Chapter 3 Historical Background of Malaysia Part 2

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Chapter 3 (historical background of Malaysia Part 2)

Dr Hasnah Hussiin
Pusat Sains Kemanusiaan (PSK)

• understand the chronology of historical events leading to the

independence of Malaysia
• Appreciate the value of historical events to nation state
• Know the process of nation state in Malaysia
• Appreciate the value of cooperation in contributing a good nation.
List of Topics

• Colonization in Malaysia
• The portuegese and Dutch
• The British Colonization
• The Japanese Colonization
• Malayan Union 1946
• The Federation of Malaya 1948
• Reid Commission
• The independence of Malaya 31 Ogos 1957
• The Formation of Malaysia 1963
Western Colonization in Asean countries
• This topic emphasize on expansion of western colonialists power to
the east. These western imperialism and colonialism episodes were
also felt by Malaya which had been occupied for about 443 years by
the Portuguese, Dutch and British. This topic also discussed how the
British intervention in the Malay States and the local reaction and
resistance towards colonization.
• This topic also explain in details of the concept and the development
of formation of Malaysia. There are several factors influenced the
formation of Malaysia. This topic also discussed the source of dispute
that lead to Singapore’s separation from Malaysia.
The British Colonization

• 1786 : Francis Light founded Penang

• 1819 : Stamford Raffles founded Singapore
• 1824 : The signing of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty between the British and the Dutch in which
Malacca was passed over to the British
• 1826 : The combination of Penang, Malacca and Singapore under one administration
which was called the Straits Settlements
• 1841 : James Brooke took over Sarawak
• 1874 : British interfere the Malay state affairs of Perak after the signing of Pangkor Treaty
and also their intervention in Sungai Ujong, Negri Sembilan
• 1878 : British took over Sabah from the King of Brunei
• 1888 : British intervened the affairs of Pahang
• 1896 : British formed the Federated Malay States that put Perak, Selangor, Negri
Sembilan and Pahang under one administration
• 1909 : Siam (Thailand) handed over Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, and
Terengganu To British under the Bangkok Treaty and put them under one
Administration which was called the Non-Federated Malay States
• 1914 : British intervention in Johor when Johor accepted a British advisor
• 1945 : The establishment of the British Military Administration (BMA)
• 1946 : The establishment of Malayan Union (MU)
• 1948 : The establishment of the Federation of Malaya to replace the
Malayan Union
• 1957 : The independence of Malaya
Why the British could easily interfere the affairs of
the Malay States?

No unity Strong Internal

amongst competition weakness

Reaction towards the Western Colonization

• The local inhabitants did not happy with the colonization.

• Leaders lost their power
• The don’t understand local custom
• The British pushed the Sultan to sign the proposal of Malayan Union
Picture of Sultans and British Officer
The Japanese Colonization

• The Japanese occupied Malaya from 15th of February 1942 to 15th of

August 1945 (approximately three and a half years). The occupied the
whole country and Singapore within 70 days.
• One of the interesting war tactics was using bicycle even in the
jungles and villages. Their main aim was to establish a New Great East
Asia government. They promised to give independence to certain
South East Asian countries
The Picture of Japanese Army
Why Japanese Succeed?
The impacts of the Japanese occupation
• Social impact – During the Japanese occupation, relationship amongst
Malays and Chinese are not good.
• Political impact – The Japanese had instilled the spirit of Asia for Asia..
• Economic impact – Japanese destroyed all the economic system

• On 1 April 1946, the nine Malay states and the Straits Settlements of Penang
and Malacca officially formed the Malayan Union, while Singapore became a
separate crown colony.

