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BIOL-1112/6 Human Anatomy & Physiology

Term Test 1 Spring 2023

Monday, May 15th
10:00 Start in 4M41

- Wait in the hallway until you are called in to write the term test
-Make sure all cell phones are OFF and stored in your bags at the
front; NOT on your person (academic misconduct)
-Exams must be written in PENCIL
-We’ll go over the term test instructions and then you will have 75
mins (10:00-11:15) to complete the term test
-The term test consists of 65 Multiple Choice Questions plus 1
BONUS multiple choice question
-The term test is worth 15% of your final grade in the course
-You must show photo ID when you hand in your test (student card
Term Test 1 Chapter Breakdown

Chapter 1 – 9 Questions

Chapter 2 – 10 Questions

Chapter 25 – 9 Questions

Chapter 3 – 20 Questions INCLUDING hyper/hypo/isotonic

beaker diagram

Chapter 29 – 7 Questions

Chapter 5 – 10 Questions INCLUDING skin diagram

BONUS QUESTION – from Chapter 1: difference between

studying anatomy versus studying physiology from the posted
practice review questions

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