Effect of Different Transplanting Depth On The Growth

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An undergraduate Thesis Manuscript submitted to the Faculty of Department of Agriculture

and Aquatic Sciences , Aurora State College of Technoclogy, Bazal , Maria Aurora,
Aurora Philippines in Partial Fullfillment of the requirements of the degree.


Major in Crop Science

Hot peppers, scientifically known as ( Capsicum frutescens L.) is a hot-

tasting tropical berry belonging to the Solanaceae family. It was first
discovered by Christopher Columbus in tropical America, and its use
spread rapidly throughout the world because of its pungent flavour.
Variously classified as herb, fruit or vegetable, it is now an inseparable
part of Asian cuisine. The name “chilli” is derived from the Mexican word,
chili., the small, red or green seed case from particular types of pepper
plant that is used to make some foods very hot and spicy.
The restrictive factor when growing peppers outdoors is always the
temperature. The optimum temperature is 18-26 °C (64.4-78.8 °F). The
plant needs day temperature close to 23 °C (73.4 °F) and night
temperature close to 18 °C (64.4 °F) in order to produce pollen. Soil
temperature should not fall below 18 °C (64.4 °F). Cold weather during
the growth period will inhibit the plant’s growth. Shocked plants cannot
recover easily
As far as organic pepper farming is concerned, things might be different,
and farmers may utilize rice hull ash in order to enrich the soil. Rice hulls
ash are high in carbon and should be mixed with additional nitrogen-rich
materials such as green matter and manure in order to make a well-
balanced soil amendment. It is worth noting that the high percentage of
carbon provided by rice hulls makes for a good soil conditioner but does
not in and of itself provide high amounts of plant essential nutrients
needed for uptake. That being said, rice hulls must be mixed with other
nutrient rich materials to make high quality compost to be used as a
Generally, this study aims to study the Effect of different transplanting depth on the growth and yield
performance of Radish.

Objectives of the study

Generally, this study aims to study the different transplanting depth and its effect on the yield and
growth performance of Radish.

Specifically ,it aims:

1. To determine the effect of different transplanting depth on the growth of the plants in terms of
plant height, and number of leaves.
2. To determine the effect of different transplanting depth on yield performance of radish plant in
terms of number of crops, diameter of the crop, length of the crops and market yield of total
yield ,and
To determine the optimum transplanting depth for radish that provide optimum quality harvest.
This study will be conducted to evaluate the growth and yield performance of radish plant as
affected by different transplanting depth. The study covers the production of radish but limited only
to the different depth of planting. It was laid out in 12 points (4 treatments with 3 replications),
utilizes 10 sample plants in each treatment.
This study will be conducted at Brgy. Cozo, Casiguran Aurora. It will be conducted on
February to March 2022.


This study will be conducted to determine the effect of different transplanting depth in radish
plant. The result of this study will benefit the following:
Farmers- this study could be a very big help for them because this study talks about different
transplanting depth and its effect on plants, they will gain knowledge that they can use in their farms.
Students- they can use this study as a reference on their assignments and activities regarding in
this topic.
Future researchers- they can use this study as a basis if they want to conduct research being
connected in this topic.
Crop- a plant or product that is grown for its yield.
Germination- is the process of which the seed begin to grow.
Growth- a progressive development of any plant such enlargement of leaves, stem, flower.
Nutrients- any substance needed by plant in able for them to grow.
Planting depth- is the depth at which a seed is placed in the soil.
Radish- a small round vegetable that is red or white, is eaten raw in salads and has sharp spicy taste
and roots.
Transplanting- is the way of placing the seedling from the seedling trays to the garden bed.
Yield- refers to the harvests as a result of effort from production of plant or crop