The formation of the Malayan Union was the outcome of British planning for
the post-war reorganisation of Malaya in order to improve its administrative
efficiency and security, as well as in preparation for its eventual self-
government. Singapore was left out of the Malayan Union due to its economic
and strategic  importance as a free port and naval base.Moreover, given that all
persons born or domiciled in Malaya were automatically eligible for Malayan
Union citizenship
The Federation of Malaya 1948
• After the Malays opposed the Malayan Union
1946, the British introduced new
administration system which is called The
Federation of Malaya 1948.
• The Federation Agreement (Perjanjian
Persekutuan) set the powers of the federal
and state governments. Financial matters must
be handled by the respective states. The
Sultan was given full power on religious issues
and Malay customs. Foreign policy and
defence continued to be administered by the
British government. The federation agreement
was made the Constitution of the Federation
of Malaya and officially declared on 1 February
Independence Day 31 Ogos 1957
• At a ceremony in the new Merdeka Stadium in
Kuala Lumpur, Abdul Rahman proclaimed Malaya as
‘a sovereign, democratic and independent State
founded on the principles of liberty and justice, and
ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its
people and the maintenance of a just peace among
all nations.’ He went on to say that Malaya had been
‘blessed with a good administration forged and
tempered to perfection by by successive British
administrators’ and called for Britain’s legacy not to
be forgotten or spoiled in the future. A message
from the Queen welcomed Malaya to the
Commonwealth and numerous Commonwealth
premiers sent goodwill wishes. The Union Jack
waslowered and the Malayan flag hoisted in its
place, while elsewhere in the country there were
fireworks, bonfires, dances and concerts.
Impacts of British colonization

• Multi-racial society
• Identification of races
• Changes of political system
• Infrastructure system
16 September 1963
The Formation of Malaysia 1963

• 16 september 1963 – Malaysia declared a new nation

• 27 May 1962, dinner gathering for South East Asian journalist, Tunku
Abdul Rahman stated his desire to form Malaysia.
• Brunei, Sarawak and British North Borneo show interest to join
Factors Leads the formation of Malaysia

• According to Tunku Abdul Rahman, the idea to unite all the countries
to perform Malaysia are:
• Independence through unification
• Understanding for development
• Ethnic balance and unity
• Collective fight against communism
• Economic corporation
• United in international relation
Reaction towards the idea came-heavy-price-and-much-sacrifice%E2%80%A6
Sabah and Sarawak
Singapore People welcome the idea of the formation with Malaysia
Lew Kuan Yew was interested with the
formation. This can be the reasons to be free from British rule
problem within the internal parties which
makes it hard for the idea for formation. However, there were uneasiness among the non-malays over
Malayan political domination

Brunei Malaya

The people of Brunei did not agree with The people of Malaya welcome the idea of Malaysia.
Brunei joining Malaysia. Before 1951, UMNO leaders stated the wordiness about the entry
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin was so interested of Sarawak and Sabah into Malaya – they afraid that the Malay
with the Malaysia’s Concept interest especially in terms of population numbers diminished.
The King wanted to form Sarawak and British The report by Senu Abdul Rahman, supported that indigenous
North Borneo under the name North people of North Borneo, also the Malay had voice the support for
Kalimantan the proposal to unite with Malaysia.
Steps Towards the Formation of Malaysia

• Proposal of Malaysia comes with mixed reaction due to the changes

of local politic and changes happened in other countries.
• the status and position of Malaysia became a concern for all the
countries – to solve this, Tunku Abdul Rahman formed a committee
and made special visits to the countries to get people opinion.
• Inter-Government Landsdowne Committee was established to draft
the structure of Malaysian Constitution.
Brunei Withdrawal

• The sultan lost interest to join Malaysia.

• Failure of the formation die to differences in opinion and the
reluctance to compromise on the part of Brunei and Kuala Lumpur
• Brunei’s early condition with Kuala Lumpur before joining:
1. the speeding up of independence
2. the strengthening of the wall of defense against the
communist threat
3. the provision to help the less developed Parts
Brunei’s Claim

• The number of seats in the legislature and in parliament

• The control of oil and other mineral
• Monetary autonomy
• Brunei earlier investment
• Methods of taxation
• Authority in the area of education and welfare
• Matters in religion
• Citizenship
• The security of Brunei
• The Position of the Sultan and the status of Brunei

• Before the imperialism and colonialism, Malaysia is an independence

• The demography of Malaysia changed after the coming of the British
and Japanese.
• Among those four colonists, it was the British who left the greatest
impact on the country. It was the British who created plural society
with different economic, social and political functions
Class Activity

• Discuss what happened to Sabah, Sarawak after they joined Malaysia?

• Elaborate factors that lead to the prosperity of Singapore after the
nation had withdrawn from Malaysia?
• What happened if the formation of Malaysia 1963 cannot be realized?
State your opinion.

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