Control and Risk Self-Assessment of Stress Management

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IRM Risk Forum 2008 raising the game

Control and Risk Self-Assessment of Stress Management (Knowledge and Economic Benefits)

Thomas P.J.Bodkin
BA (Hons), FIBC, MCMI, DMS, CIRM, RRP, Adv. Diploma Professional Stress Management

JobcentrePlus South East Region South East Region SurreySussex District

Risk and Assurance Analysis Manager

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Objectives of the Workshop

discover the benefits of the CRSA process; gain an insight into the key stages involved in CRSA process; gain an understanding of the skills required to facilitate CRSA workshop in the workplace, identify, from a delegates viewpoint, what is needed for a successful outcome.

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

What is Control & Risk Self-Assessment?

CRSA involves managers and their teams conducting an appraisal of:
the objectives of their team/systems and the risks to their achievement the extent to which the existing controls help (or impede) the management of risks and achievement of the objectives changes in controls needed to achieve objectives more efficiently and effectively.

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Key stages of CRSA

Identification of risks Analysis - prioritising Mitigation assess existing control, residual risk and optimising control Review

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Benefits of CRSA - Organisational

Helps to achieve Business Objectives Improves the Art of Risk management Improves understanding of risk and control Achieves higher level of commitment Increase Value For Money Allows for highlighting of control problems Clear responsibility for control and risk lie with management and staff.

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Benefits of CRSA - People

Helps to achieve Business objectives Provides feedback mechanism to communicate about the effectiveness or otherwise of risk management and controls Provides a framework to help managers to manage risk consciously rather than simply hoping things will be ok
Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Benefits of CRSA - People

Provides valuable information on areas what and why controls have been changed, reduced or increased Focuses attention on areas of the business that matter, e.g. resources etc. Encourages contributions, recognises skills and knowledge, reduces stress (people knowledge)
Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Benefits of CRSA - People

Provides forum for input to decision making and problem solving Provides a means to identify and report difficulties which can impede heir performance but which are outside their control.

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Overview of the 5 Stage Risk Management Process

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

The HSE define stress as

'the reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them'

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

5 steps to risk assessment - HSE

1. Look for the hazards 2. Identify people at risk 3. Evaluate risks and identify control measures 4. Record main findings
- implement them

5. Monitor and review effectiveness

- revise if necessary

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Problems with approach

Reactive assess effects Proactive assess risks

palliative measures adapt workers

preventive measures adapt work

protects status quo

protects workforce

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Stress Risk Assessment

W ork O rganisation R esources R oles and relationships I ndividual E nvironment D emands

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Stress Risk Assessment

What preventive measures are already in place? Are they sufficient / effective in preventing the risk? Does anything else need to be done? Which risks are the most serious? What are the priorities?

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Stress Risk Assessment

Can hazards be removed / avoided / contained / reduced? Can risks be controlled? Can people be protected?
What can be changed for the better? What control measures are needed?

What is needed in terms of information, instruction, training and supervision?

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

A partnership approach
Communication + training arrangements Selecting training Reporting lines competent advisor objectives and approach Policy development Unions + senior management AGREEMENT Recognising stress

Shared understanding
Commitment to prevention Tackling stress together

Steering group

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

Must Haves...
awareness / understanding

meaningful consultation - involve everyone

commitment to action

Must Dos...
implement findings monitor and review effectiveness / trends

Worldwide education, training and professional development Delivering high quality risk management education

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