ Dribbling with a soccer ball in the hallway for 5 minutes
∙ Getting to read science fiction for 10 minutes
Token selection:

∙ A token that could interest Sheldon could be a Lego brick,

building with LEGO’s are one of Sheldon’s interest and
∙ The token chart will be introduced to the student as a reward
system for displaying active behaviors within the classroom.
Schedule for token distribution:

∙ For every five minutes of uninterrupted class time, due to

Sheldon’s behavior of refusal to do work, Sheldon can earn
a token. This includes staying on task, particpating in the
lesson, completing his work. If Sheldon is displaying the
target behavior’s he will not lose tokens though he will not
obtain them in that time period.
Schedule for token exchange:

In implementing the token exchange Sheldon would be able to

exchange his tokens after every assignment, with the data of
how Sheldon is interested in implementing this routine, and the
behaviors decrease the frequency of the exchange could be less
frequent such as 3 to 4 times per day.
Determine the cost for the reinforcers:

ITEM Lego’s Free-time Soccer Reading

COST 3 tokens 4 tokens 5 tokens 6 tokens

Sample materials: First Then

Getting to build with

Legos I AM
5 minutes of free FOR:
time to talk with a

Dribbling with a
soccer ball in the
hallway for 5

Read science fiction

for 10 minutes

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