In this sense, studies should be conducted to improve production systems, and the quality of
sowing is an important step for the success of the productivity of an agricultural crop. Thus , sowing
techniques contributes to a better distribution of the seeds in the soil and combined with the proper
deposition depth results in a uniform stand of plants (Almeida et al.,2011). This implies that seeds
should be deposited at a depth that allows optimal contact with moist soil, resulting in a satisfactory
germination rate.
According to Carvalho Filho et. Al, ( 2007) there is appropriate situation of which the ground
is for each situation of which the ground is. Souza (2017) verified that the use of chisel plow reduced
compacted layers of the soil, which provided better yields to corn, thus improving the physical
attributes top the soil.
Sowing depth is an important factor in crop management practices (Campbell et. All, 1991;
Kirby, 1993 cited by Mahdi et. Al, 1998. It is important to plant accurately in order to achieve good
germination,emergence and high plant population (Srisvastava et.al, 2006). The depth of sowing is an
important in maximizing the potential of seedling emergence and crop yield. Too shallow sowing
results in thin germination due to inadeqaute soil moisture at the top of soil layer. On the other hand,
dep sowing ( e.g. beyond 6 cm) can significantly affect crop emergence and yields ( Aikins
et.al.2006; Desbiolles. 2022. The main objective of seedling is to put seeds at desired depth and
spacing within the row. Uniform seed spacing and depth result in better germination and emergence
and increase yield by minimizing competition between plants for available light, water, and nutrients
9Karayel and Ozmerzi, 2008).

The following activities were used to establish a good result of the study.

The materials to be used in the study in term of land preparation are bolo, shovels, while
in leveling to make sure that the plot are in uniform level are take. In seed production the snow white
variety will be used , were the radish seeds (1pack), seedling trays vermicast, stick and strings and

Snow white radish (Raphnus Sativus) are white root crops as early as market as September
to March. Radish is short durable root crops and can diversified climate that the crop grown in
tropical and subtropical and in even temperate countries.
Land preparation. The
experimental has total area wall be prepared before planting started. It will be
cleared form debris and stones, and weeds are removed .

Seed sowing. Theseeds will be sown individually into the seedling tray. The potting media to be used in
planting the seedling will be and vermicast with a ratio of 1:1. It will be allowed to grow until having 2 pich
transplant leaves and hardened for 1 week. The seedlings will continue its growth until 14 days before

Transplanting. Theseedling will be transplanted into the experimental area 2 weeks after its growth and
hardened in the nursery, at a distance of 20 cm between hills at a depth of 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm for treatment
1, treatment 2, treatment 3 and treatment 4, respectively. However, before transplanting will be done, basal
application of vermicast will be provided as the initial food supplement of radish while establishing its root.

Water management. Watering will be done by gently removing the weeds from the plots in between plants.
It will be done twice a week or as need arises.

Fertilizer application. An
organic fertilizer will be applied in every hill, in the form of 200g/hill. It will be
applied through basal application which will be incorporated into the soil during the last cultivation prior to
planting. Also the inorganic fertilizer will be applied in the form of area during the vegetative growth of the
crop at a rate of 50 grams/16 liters of water. The amount will vary from 100-200 ml of the solution per hill
will be applied depending on the age of the seedlings, this will be applied after 1 week of root establishment
and followed after 7 days for the second application. The 3 rd and last fertilizer application will be 50 grams of
complete fertilizer per hill applied on the 3rd week after transplanting.

Experimental layout and statistical analysis

The experiment will be laid out in a Randomized Complete block Design (RCBD) with
four treatment replicated three times. A total 10-15 samples plants will be utilized in data

The following treatments description will be as follows:

Treatment 1-2 centimeters in depth
Treatment 2-3 centimeters in depth
Treatment 3-4 centimeters in depth
Treatment 4-5 centimeters in depth

T3R3 T4R1


T1R2 T4R2

T1R1 T3R4 T1R4

T2R1 T4R3


T3R2 T4R4

Plant height (cm). This will be done by getting the height by measuring the the plant from its base
up to the longest leaves of the plant.
Number of leaves. This will obtained by counting average the number of leaves produced per plant..
Number of crop . This will be obtained by counting the number of roots produced per treatment. .
Diameter of the crops. This will be done by getting the average diameter of the roots per treatment.
Length of the crop (cm).. This will be done by measuring the average length of the roots produced
per treatment. .
Total of Harvest (g). This will be obtained by weighing all the total harvest per treatment. .
Total Yield (kg)
Marketable Yield (kg)
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